220 Hunting Dog Names with Meanings


Have you adopted a hunting dog breed? As with all types of dogs, selecting the perfect name for your an exciting, albeit slightly daunting task. Whether you want to honor your dog’s breed heritage or you plan to train your dog as a loyal hunting companion, search through our list of hunting dog names for one you can call out in tranquil dawns or whisper in hushed woods.

Hunting dogs have been man’s faithful companion for millennia, and their names often carry weighty legacies, inspired by mythology, hunting terminology, renowned hunters, and nature itself. So whether you’re a fan of traditional names like ‘Ranger’ and ‘Hunter’, or seeking more unique names like ‘Artemis’ or ‘Oakley’, we have you covered.

Hunting Dog Names with photo of puppy

Female Hunting Dog Names

  • Aella: In Greek mythology, Aella was an Amazon warrior known for her swiftness. It means ‘whirlwind’.
  • Artemis: Greek goddess of the hunt and wild animals.
  • Atalanta: A Greek heroine, famous for her swift foot and hunting skills.
  • Bellona: Roman goddess of war.
  • Britta: A Swedish name meaning ‘strength’ and ‘exalted one’.
  • Calypso: Means ‘she that conceals’, from the nymph who was skilled at hunting in Greek mythology.
  • Ceridwen: Welsh goddess of rebirth, transformation, and inspiration.
  • Chase: An English word for ‘hunt’, it also makes a great dog name.
  • Cleo/Clio: One of the muses in Greek mythology who inspires heroic pursuits.
  • Diana: Roman goddess of the hunt and moon.
  • Echo: A nymph from Greek mythology, known for repeating voice.
  • Freyja: Norse goddess of love, beauty, and war.
  • Gaia: The ancestral mother of all life in Greek mythology.
  • Harper: Old English name for someone who plays the harp, but it can also signify a hunting horn.
  • Huntress: The female form of ‘hunter’.
  • Juno: Roman goddess who was a protector of the state and women.
  • Kali: Hindu goddess of destruction, time, and doomsday.
  • Kira: Means ‘ruler’ or ‘leader’ in Russian.
  • Luna: Means ‘moon’ in Latin, the celestial body often associated with night hunts.
  • Minerva: Roman goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare.
  • Misty: This name can signify the mysteriousness of forests during hunts.
  • Nyx: Greek goddess of the night, a strong name for a hunting dog.
  • Oakley: For Annie Oakley, the Wild West sharpshooter. (Did you know that Annie Oakley met her future husband in a shooting match with him? He traveled with a dog named George. Annie was quickly smitten with George so her soon-to-be fiance courted her by sending her cards “signed” by George.)
  • Odessa: Means ‘long journey’ which can be symbolic of long hunting expeditions.
  • Pandora: Means ‘all gifted’ in Greek, from the myth of the first human woman created by the gods.
  • Puma: After the large, stealthy cat that is an excellent huntress.
  • Raven: Inspired by the intelligent bird often associated with hunting magic in various cultures.
  • Rhea: A Greek Titaness, mother of gods, and skilled in many ways.
  • Ripley: A character from the “Alien” series, known for her toughness and survival skills.
  • Rover: A traditional name for a dog who loves to explore or rove.
  • Saga: Norse goddess of history and storytelling, a fitting name for a dog that will share many hunting tales.
  • Scout: Ideal for a dog who’s good at finding game.
  • Shadow: A great name for a dog who’s a silent follower during hunts.
  • Skadi: The Norse goddess of bowhunting, winter, mountains, and skiing.
  • Sphinx: A mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human, known for her cunning.
  • Storm: For a dog with a wild spirit, like the untamed weather.
  • Terra: Means ‘earth’ in Latin, a grounding name for a hunting dog.
  • Tracker: Directly related to the hunting ability of dogs.
  • Truffle: A fitting name for dogs used for finding truffles, a type of fungi that’s a culinary delicacy.
  • Valkyrie: In Norse mythology, they are female figures who choose who lives and dies in battle.
  • Wilder: English origin, this name signifies someone who’s wild and free.
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Male Hunting Dog Names

