Best Warzone Sniper Rifle class loadouts: Attachments, Setup, Perks


There are so many choices when it comes to Sniper Rifles in the original Warzone, but some are simply better than others. We came up with a list of the best meta sniper rifle loadouts in Warzone Caldera.

Warzone still remains one of the greatest battle royales when it comes to weapon diversity, each weapon has its own character. Sadly, the nerfs in Season 3 made it so only a handful of the battle royale’s sniper rifles can still one-shot opponents.

To help you find the best sniper in Warzone, we’ve covered all the top-tier loadouts and attachments that maximize their efficiency. Whether you’re looking to increase your lethality or just wish to claim more long-range kills, then you can’t go wrong with these picks.

Remember, if you’re ready to dive into Warzone 2 and want to know which top-tier weapons to use, be sure to check out our list of the best Sniper Rifles to use in Warzone 2.


  • What is the best sniper in Warzone?
  • Best snipers in Warzone
  • Best Warzone sniper support weapons

What is the best sniper in Warzone?

operator using zrg 20mm sniper rifle in cod warzone

The best Sniper Rifle in Warzone is the Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle. Currently, this sniper has the highest KD ratio and win rate out of all the rifles in the game and it’s easy to see why.

The Gorenko offers unmatched damage at long-range and while the 3 Line Rifle is a close contender, the Gorenko comes out on top thanks to its raw firepower.

12. Best Type 99 loadout


  • Muzzle: Mercury Silencer
  • Barrel: Shiraishi 712mm Sniper
  • Optic: 1913 Variable 4-8x
  • Stock: Sakura CVR Custom
  • Underbarrel: M1930 Strife Angled
  • Magazine: 5.6mm 8 Round Mags
  • Ammunition: FMJ Rounds
  • Rear Grip: Leather Grip
  • Perk 1: Discard
  • Perk 2: Deep Breath

While the Type 99 may not be the most popular Sniper Rifle in Warzone, it’s still a pretty fun gun to use. Closer to the Kar98 and Swiss than some of the other options, the Type 99 is a relatively versatile sniper with good range and speed.

If you’re bored of the better options, check this Type 99 class out. But, if you find it underwhelming (which you probably will), then swap to something deadlier — like the other snipers on this list.

11. Best M82 loadout


  • Muzzle: Infantry Stabilizer
  • Barrel: 22.6″ Combat Recon
  • Stock: Tactical Stock
  • Magazine: STANAG 9 Rnd
  • Rear Grip: Airborne Elastic Wrap

The M82 is a perfectly viable option in Warzone and we believe its power is nothing to scoff at. It may lack mobility compared to the higher-ranked Sniper Rifles on this list, but that isn’t to say the M82 isn’t worth taking out onto the battlefield.

Give it a go, and make sure to consult our detailed setup for the M82.

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10. Best AX-50 loadout


  • Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor
  • Barrel: 32.0″ Factory Barrel
  • Laser: Tac Laser
  • Stock: Singuard Arms Assassin
  • Rear Grip: Stippled Grip Tape

A tried and tested fan-favorite over the years, the AX-50 is a solid choice but falls short compared to the other meta options in Season 5 Reloaded. While it can’t down people across the map quite as easily as the HDR and Gorenko, it’s a much more versatile option given its mobility, aim-down-sight (ADS), and firing rate advantages.

This AX-50 class maintains enough bullet velocity and accuracy to prove lethal from range, while still enjoying some mobility. You can be fairly comfortable pulling it out for a quick down during a gunfight before pushing with an AR or SMG.

Making this gun even more mobile to use is the Tac Laser, Singuard Arms Assassin Stock, and Stippled Grip Tape. The gun is quite versatile as Swagg was even able to turn it into the Intervention from Modern Warfare 2.

Make sure to check out our full breakdown of the best AX-50 loadout in Warzone right here.

9. Best Tundra loadout


  • Barrel: 29.1″ Combat Recon
  • Laser: Ember Sighting Point
  • Optic: Ultrazoom Custom
  • Underbarrel: Patrol Grip
  • Magazine: Vandal Speed Loader

Despite receiving a set of hefty buffs back in the Season 5 patch, the LW3 Tundra is still sitting outside of the meta top 5. However, it’s still a powerful choice in the right players’ hands, and with the increase in damage range, it’s in a better state than ever before.

Our Tundra loadout above has great kill potential and even though it isn’t the most popular Sniper Rifle currently in Warzone, it definitely packs a punch.

