What Colors Are Coyotes? – Coyote Colors (with Pictures)


Coyotes are medium-sized wild canids that could be traceable throughout the North American continent. These wild animals are known for their many features like size, body shape, color, and general behavior. You may confuse the coyote with wolves or dogs from some distance due to their similar standard appearance. However, there are a lot of differences in terms of their features and physical capabilities.

Some of these specific standard features are a long snout, pointed ears, a bushy tail, and noticeable coat color. When it comes to size, coyotes are bigger than foxes and dogs but smaller than wolves. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail coyote coloration or the color of coyotes.

Coyote colors

As we have mentioned before, coyotes exist throughout the different regions of North America. When it comes to coyote color variations, it also varies from one region to another. Generally, these animals are a mixture of many colors. It could be gray, light gray, red, peppered black, or white color. The inside color of the chin, chest, and belly is always white for coyotes of any region. You will also notice a spreading red color on the top of their nose. The color of the coyote has a lot of significance. Most importantly, it helps in the identification of coyotes from other wild animals.

Coyote fur colors

Coyote comes with fluffy fur which makes them larger than their usual weight and size. The fur of the coyote is highly helpful in keeping it safe from harsh weather. The fur is quite thick and long which makes the coyote appear larger than their actual body size. The fur color of the coyote varies from gray to reddish brown. You may also see the fully black fur coat of a coyote.

You may also notice more reddish or tawny tint color shade on the legs, face, and ears of a coyote. Moreover, coyotes also have very long guard hairs which are usually dark in color. By having a look at these varieties of colors, you can easily conclude that coyote is quite good at camouflaging themselves.

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Coyote Color Variations: what color are coyotes?

Here we are going to enlist all the colors which the coyote can adopt. Coyote doesn’t have a single color. Most of the time, it comes in a variety of colors. Coyotes are actually the amalgamation of these colors. Some of the most prominent colors of the coyote are given as:

  • Gray
  • Brown
  • Tan
  • Red
  • Blonde
  • White
  • Black
  • Salt and pepper

Most of the time you will see the coyote only in these colors sometimes a combination of one or two of these colors. Sometimes the genetic mutation also happens in the coyote due to Melanism. This process generates a fully dark or black-colored coyote. You may also notice the happening of Albinism phenomenon in the coyote. It also leaves an impact in the form of any other color on the coyote.

Regional colors of the coyote

The color of the coyote also varies from one region to another. Let’s have a look at the colors of the coyote from different regions of the North American continent.

Eastern side coyote

Eastern coyotes are hybrid-type subspecies of the coyote. They take colors as well as other properties from both wolves and coyotes. These coyotes actually take more features from wolves. The size of this kind of coyote is also slightly larger than a normal coyote.

Eastern coyote comes with a combination of many colors. The most prominent colors of the eastern coyotes are gray, red, brown, tan, and blonde. You may also notice some rusty colors on these hybrid coyotes.

There are also multiple color phases of eastern coyotes during different times of the year. These are very rare colors of coyotes you can find on the field. You should consider yourself lucky if you witness these coyotes in the wilderness. Generally, you will find these wild animals in the east coastal areas or mid-west areas.

The eastern coyote has also been named as tweed wolf and normally exists in the northeastern parts of the USA and Canada. The eastern coyote comes with a fully white underbelly with a white chin and throat. There are also washes of black on their overall coat. Typically, these wild canid animals have very coarse fur which let them easily endure harsh winter weather.

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Western side coyote

These coyotes originated from the western side of North America and gradually migrated towards all the corners of the continent. You can easily witness these coyotes in the western and southern regions of the USA, Canada, and Mexico. These animals come in reddish, tan, dark brown, blonde, orange, and gray colors. Western coyotes have a fully white belly with a slightly tan color combination. They have bushy tails along with black fur at the tip end. These coyotes do have not much heavier fur as compared to the eastern side coyote. It also makes them slightly smaller in size. Eastern coyotes also have longer legs as compared to Western coyotes.

Brown color coyotes

Many coyotes exhibit brown or dark brown colors including the eastern coyote. Eastern coyotes have different phases of colors like brown, dark brown, red, and blonde. You may not normally see brown color coyotes as the usual color of the coyote is tan, gray, and red. However, still, the brown color coyotes have a reasonable presence in North America.

Michigan coyotes

Coyotes in Michigan typically have the same color coat as you can see normally in the coyote. They are gray and red in color with a mixture of white. You may also some salt and pepper-colored coyotes in Michigan. However, a very rapid change is happening in the color of Michigan coyotes due to the movement of eastern coyotes in the mid-west areas. In these coyotes, there is more dominance of brown, dark, and tan colors. They have also been changing colors at different times of the year.

Black color coyote

Coyotes could also be black in color. This usually happens due to genetic mutation and the process is called Melanism. You may also find this kind of mutation in many other animals like badgers, bobcats, foxes, etc. However, it very rarely happens in the case of coyotes as compared to other animals like foxes who are almost 25% victims of the Melanism phenomenon. It is a very rare phenomenon and could happen to any coyote in the world.

A rare black coyote recorded by the trail cam.

Rare coyote colors

Most of the coyotes you will see in the normal colors but some of them also exhibit some unique or rare colors. It usually happens due to various reasons. Most importantly, it happens due to seasonal changes. For instance, they lose most of their heavy fur at the beginning of the summer season and expose their guard hairs.

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In this way, you can easily see the inside color of the coyote. The color mutation also happens due to some other factors like Melanism and Albinism. Sometimes they are completely melanin and exhibit fully dark color and sometimes they are partially melanistic coyotes having some botches of black fur.

Do coyote coats change colors?

Yes, coyote changes the colors of their coat. Generally, they change the color of their coat on the basis of different seasons. There will be a complete change in their appearance in the winter as well as the summer season. Coyotes may look quite bulkier in the winter season as compared to the summer season as they have to face very harsh and cold weather in the winter season.

The coyote summer coat will be very thin and usually come with a mixture of red and gray colors. In the winter season, the coyote coat will be quite large, long, and heavy. They appear much larger than their original size. Coyote also changes the color of their coat due to various other reasons. For instance, the eastern coyotes exhibit four different colors throughout the whole year.

Coyote eye color

Many people are curious about the color of the coyote eye. Generally, they have yellow eyes with brown irises. Initially, at the time of birth, they have blue eyes and gradually transform colors. You will experience the change of color gradually as they grow older. Scientists have also exposed that the blue eyes coyotes have actually descended from the single blue-eyed coyote having mutant genes which causes the blue color in the eyes.

Frequently asked questions


People occasionally ask this question what color are coyotes? We have answered it in a very comprehensive to clear all your confusion about the color of coyotes. Coyotes exhibit many colors under different circumstances. We have explained in detail and clearly all the other aspects of these colors. By thoroughly reading this article, there will be no confusion left in your mind about the color of a coyote.

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>