Archer: English name for Bowman
  • Ajax: In Greek mythology, Ajax was a brave and powerful warrior.
  • Apollo: The Greek god of music, poetry, and light.
  • Archer: This English name stands for ‘bowman’, an excellent choice for a hunting dog.
  • Artemis: Although traditionally a female name (the Greek goddess of the hunt), it can also work well for a male hunting dog.
  • Atlas: A Titan in Greek mythology known for his strength and endurance, he was condemned to hold up the sky for eternity.
  • Beowulf: The protagonist of an Old English epic poem, known for his bravery and strength.
  • Blaze: Represents a trail or a fast-moving fire, perfect for a swift hunting dog.
  • Chase: English origin, this name symbolizes a hunter’s pursuit.
  • Falcon: A bird of prey known for its incredible hunting skills.
  • Fletcher: An English name that means ‘arrow-maker’.
  • Gunner: A strong name of Scandinavian origin that means ‘bold warrior’.
  • Hawkeye: Denotes sharp vision, like the Marvel superhero who’s an expert archer.
  • Hunter: An obvious choice, this English name is self-explanatory and popular.
Jager: German for hunter
  • Jäger: The German word for ‘hunter.
  • Leopard: Named after the big cat known for its hunting skills and agility.
  • Orion: A Greek mythological hunter, who was placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.
  • Ranger: Means ‘forest guardian’ in French, fitting for a hunting dog.
  • Rex: Latin for ‘king’, it signifies a dog that rules the hunting ground.
  • Scout: Someone who gathers information stealthily, this name is fitting for a hunting dog with a keen sense of smell and tracking skills.
  • Spartan: Referring to the ancient Greek warriors known for their discipline and bravery.
  • Tracker: An English name that directly relates to the tracking ability of hunting dogs.
  • Wolf: Named after the wild canine known for its hunting skills in packs.

Bird Dog Names

Are you adopting a bird dog? Our previous dog Irie was a German Shorthaired Pointer mix who loved nothing better than long walks in the woods. Here’s a look at some good bird dog names both related to appearance and inspired by their breed heritage.

Bird Dog Names Related to Appearance

  • Brindle: This term is used to describe a coat color pattern on dogs that appears somewhat similar to a speckled pattern.
  • Camo: Short for ‘camouflage’, which can often appear as a speckled pattern.
  • Cheetah: This big cat has a beautiful, spotted coat.
  • Confetti: This name could reflect a coat that looks like it has small pieces of different colored spots.
  • Dot: A simple and cute name for a speckled dog.
  • Dotty: A fun, affectionate take on ‘Dot’.
  • Freckles: An adorable name for a dog with a speckled coat.
  • Galaxy: Like the night sky filled with stars.
  • Leopard: Named after the big cat with a famously spotted coat.
  • Marble: Like the stone that often has a ‘speckled’ appearance.
  • Mosaic: Referring to the art form using small pieces to create a whole.
  • Mottle: A term that means to mark with spots or smears of color.
  • Oreo: Like the cookie, black and white.
  • Pebbles: For a coat that resembles the varying colors of pebbles.
  • Pepper: Ideal for a dog with black or grey spots.
  • Pinto: A Spanish word meaning ‘painted’ or ‘spotted’, used to describe horses with coat colors that include large patches of white.
  • Pixel: A cute, modern name for a dog with a coat that looks pixelated with different colors.
  • Polka: As in polka dots.
  • Pongo: From the Dalmatian character in 101 Dalmatians.
  • Smudge: A spot or blot, perfect for a dog with a speckled coat.
  • Speckle: Directly refers to the small spots or patches of color.
  • Splatter: A pattern created when a liquid splashes over a surface – a unique name for a speckled dog.
  • Sprinkle: Just like sprinkles on a cupcake, your dog’s speckles might remind you of this.
  • Splotch: A blot or a spot of color.
  • Spot: An obvious but classic choice for a speckled dog.
  • Starry: If your dog’s coat reminds you of a starry night sky.
  • Sundae: Like the dessert topped with a mix of different toppings.
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Bird Dog Names Related to Birds

Whether you plant to hunt with your bird dog-or getting out and enjoying nature with your bird dog breed, here’s a list of potential names tied to birds, speed and the outdoors.

