Do Raccoons Eat Cats?


That’s a question that pet owners have been asking for years. Some people swear that they have seen a raccoon snatch up a cat right out of their yard, while others believe that raccoons prefer to stick to their own kind and would never touch a feline. So, what’s the truth? Are raccoons predators of cats, or are they simply taking advantage of an easy meal? Keep reading to learn more about this topic.

r1 2 Do Raccoons Eat Cats?

Why are Raccoons a Threat to Cats?

Raccoons are a threat to cats because they are predators. Raccoons will eat small animals, including cats if they have the opportunity. While it is not common for raccoons to hunt and eat cats, it is always important for pet owners to take measures to protect their pets from possible predators, including raccoons. Raccoon-resistant trash cans and animal fencing can help keep pets safe from these critters.

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What Can You Do To Protect Your Cat From Raccoons?

There are several things that you can do to protect your cat from raccoons. One of the best things that you can do is to make sure that your cat is up-to-date on its vaccinations. This will help to protect your cat from diseases that raccoons may carry. You should also keep your cat indoors, especially at night when raccoons are most active. If you must let your cat outdoors, make sure that it is in a secure area that raccoons cannot access. Finally, make sure to clean up any food or garbage that might attract raccoons to your property. By taking these precautions, you can help to keep your cat safe from harm.

r3 2 Do Raccoons Eat Cats?

How To Keep Raccoons Out Of Cat Food?

One way to keep raccoons out of cat food is to store the food in a securely sealed container. Raccoons are very clever and resourceful animals, so it is important to make sure that the container is not something that they can easily open. You should also keep the food in a place where raccoons cannot reach it, such as on a high shelf or in a locked cupboard. Finally, you can try feeding your cat at times when raccoons are not active, such as during the day.

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Do Raccoons Eat Cat Food?

It is not common for raccoons to eat cat food, as they prefer to eat small mammals, insects, and fruits and vegetables. However, there have been cases where raccoons have eaten cat food, so it is important to be aware of this possibility if you have a pet cat. If you are concerned that raccoons might be attracted to your cat’s food, you can take measures to protect the food, such as storing it in a securely sealed container or keeping it in a place where raccoons cannot reach it.

What Do Raccoons Eat?

Raccoons typically eat small mammals, insects, and fruits and vegetables. This diet helps them to stay healthy and provides them with the nutrients that they need.

Raccoons In Backyard? Here’s What to Do:

If you have a raccoon in your backyard, one of the best things to do is to contact a professional wildlife control company (or take care of it by yourself with an air rifle). These companies are experienced in safely removing raccoons from properties. Once the raccoon has been removed, you can take steps to prevent them from returning, such as sealing up any holes or gaps that they might use to get back into your yard. You should also make sure to clean up any food or garbage that might attract raccoons to your property.

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Can raccoons transmit diseases to my cat?

Yes, raccoons can transmit diseases to cats. This is why it is important to make sure that your cat is up-to-date on its vaccinations. Additionally, you should take measures to keep raccoons away from your cat, such as keeping it indoors or in a secure area outdoors.

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Can raccoons give my cat rabies?

Yes, raccoons can give cats rabies. This is why it is so important to make sure that your cat is up-to-date on its vaccinations.

Can cats help in keeping raccoons away?

Having a cat would not necessarily mean having no raccoons in your backyard. Raccoons are dangerous and robust animals, and they are bigger than your cat. This means that even the friendliest cat cannot protect your property from a raccoon invasion.

A raccoon has injured my cat, what should I do?

If a raccoon has injured your cat, the first thing that you should do is to take your cat to the vet. It is also important to contact a professional wildlife control company to have the raccoon removed from your property. Once the raccoon has been removed, you can take steps to prevent them from returning, such as sealing up any holes or gaps that they might use to get back into your yard. You should also make sure to clean up any food or garbage that might attract raccoons to your property.

Other animals that can attack your cat:

1. Dogs

2. Coyotes

3. Foxes

4. Bobcats

5. Owls

6. Hawks

7. Weasels

8. Raccoons

9. Bears

10. Cougars


Raccoons are easily adaptive, and their diet depends on whatever they have access to, if that means your cat, they will attack it and eat it. Raccoons will eat your cat if they do have other food resources around them but there are cases where they will only get into quarrels with them over fight or territory. It is best to keep your cats inside and away from any potential danger. If you do find a raccoon in your backyard, the best thing to do would be to contact professional help to get it removed as quickly as possible. There are also measures you can take afterward to prevent them from returning.

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Sean Campbell’s love for hunting and outdoor life is credited to his dad who constantly thrilled him with exciting cowboy stories. His current chief commitment involves guiding aspiring gun handlers on firearm safety and shooting tactics at the NRA education and training department. When not with students, expect to find him either at his gunsmithing workshop, in the woods hunting, on the lake fishing, on nature photoshoots, or with his wife and kid in Maverick, Texas. Read more >>


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