8. Best Swiss K31 loadout


  • Muzzle: GRU Suppressor
  • Barrel: 24.9” Combat Recon
  • Laser: SWAT 5mw Laser Sight
  • Underbarrel: Bruiser Grip
  • Rear Grip: Serpent Grip

A victim of Raven’s Season 3 nerfs, the Swiss is no longer a guaranteed one-shot down to the head anymore, stunting some of its use.

Although no longer dominant as it once was, the Swiss is still fast, has a clean default scope and reticle, and it downs enemies quite efficiently. Like the Kar98k, the Swiss is all about fast ADS, quick shots, and precision.

For a full, detailed breakdown of the best Swiss K31 loadout in Warzone, check out our dedicated class guide.

7. Best Pelington 703 loadout


  • Muzzle: Stabilizer .308
  • Barrel: 25″ Extended
  • Stock: Duster Stock
  • Magazine: Vandal Speed Loader
  • Rear Grip: Field Tape

The Pelington 703 is a good Sniper Rifle for aggressive Warzone players who prefer to take quick shots. While the weapon definitely won’t do as much damage as the Gorenko or 3-Line Rifle, it does provide you with more mobility and a reduced ADS speed.

Also, with Raven buffing the Pellington’s damage in Season 5 Reloaded, it’s brilliant when paired up with a meta SMG or AR.

It’s worth noting that to knock an opponent with the Pelington, you’ll need to land headshots. So, if you’ve got a sharp aim and prefer a less stationary playstyle, consider picking up the Pelington and trying this loadout.

6. Best HDR loadout


  • Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor
  • Barrel: 26.9” HDR Pro
  • Laser: Tac Laser
  • Optic: Variable Zoom Scope
  • Stock: FTAC Champion

Following on from the Warzone Sniper weapon nerfs in Season 3, the HDR once again became a viable option thanks to its overwhelming firepower.

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If you’ve ever been downed from hundreds of yards away out of nowhere, then it was probably the HDR. While this gun is heavy and slow-moving, both are entirely negligible, especially given its incredible kill potential.

This is the best HDR loadout for those who want to claim a bounty of long-range kills. It’s not about moving around, downing an enemy, and rushing in with a numbers advantage. It’s about sitting back, taking out enemies from afar, and trying to claim cross-map headshots.

Make sure to check out our full breakdown of the best HDR loadout in Warzone right here.

5. Best Kar98k loadout (Modern Warfare)


  • Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor
  • Barrel: Singuard Custom 27.6″
  • Optic: Sniper Scope
  • Laser: Tac Laser
  • Perk: FTAC Sport Comb

For what seemed like an eternity, this gun was deemed to be the best sniper in Warzone by many pros and content creators alike. It took a long, long time, but the Kar98k is no longer the king of Warzone.

The fastest ADS and mobility of the gun means it’s still a great gun to use, although its one-shot ability has been greatly tamed.

The only question mark about this Kar98 loadout is the Sleight of Hand usage, which is great for reload speed and gun swapping but can be sacrificed if you’re struggling to hit shots. If that’s the case, you can consider the Precision or the FTAC Sport Comb instead.

Make sure to check out our full breakdown of the best Kar98k loadout in Warzone right here.

4. Best Kar98k loadout (Vanguard)


  • Muzzle: Scout Silencer
  • Barrel: VDD RE02K
  • Stock: Short Stock
  • Underbarrel: SMLE Pistol Grip
  • Magazine: 8MM Klauser 5 Round Fast Mag
  • Ammunition: FMJ Rounds
  • Rear Grip: Leather Grip
  • Perk: Fleet
  • Perk 2: Fully Loaded

With absolutely insane ADS speeds and a one-shot kill of up to 100 meters, the Vanguard Kar98k is ideal for aggressive Warzone players.

While you will need to be a sharpshooter with a solid aim to make this gun shine, it’s deadly in the hands of players who can quick scope their opponents from a distance.

Although the gun won’t be eliminating enemies in a single shot from massively long distances, it makes up for this shortcoming with its absurd ADS speeds and mobility.

3. Best ZRG 20mm loadout


  • Muzzle: Wrapped Suppressor
  • Barrel: 43.9″ Combat Recon
  • Laser: SWAT 5mw Laser Sight
  • Stock: 5 Rnd
  • Rear Grip: Serpent Grip

Taking the third spot is none other than the ZRG 20mm Sniper Rifle from Black Ops Cold War.