  • Aero: Greek for ‘air’, perfect for a dog that is as light and swift as the air.
  • Avian: Means ‘relating to birds’.
  • Breeze: Ideal for a fast and nimble bird dog.
  • Comet: For your swift and unstoppable hunting companion.
  • Dove: Named after the bird, symbolizing peace and harmony.
  • Eagle: A strong, noble bird that’s a skilled hunter.
  • Feather: Symbolic of the bird-like lightness and agility of your dog.
  • Flight: Represents the action of flying, usually referred to birds.
  • Gale: A very strong wind, representing speed and power.
  • Harrier: A type of bird of prey, also a breed of hound dogs.
  • Hawk: Named after the bird of prey known for its keen vision and speed.
  • Jet: Signifying speed and agility.
  • Kestrel: A bird of prey known for its hunting abilities.
  • Lark: A small, often singing bird, for your cheerful companion.
  • Merlin: A species of falcon, also the name of a legendary wizard.
  • Nimbus: Latin for ‘cloud’, signifying lightness and speed.
  • Osprey: A fish-eating bird of prey.
  • Peregrine: Named after the fastest bird in the world.
  • Raven: A bird known for its intelligence and adaptability.
  • Robin: After the bird species, for a friendly and sociable dog.
  • Skye: A name inspired by the wide open sky where birds dwell.
  • Sparrow: Named after the small, agile bird.
  • Swift: As the name implies, it represents swiftness. It’s also a type of bird.
  • Talon: The sharp claws of a bird of prey.
  • Wing: Symbolic of the bird-like agility and grace of your dog.
  • Zephyr: A gentle breeze, perfect for a swift and quiet bird dog.

Duck Dog Names

These names are all related to ducks and their environment. They could be ideal for a hunting dog bred to retrieve waterfowl, such as a Labrador Retriever, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, or a Golden Retriever.

  • Anas: From the Latin word for ‘duck’.
  • Aqua: Latin for ‘water’, where ducks often dwell.
  • Bayou: A slow-moving creek or a swampy section of a lake or river.
  • Brook: A small stream where you might find ducks.
  • Caddis: Named after the aquatic insect, a common food for ducks.
  • Canvas: Short for Canvasback, a type of duck.
  • Creek: A small stream, an environment frequented by ducks.
  • Decoy: The replica used to attract ducks during hunting.
  • Diver: Many duck species dive for their food.
  • Drake: The term for a male duck.
  • Eider: A type of duck found in the colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Fin: As ducks are aquatic birds, this name relates to water and swimming.
  • Flapper: Referring to the flapping sound a duck’s wings make.
  • Flyway: The migration routes used by ducks.
  • Gadwall: A type of duck common in North America.
  • Lagoon: A shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water (like a sea) by barrier islands, sandbars, or coral reefs.
  • Marsh: A type of wetland, a common habitat for ducks.
  • Merganser: A type of diving duck.
  • Migrate: Referring to the migratory nature of many duck species.
  • Pintail: A type of duck known for its distinctive tail feathers.
  • Quack: The characteristic sound a duck makes.
  • Reed: A type of tall, slender grass that often grows in wetlands where ducks live.
  • Ripple: Named for the small waves ducks create when they swim.
  • River: Many ducks are river-dwelling.
  • Scaup: A type of diving duck.
  • Shoveler: A type of duck named for its unique, shovel-like beak.
  • Splash: Named for the sound a duck makes when it lands in the water.
  • Teal: A small, fast-flying type of duck.
  • Webber: For the webbed feet that make ducks such efficient swimmers.
  • Widgeon: A type of dabbling duck.

