Do Eagles Eat Raccoons


Due to their status as natural predators, eagles are at the top of the food chain. To live, several eagle species will eat various birds and mammals. Are you curious to know that do eagles eat raccoons or not?

Yes, eagles eat raccoons. Eagles prey on raccoons because raccoons are one of the most likely hoofed mammals of eagles. A raccoon can be killed by an eagle attacking it from above, but raccoons are pretty resilient creatures in person.

This article will study the different types of eagles to know if they eat raccoons. So, keep reading the article further.

Eagle And Raccoon Relationship

Eagles and raccoons both have predator-prey-type relationships. In the wild, an adult eagle is without any other natural predators. However, hawks, owls, raccoons, wildcats, and other predatory creatures may feast on the eggs and chicks of eagles.

Although eagles also prey on raccoons, raccoons are one of the most likely mammalian predators of eagles. In reality, according to a few studies, the mother eagle is shown on the live broadcast bringing a young raccoon to the nest so that the eaglets can eat. Large owls and eagles will consume young raccoons.

What an eagle consumes is decided by its feet. It is apparent from one glance at an eagle’s foot that such birds are designed for hunting large prey. They are built to catch the target that would be out of reach for most other birds, thanks to their strong legs, feet, and pointed crampons.

Do Bald Eagles Eat Raccoons?

No, bald eagles do not eat raccoons. Depending on their habitat, some bald eagles mostly consume fish, while others primarily consume other birds like gulls and geese. However, rodents like rabbits, calves, and, yes, even cuddly kitties are rarely included on the menu.

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Bald eagles can obtain fish, their main food source, nearby rivers, lakes, and marshes where they dwell. Nevertheless, as their numbers increase, bald eagles are extending their territory and even building nests in cities. Dove hunting, tortoises, bunnies, snakes, various small animals, and carrion are other things bald eagles eat.

Since bald eagles typically inhabit freshwater or coastal environments, fish is essentially their primary source of meat. Many people are shocked to learn that bald eagles have strict vegetarian inclinations; they enjoy pursuing trout, catfish, and sardines, but they will also consume crabs and other invertebrates.

Do Sea Eagles Eat Raccoons?

No, sea eagles don’t eat raccoons. White-bellied goose is the primary food source for the sea eagle’s aquatic wildlife, like fish, turtles, and sea snakes. However, it also eats birds and mammals but not raccoons. It is an adept hunter and will take on anything up to Swan’s size.

Sea eagles consume a wide range of prey. All along the water’s edge, sea eagles eat carrion, or dead prey, such as sheep and fish. Smaller birds are harassed, which causes them to drop any food they hold. Sea eagles can forage singly, in pairs, or as a wider family. They frequently take food from other birds because they are evil eaters.

While sea eagles dangle from a considerable height and then quickly descend to the sea, they fish differently, swooping low above the water before momentarily hovering and seizing the fish.

Do Snake Eagles Eat Raccoons?

Yes, snake eagles eat raccoons, but they prey on raccoons when they don’t find anything to eat. As its name suggests, the snake eagle, also known as the crested serpent-eagle, is primarily a snake hunter. It seems to favor tree snakes in particular. However, it doesn’t only eat snakes.

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Ants, small raccoons, amphibians, toads, animals, worms, small birds, and giant earthworms will also be consumed. Even though they are not resistant to snake poison, these Eagles are among the numerous predators of snakes in the wild. They would pounce on snakes from above, capture them, and then trample them underfoot with their feet.

Eagles are voracious predators that consume snakes, raccoons, rodents, and other birds. Eagles are scavengers that eat animal flesh, and one of their preferred fares is snakes.

Does Crowned Eagle Eat Raccoon?

No, crowned eagles do not eat raccoons. The primary prey of Crowned Eagles are mammals, particularly hyraxes, vervet monkeys, and tiny antelope-like Blue Duiker. Studies carried out in the local municipality region reveal that Hadeda Ibis is also consumed.

The Crowned Hawk-eagle has the strength to kill an antelope that is up to six times its bulk which is just amazing. Despite its hunting prowess, it is not always required for it to take down such large prey.

Along with other mammals, it also eats smaller animals like vervet and blue monkeys, tiny dugongs, klipspringers, rocky kangaroo rats, and Sharpe’s grysbok.

Additionally, it eats reptiles like the Rock Monitor as well as sporadically birds. Crowned hawk eagles have been observed to successfully hunt huge primates like baby bonobos and teenage maned wolves.

How Does An Eagle Catch Raccoon?

Raccoons are typically caught and killed by eagles with their claws, after which the pieces are torn out and either eaten by the eagle or fed to the eaglets. Most eagles often store one to two tons of food in the crops, a storing area located just behind the eagle’s chin when food is abundant.

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After spotting the raccoon, they dive at a progressive angle and snag it in a vice-like deadly grasp with their formidable talons. Raccoon, which can frequently weigh only half the weight of the eagle, is what they take off with. The prey is torn apart by the enormous, serrated beak.

Eagles don’t consume their prey before regurgitating it to their chicks as some other birds do. Instead, they just use their talons to carry the prey to the nests, shred it into pieces, and afterward offer it to their chicks to eat.


Eagles are adaptive hunters who hunt a variety of species using their exceptional sight, speed, and flying, as well as their powerful initial strikes. These predators almost hunt anything that an eagle can kill with a single, strong stroke from above.

If the prey is tiny enough, they will either bring it to their nests from there or consume a small amount of it there and carry the rest of it away.

Most eagles remain at the top of their particular food chains due to extremely sophisticated hunting techniques. The dominant hunter of its environment is almost always an adult eagle.


Henson SM, Desharnais RA, Funasaki ET, Galusha JG, Watson JW, Hayward JL. Predator-prey dynamics of bald eagles and glaucous-winged gulls at Protection Island, Washington, USA. Ecol Evol. 2019.

Elliser, C. R., Edison, C., MacIver, K., & Rust, L. B. (2022). Kleptoparasitic interactions by bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) during marine mammal foraging events, Behaviour (published online ahead of print 2022).

Ekblad, C., Tikkanen, H., Sulkava, S. et al. Diet and breeding habitat preferences of White-tailed Eagles in a northern inland environment. Polar Biol 43, 2071-2084 (2020)

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>