Again, significant shifts in the game’s meta have allowed some underrated guns to flourish. None more so than the ZRG 20mm, which did enjoy some success when it first came out, but it has quickly become a fan favorite.

While it can’t quite contend with the 3-Line Rifle and Gorenko, its fantastic speed and great bullet velocity do make it much easier to use. Even Call of Duty streamer IceManIsaac has singled out one of the best Warzone sniper loadouts to try for the unstoppable ZRG 20mm Sniper Rifle.

Check out our own top ZRG 20mm loadout too.

2. Best 3-Line Rifle loadout


  • Muzzle: Mercury Silencer
  • Barrel: Kovalevskaya 820mm R1MN
  • Optic: 1913 Variable 4-8x
  • Stock: ZAC Custom MZ
  • Underbarrel: Mark VI Skeletal
  • Magazine: .30-06 20 Round Mags
  • Ammunition: Lengthened
  • Rear Grip: Leather Grip
  • Perk 1: Silent Focus
  • Perk 2: On-Hand
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The 3 Line-Rifle was ignored for a long time by a lot of Warzone players but a hefty set of buffs in Season 5 finally brought the gun into the fold.

Since then the rifle has been a dominant pick on Caldera that deals lethal amounts of damage. Which is why this is one of the best Warzone sniper loadouts out there.

Not only that, it’s currently the most popular rifle in the game and players are seeing a lot of success with the weapon, so don’t hesitate to make the most of this powerful sniper.

To make sure it’s the best it can be, we have a complete guide to the best 3-Line Rifle loadout here.

1. Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle


  • Muzzle: Mercury Silencer
  • Barrel: 420mm Empress
  • Optic: 1913 Variable 4-8x
  • Stock: Reinforced Stock
  • Underbarrel: GF-59 Flashlight
  • Magazine: 13mm AM 10 Round Mags
  • Ammunition: FMJ Rounds
  • Rear Grip: Leather Grip
  • Perk: Focus
  • Perk 2: On-Hand

The Gorenko burst into the meta in Season 5, establishing itself as one of the best Warzone sniper rifle and loadout after the one-shot nerfs to the Kar98k and Swiss. Now, the gun reigns as the top sniper in Warzone thanks to its lethality at long-range which makes it perfect for picking off opponents.

While it did get hit with a bullet velocity nerf in Season 5 Reloaded, this wasn’t enough to knock it off the top spot. It remains a devastating sniper option in the right players’ hands and offers a huge amount of damage at long range.

Best Warzone sniper support weapons

Once you’ve decided on the best Warzone sniper loadout for your individual playstyle, it’s then important you pick a solid secondary or support weapon.

Seeing as Sniper Rifles are ideal at long range, your best bet will be to find a weapon that is good at close and medium-range engagements, leaning toward whichever suits you best. We’ve listed three separate weapon loadouts that are perfect when paired with any of the sniper loadouts above.

1. Best Armguerra Warzone loadout

  • Muzzle: Recoil Booster
  • Barrel: Botti 315mm CII
  • Optic: Slate Reflector
  • Stock: Imerito SA Folding
  • Underbarrel: Mark VI Skeletal
  • Magazine: 9mm 60 Round Mags
  • Ammo Type: Lengthened
  • Rear Grip: Polymer Grip
  • Perk: Hardscope
  • Perk2: On-Hand

2. Best XM4 loadout

  • Muzzle: Agency Suppressor
  • Barrel: 13.5″ Task Force
  • Optic: Axial Arms 3x
  • Ammunition: STANAG 60 Round
  • Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip

3. Best MP40 loadout

  • Muzzle: Recoil Booster
  • Barrel: Krausnick 317mm 04B
  • Optic: Slate Reflector
  • Stock: Krausnick 33M Folding
  • Underbarrel: m1941 Hand Stop
  • Magazine: 7.62 Gorenko 45 Round Mags
  • Ammo Type: Hollow Point
  • Rear Grip: Polymer Grip
  • Proficiency: Steady
  • Kit: Quick

While many support weapons complement a sniper loadout in Warzone, if you’re struggling to find that perfect fit, these three should prove to be successful in the BR.

Looking for more of the best Warzone loadouts and tips? Check out our list of guides below:

Best Warzone settings to increase FPS on PC | Most popular Warzone weapons | Best Warzone loadouts | Call of Duty Warzone Mobile: Everything we know | What is Sabotage Contract in Warzone? | How to level up Vanguard weapons fast for Warzone

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>