Pheasant Hunting Names for Dogs

  • Autumn: Pheasant hunting season often takes place in the fall.
  • Blaze: Referring to the bright, fiery colors of a pheasant.
  • Bramble: These are often found in the habitats where pheasants live.
  • Brush: Named after the type of vegetation where pheasants are often found.
  • Buster: A name that signifies breaking through the brush to flush out pheasants.
  • Copper: For the beautiful, copper-colored plumage of some pheasants.
  • Cornfield: A place where pheasants often hide.
  • Covey: A term for a small flock of birds, including pheasants.
  • Flush: This term refers to the action of startling birds into flight.
  • Forest: Pheasants can often be found in forested areas.
  • Golden: For the golden color found on many pheasants.
  • Grassland: A type of terrain where pheasants often live.
  • Harvest: The term can refer to the hunting season.
  • Hedgerow: A place where pheasants often hide.
  • Meadow: Refers to the open fields where pheasants can be found.
  • Quill: A term for a bird’s feather.
  • Rooster: A term for a male pheasant.
  • Rustic: Refers to the countryside where pheasant hunting often takes place.
  • Sage: For the sagebrush landscapes where some pheasant species are found.
  • Setter: A type of gundog used for hunting game birds.
  • Thicket: A dense group of bushes or trees where pheasants often hide.
  • Timber: Refers to wooded areas where pheasants might be found.
  • Upland: Referring to upland bird hunting, which includes pheasants.
  • Whistle: Named for the unique sound many pheasants make.
  • Wilderness: Representing the wild areas where pheasants live.
  • Woodland: A term for forested areas, part of the natural habitat of pheasants.
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When picking a name for your pheasant hunting dog, consider these options that represent the environment, the quarry, and the experience of the hunt. Ultimately, choose a name that fits your dog’s personality and the role they play in your hunting outings.

Famous Hunting Dog Names

  • Bang Away: Boxer, Westminster Best in Show winner in 1951.
  • Belle: from the novel Big Red by Jim Kjelgaard.
  • Blue: Coonhound, from the book Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls.
  • Bran: Irish Wolfhound, owned by the legendary Celtic hero Fionn mac Cumhaill.
  • Buck: from Jack London’s novel The Call of the Wild.
  • Bullet: Roy Rogers’ trusty companion on his TV show.
  • Chief: from the movie The Fox and the Hound.
  • Copper: also from The Fox and the Hound.
  • Duke: Bloodhound, from the television series The Beverly Hillbillies.
  • Gelert: Legendary Welsh hunting dog.
  • Luath: Labrador Retriever, from the movie The Incredible Journey.
  • Marley: Labrador Retriever, from the book and movie Marley & Me.
  • Old Dan: Redbone Coonhound, from Where the Red Fern Grows.
  • Rin Tin Tin: German Shepherd, a famous movie star in the 1920s and 30s.
  • Snoopy: Beagle, from the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz.
  • Sounder: Coonhound, from the novel Sounder by William H. Armstrong.

Gun Names for Dogs

  • Beretta: A famous Italian firearm manufacturer.
  • Blaser: A German firearm manufacturer known for its high-quality hunting guns.
  • Bolt: Referring to the bolt action of some types of firearms.
  • Browning: Named after John Browning, the famous American firearms designer.
  • Bullet: Projectile fired by a majority of firearms.
  • Caliber: A term used in firearm measurements.
  • Carbine: A short-barreled rifle.
  • Colt: A renowned American firearms manufacturer.
  • Flintlock: An older type of firearm ignition system.
  • Gauge: A term used to measure the bore size of shotguns.
  • Gunmetal: a fitting name for a gray dog.
  • Hammer: External component of a gun’s firing system.
  • Henry: An American firearms manufacturer.
  • Kimber: A company that produces a wide variety of firearms.
  • Magnum: A term often used to describe a powerful gun or large caliber.
  • Mauser: A German arms manufacturer.
  • Musket: An old-style gun that was loaded from the muzzle.
  • Powder: Explosive mixture used to propel a bullet.
  • Remington: For the American company Remington Arms originally founded in 1816.
  • Ruger: An American company known for its rifles, shotguns, and pistols.
  • Savage: An American company known for producing firearms for hunting.
  • Scope: Telescopic sight used on many hunting rifles.
  • Shell: Brass casing containing primer, powder and a projectile bullet.
  • Trigger: Firing mechanism on a hunting firearm.
  • Winchester: American firearms manufactured by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company.

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Hunting Dog Names for Hunting Breeds and Sporting Dogs
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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>