How Big Are Moose Compared to Humans? [Compared]


Alaskan moose is one of the largest moose among the deer family. Their height often exceeds 7 feet. The largest recorded moose height is about 7 feet 7 inches high which is an inch taller than the world’s tallest NBA players.

Did you know that the average height of a human male is about 1.77 m tall, while the average height for moose ranges from 1.4 to 2.1 m?

This article covers the size of moose compared to humans and much more!

How Big Is a Full-Grown Moose?

From hoof to shoulder, moose have an average height of six feet, i.e. 1.8 meters. The height range is from 5 to 6.5 feet at the shoulders.

The size of the head and the body of a moose ranges from 7 feet 10 inches to 10 feet 2 inches. Their vestigial tail is between 5 to 12 cm long.

Male moose are larger than female moose, with a weight of 380 to 700 kg (838 to 1,543 lbs). On the other hand, the weight of females ranges from 200 to 490 kg (441 to 1,080 lbs). ~ Source

How Big Is the Largest Moose in the World?

As we already know that the Alaskan moose are the largest subspecies of moose. So, the largest moose ever recorded was also from the Alaskan subspecies.

The largest recorded moose weighed nearly 1808 pounds and was 7 feet 8 inches tall. This moose was shot in September 1897. ~ Source

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However, there have been reports of other larger moose, for instance, a male who weighed 2299 lbs and was shot in 2004.

Another male moose that was shot later in the 2000s weighed nearly 2601 lbs.

Note: There are no authentic sources to confirm these records.

Moose Size Comparison According to The Types of Moose

Moose sizes vary depending on the subspecies of the animal. The difference is mainly attributed to adaptation to local conditions. North America is home to four subspecies of moose.

Here is a comparison of the size of moose based on their subspecies:

  • Alaska Yukon Moose:

This is the biggest subspecies of moose in terms of size. The heaviest weight ever recorded among the moose family is nearly 1808 pounds. ~ A-Z Animals

Even Alaskan moose antlers measure about 80 inches across.

  • East Siberian Elk

Moose based in Eurasia are among the biggest species of moose on the planet.

There is a very small difference in the sizes between Alaskan moose and East Siberian Elk. these moose weigh more than 1600 pounds.

  • Yellowstone Moose:

Yellowstone moose inhabit North America. They are the smallest subspecies of moose, weighing just 1000 pounds!

  • Moose Subspecies in Amur:

Amur is situated near the border of Russia and China. This region is known for being home to the smallest subspecies of moose. These animals are almost 6 feet tall.

How Big Are Moose Compared to Humans?

Moose is the tallest creature compared to other members of the deer family. Fully-grown moose are way taller than the world’s tallest humans.

The average height of a moose is nearly 6.5 feet, while the height of a male human being is just 5 feet 7 inches.

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The height of the Alaskan moose crosses 7 feet at the shoulder.

Overall height crosses 10 feet when the antlers and the head of the moose are added. This is massive, even if compared to the world’s tallest human, with a height of 8 feet 11.5 inches.

How Big Are Moose Compared to Horses?

Horses are measured to the ridge located between their shoulder blades. The average height of a horse is 5 feet 4 inches. Considering the height of a moose, it has been observed that a moose is a foot and a half taller than a horse.

The height of horses is also variable just like the heights of different subspecies of moose. The tallest horse ever recorded had a height of 82.75 inches which is just an inch shorter than 7 inches.

So, the world’s tallest horse is about as tall as a male Alaskan moose. Yet, the world’s tallest moose is 9 inches taller than the world’s tallest horse.

Although moose are bigger than horses in size, moose tend to have a lower body weight than horses.

Horses’ weight ranges from 120 to 2200 pounds, while the weight of a full-grown moose is about 1600 pounds.

How Big Is a Moose Compared to a Bison?

Bison is another mighty herbivore that can compete with a moose in terms of size.

This animal measures 6.5 feet tall at the shoulder, which is almost as tall as a cervid found in Yellowstone.

The adult male bison weighs 2000 pounds, meaning it is much heavier than a moose. A bison weighs twice as much as a Yellowstone moose.

How Strong Is a Moose?

Moose are heavy-bodied creatures with a very strong pair of front and hind legs. They use their sharp hooves to stomp people or animals to death.

Did you know? Moose are responsible for nearly 1500 road accidents in Canada, Alaska, and New England. These animals can cause serious injuries and even death which shows how strong they are. ~ A-Z Animals

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Bull moose are specially equipped to fight and ward off other moose, especially at the time of mating. They have huge shoulders and their neck muscles double in size during the rut.

Bull moose have very thick forehead skin, which protects their skull from injuries during the rut.

Thanks to their fast-running speed, they can easily knock down a human being and possibly even injure them seriously. They use their strong legs to kick predators and run from them.

What Is the Size of a Baby Moose?

Newborn moose weighs approximately 30 pounds. Baby moose tend to eat a lot.

Estimates have shown that baby moose eat a lot to gain weight. Calves consume more food in summer than in the winter to prepare themselves for the long winter months when food is scarce.

Research has also shown that baby moose gain a pound of weight on a daily basis and might even put on 4 pounds daily in the spring and summer months.


What do you call a baby moose?

A baby moose is called a moose, while male moose are known as bulls and female moose are called cows.

How much does a moose weigh at birth?

When calves are born, they weigh 25 to 35 pounds and are reddish brown in color.


Changes in the temperature of the earth affect all creatures living in the Northern hemisphere, including moose. Hunting is also a major life threat to these unique animals.

Action needs to be taken to protect these creatures as their population numbers decline. This article helped answer your question regarding the size of moose.

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>