About Management Bucks
A lot of hunters use the term “management buck” as an excuse to shoot a deer from their property. Some do it simply because...
We’re still dreaming of the day when suppressor ownership is legal in all 50 states. Thankfully, great progress has been made in recent years...
Airsoft Gun Buying Guide: Things to Consider
Aside from airsoft guns being a lot of fun, there are airsoft fields in almost every state. It cannot be easy to know where...
Taking The .300 PRC To The Ultimate Safari
South Africa isn’t often associated with long-range hunting. Many of the game ranches in this vast country are covered with dense...
Maryland ...
Description and Range: Adult white-tailed deer are about three feet tall at the front shoulders. Maryland yearling bucks (males) weigh an average of...
Outdoors International Podcast: Coyote Hunting Basics with Clay Owens
Clay has been a Top Ten finisher in the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP COYOTE CALLING CONTEST® (WCCCC) the last two years running. He has hunted coyotes...
What are air rifle pellets made of?
Air rifle pellets have been traditionally made of lead or lead alloy. However, in recent years, manufacturers have experimented with different materials, such as...
Elderberry or Water Hemlock?
The most common confused questions I hear on identification are about elderberries and the water hemlock. Had I not students such a confusion would...
Best Boat Trailer Tires: Top 8 Options & Buying Guide For...
Ahoy, mateys! It’s Alvin Reyes, the car guru and word wizard. When it comes to sailing, the only thing better than a gentle breeze...