Groundhog vs. Woodchuck: What’s the Difference?

When most people think of groundhogs, they think of woodchucks. But are these two animals the same? What’s the difference between a woodchuck and...

What Is A Baby Deer Called?

Baby deer are enchanting creatures, and they grow up to be some of the most graceful animals in the forest. But what do you...

Deer, Elk, Moose: What’s the Difference?

What is the difference between a deer, elk, and moose? Many people are not sure, especially since they all look similar. They are all...

Airsoft Gun Buying Guide: Things to Consider

Aside from airsoft guns being a lot of fun, there are airsoft fields in almost every state. It cannot be easy to know where...

Everything You Need to Know About Airsoft Guns

Whether you are looking to practice target shooting or you want to get into airsoft games, learning more about airsoft guns is an absolute...

Does dry-firing damage air rifles?

For those who are unfamiliar, dry-firing is the practice of pulling the trigger on an airgun without any pellets in the chamber. It can...

Do Female Deer Have Antlers?

There is a lot of debate surrounding whether female deer have antlers. Some people claim that only males have antlers, while others say that...

How To Use An Airgun Hand Pump on a PCP rifle?

There are many ways to fill PCP air rifles: scuba tanks, hand pumps, and High-pressure air compressors. The most inexpensive way is to use...

Do Raccoons Eat Cats?

That's a question that pet owners have been asking for years. Some people swear that they have seen a raccoon snatch up a cat...

Do Squirrels Carry Rabies? (Myth Busted)

There is a lot of misinformation out there about rabies. Some people believe that any wild animal can carry the virus, while others think...
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