A quick chat with Field & Stream’s David E. Petzal
David E. Petzal is one of Field & Stream magazine’s shooting sports experts and is considered a top-rated writer in the field of guns,...
Minnesota Deer Opener and Regulations 2024
Minnesota Deer Season runs from September 16, 2024 - December 31, 2024. Whether you are a seasoned hunter, or this is your first...
2024 Guide to Top Turkey Decoys
Written by Bethany Beathard Spring time will be upon us soon, which means gobbler chasing weekends. If you want to increase your chances of...
Some precharged pneumatic basics explained
by B.B. Pelletier Before we start, I have another plug about the Friday Facebook event from 10 to 11 a.m., Eastern. I’ll be answering...
Do You Even Need a First Focal Plane Optic?
If you’re unsure of the difference between First and Second Focal Plane optics, checkout this podcast to learn more.) FFP can get you...
How Long Does It Take For A Deer to Decompose? (5...
The length of time it takes for a deer to decompose varies greatly according to environmental factors around the carcass. A deer carcass that...
Can You Use A 30-30 For Elk?
Fact checked by Steven Lines, lifelong Hunter, and Outdoorsman. Hunting for elk can be a challenge. These are large animals protected by solid bones....
Should You Call to Late-Season Bucks?
Like Mike, J.J. highly encourages keeping things natural, such as light sparring or soft contact grunts. Given that the occasional adult doe...
Single pin vs. multi-pin bow sights
I can remember it like it was just yesterday. My dad had borrowed a bow from a family member and was tinkering with...
What county in KY has the biggest bucks?
That is a tough question to answer because there are several counties in Kentucky with a strong reputation for trophy whitetail deer. Many deer...