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This article will list the best 13 white bass fishing lures. Since hybrid bass are very similar in habits, this list applies to them as well. Anglers fishing for white bass and hybrid bass often find them in large schools, feeding aggressively. Therefore, the best white bass and hybrid bass fishing lures are compact and cast well. White bass and hybrid bass are found throughout the country, particularly in the Midwest.

best 13 white bass fishing lures

The best 13 white bass fishing lures and hybrid bass fishing lures are;

  • Acme Kastmaster spoon
  • Blakemore Road Runner lure
  • Rat-L-Trap Tiny Trap
  • Mann’s Little George
  • Mepps spinners
  • Bass Assassin grub on a jig head
  • Rapala Husky Jerk plug
  • Rebel Pop-R topwater plug
  • Johnson Beetle spin spinnerbait
  • Johnson Sprite spoon
  • Mister Twister curly tail grub on a jig head
  • Hopkins jigging spoon
  • Rapala Shad Rap crankbait

White bass and hybrid bass characteristics and habits

white bass lures

Special thanks to Jamie Smith for the great pics and info! She loves fishing and fitness and lives in Texas. Follow Jamie on Instagram for more great pics!

white bass

White bass do not grow very large. The world record is 6 pounds, 13 ounces. However, most white bass caught are around a foot long. They are quite aggressive and are often found in large schools. Many anglers target them as they feed actively on the surface. Both white bass and hybrid bass have varied diets, but feed primarily on bait fish as they mature. White bass are found in larger lakes and river systems. They spawn in the tributary rivers in the spring.

hybrid bass fishing

Hybrid white bass are a mix of white bass and striped bass. They grow larger than white bass, growing to over 20 pounds, and can be distinguished by the broken lateral stripes on the lower half of the fish. Hybrid bass exhibit many of the same habits as white bass. The same artificial lures work well when fishing for both white bass and hybrid bass.

white bass fishing lures

White bass fishing tackle

Spinning tackle is the best choice for anglers targeting white bass. White bass lures are small and light, matching the shad, minnows, and other forage that white bass feed on. Ultralight rods and reels are usually the best choice.

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white bass fishing tackle

A 6 foot light rod with a 1000 series reel spooled up with 6 pound line is an excellent all round combination for anglers fishing for white bass. This will cover most situations where white bass and hybrid bass will be encountered. Anglers fishing in areas where larger hybrid bass are available can certainly bump up the tackle a bit.

Here is a link to a nice ultralight fishing rod and reel combo from Amazon

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Best 13 white bass fishing lures

fishing for white bass

Here is Capt Jim’s list of the best 13 white bass fishing lures. As mentioned above, white bass and hybrid bass feed aggressively. Therefore, lures that offer a fast, erratic presentation are usually the best choice. Many anglers chase “breaking” fish. These are hybrid bass and white bass that are feeding on shad and herring on the surface. Anglers often need to make quick, long casts to get in on the action. Small, compact lures and light lines are the most effective for this application.

Acme Kastmaster spoon


The Acme Kasmaster spoon is the perfect spoon for fishing for white bass and hybrid bass. It is first on the list of the best 13 white bass fishing lures. The Kastmaster is a slender spoon with a unique action. It casts well and can be fished throughout the entire water column, from breaking fish to vertical jigging. These spoons available in many sizes, 1/8 ounce and ¼ ounce are the most popular sizes for white bass fishing. Chrome, gold, and “split” finishes work great.

Blakemore Road Runner lure

The Blakemore Road Runner is a terrific white bass fishing lure! It sort of combines two great lures in one; a spinner and a jig. Road runner lures are compact and cast fairly well for their light weight. The 1/8 ounce and ¼ ounce sizes are best. White, chartreuse, and pink are top colors. They can be cast into breaking fish as well as working submerged structure, points, and channel edges.

Bill Lewis Rat-L-Trap Tiny Trap

The Bill Lewis Tiny Trap is a small version of the venerable Rat-L-Trap, a lure that has been catching fish for decades. It is a great example of a lipless crankbait. Tiny traps are third on the list of the best 13 white bass fishing lures. These lures vibrate and rattle when retrieved through the water. They work very well for casting to fish on the surface as well as blind casting. It is an outstanding search bait and can be trolled as well.

