Best Cut Down Duck Calls for 2022


Soon the dog days of summer will be over and our focus will be shifted from mowing the grass to finishing mallards over the decoys. As the season draws near, it is time to start making sure your gear is in working order and your gun dog is tuned up. Also included in your preparation for the 2022 duck season should be an analysis of which gear to add to your arsenal. Perhaps the biggest game changer to your season could be the type of duck call you choose. The growing popularity in cut down duck calls had led to many more options to choose from in 2022. Before adding a new cut down down to your lanyard, review this list of the best cut down duck calls for 2022.

Ace In the Hole: Echo Duck Calls

You cannot go wrong with the Ace In the Hole 2.0 from Echo Duck Calls this season. This cut down duck call will allow you to run the entire marsh this upcoming season, and you will look good doing it. The characteristics of this call make it possible to bark at even the highest flying ducks. The sounds this call produces are loud and raspy, which perfectly imitate a mallard hen. Echo Duck Calls has a long standing reputation for making quality duck calls, and the Ace In the Hole is no exception.

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Click the image to check out current pricing of the Echo Ace in the Hole cut down duck call on Amazon.

Echo Duck Calls also produces a more budget friendly cut down duck call. Their poly carbonate cut down is perhaps the most bang for your buck on the market. Although the poly carbonate cut down does not offer the same sharpness an acrylic call does, it still gets the job done.

Click here to check out the polycarbonate cut down call from Echo Duck Calls.

Rockin’ R: RNT Duck Calls

The Rockin’ R is RNT Calls’ newest cut down added to their lineup. Its design, similar to the RNT Mondo, allows hunters to be versatile in their approach. From breaking down migrators to finishing them over the decoys, this call can do it all. The Rockin’ R is the king of calls when it comes to hunting public land. If you want to run the pool this upcoming season, add the RNT Rockin’ R cut down duck call to your lanyard.

Click here to check out the Rockin’ R from RNT Duck Calls

Cutdown 00: Slayer Duck Calls

Do not sleep on the Cutdown 00 cut down duck call from Slayer this season. This cut down produces loud, raspy, and realistic sounds that fool even the most pressured ducks. This call is made from Derlin material, which means that when harsh weather comes your way, your call will still perform at the highest level. Unlike most cut down duck calls, this call comes in both a single-reed and double-reed model. Be sure to add this call to your lanyard and make this season the most successful yet.

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Click the image above to check out current pricing of the Slayer Cutdown 00 duck call on Amazon.

Brute: Rolling Thunder Calls

The Brute cut down duck call from Rolling Thunder Calls is a surefire way to run the pool this season. This call has been slightly altered compared to traditional cut down duck calls, which has made it much more user friendly. However, it still possesses the ability produce loud barks and finish birds within shooting range. The Brute has become a crowd favorite because of its appearance and the results it produces in the marsh. This call comes in both an acrylic as well as a polycarbonate model. Therefore, if you are on a budget this season, you have the chance to purchase a more affordable but high quality call.

Click here to check out the Brute from Rolling Thunder Calls.

Tomahawk : 737 Duck Calls

The Tomahawk cut down duck call made by 737 Duck Calls is one of the newest additions to their lineup. This call, which is certainly appealing to the eyes, has the ability to reach high flying migrators all while maintaining the finesse it takes to finish the wariest of birds. It is built like most traditional cut down calls with the longer barrel and wide bore through the insert. The call comes in more than 10 different acrylic color schemes. Add the 737 Tomahawk cut down duck call to your lanyard to make the difference this season.

Click here to check out the Tomahawk cut down call from 737 Duck Calls.

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Ignition: Power Calls

The Ignition, brought to you by Power Calls, is certainly a game changer when it comes to adding a cut down duck call to your lanyard. Its sturdy design paired with its appealing looks make it a top notch cut down on the market. Not only is the Ignition a quality call, it is also a more affordable way of adding a cut down to your lanyard.

Click here to check out the Ignition cut down call from Power Calls.

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>