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Mann’s Little George

mann's little george

The Mann’s Little George is an old school bait that has been around a long time. It was designed by legendary angler Tom Mann. Little George lures are quite dense and compact and can be cast a very long distance. It is a terrific lure to use on busting fish, particularly when they are a bit spooky. It also is very effective in a vertical presentation when white bass and hybrid bass are schooled up deep over structure.

Mepps Spinners


Most freshwater anglers are familiar with Mepps spinners. They have been used to catch a wide variety of species, and white bass are no exception. Mepps spinners work best in the spring when white bass have moved into tributary rivers to spawn. Spinners in general are excellent lures in rivers. They can also be trolled effectively.

Bass Assassin 2″ Crappie Dapper on a jig head

The jig and grub combo is one of the most effective fishing lures in both fresh and salt waters. It will catch just about every species that swims. Capt Jim prefers the Bass Assassin line of baits. They offer a variety of sizes and colors. The 2” Crappie Dapper on a 1/8 ounce jig head is a good all round white bass fishing lure. The 3 ½ inch Die Dapper is a better choice when larger hybrid bass are feeding on bigger shad and herring.

white bass fishing lures

These lures are quite versatile. They can be cast, both blind casting and into breaking fish, as well, as trolled and presented vertically. White and chartreuse are top colors. These baits work very well when fish are a bit less active and react better to a more subtle presentation.

Rapala Husky Jerk plug

husky jerk

Jerkbaits are very effective white bass and hybrid bass fishing lures. They have a very erratic action and put out a bunch of flash and vibration. They very realistically mimic wounded bait fish. There are many fine jerkbaits on the market. Capt Jim’s personal favorite for freshwater fishing is the Rapala Husky Jerk. It is fairly economical and comes in a variety of sizes and colors. Lighter shad patterns as well as silver and gold in the 08 size work great. They can be cast and trolled.

Rebel Pop-R topwater plug

rebel pop-r

Topwater plugs are both great fun to fish and are extremely productive in the right situation. They are a natural fit when white bass are feeding on the surface. Capt Jim’s favorite freshwater topwater plug is the Rebel Pop-R. It has a concave face which puts out a loud “pop” when twitched sharply. They also work well when fish have moved shallow near shoreline cover. Pop-R plugs are 8th on the list of the best 13 white bass fishing lures.

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Johnson Beetle spin spinnerbait

beetle spin

Spinnerbaits are terrific fishing lures. While they really do not look like anything that white bass or hybrid bass feed on, they put out flash and vibration. They combine a jig and a spinner in one unit. Capt Jim’s favorite freshwater lure is the Johnson Beetle spin. It is a compact spinnerbait with a short, grub body. The 1/8 ounce and ¼ ounce baits in black, white, and green are great choices. They work best when cast and retrieved when white bass are in fairly shallow water.

Johnson Sprite spoon

The Johnson Sprite spoon is a great example of a classically shaped spoon. It has the teardrop shape and puts out a great wobble that flashed and vibrates. It really mimics a wounded bait fish. The Sprite spoon works best when cast out and reeled back in using an erratic retrieve. They can also be trolled as well. The ¼ ounce model in gold or silver works best.

Mister Twister curly tail grub on a jig head

Mister Twister revolutionized fishing back in the mid 70’s when they introduced the Mister Twister curly tail grub. A curly tail grub has incredible action in the water when simply reeled in. It can be used to fish the entire water column. It is very effective when bounced down a sloping point or over a ledge. It also works great when whit bass are in the rivers. The 3” grub on a 1/8 ounce jig head works great. White and chartreuse are top colors.

Hopkins jigging spoon

hopkins jigging spoon

The Hopkins jigging spoon is a bit of a specialty bait. While it can be cast out, it is almost always used in a vertical presentation when white bass and hybrid bass are schooled up over structure in deep water. It is one of the best baits for suspended fish of all bass species. Silver with a hammered finish is by far the top finish. ¼ ounce is a good size for white bass.

Rapala Shad Rap crankbait

shad rap

Crankbaits are last, but certainly not least, on the list of best 13 white bass fishing lures. Crankbaits differ from jerkbaits in a couple of ways. They are wider and better resemble shad and herring. They are can be purchased with larger lips that cause them to dive fairly deep. Capt Jim’s favorite crankbait is the Rapala Shad Rap. It comes in shallow and deep models in a variety of sizes and colors. It is an excellent trolling lure as well.

In conclusion, this article on the best 13 white bass fishing lures will help anglers catch more of both white and hybrid bass!

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>