Umarex Gauntlet 30 Caliber Test Review



This Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber test review is slightly unusual. Although we’re using the standard HAM review formal, we’re concentrating on two aspects of this gun in considerable detail. These are “Value For Money” and “Speed And Accuracy”.

This is because the Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber is very similar in most respects to the Umarex Gauntlet 2 in .22 caliber. The primary differences are the 30 cal’s position in the market and it’s very different power output.

So, rather than include much repetition from HAM’s earlier Gauntlet 2 review, readers are referred to that test for much basic information.


The Umarex Gauntlet 30 is different to the smaller caliber Gauntlet 2 versions as it plays on the edge of the big bore PCP market.

It sells for $50 more than the .22 and .25 caliber models. However that’s not a big deal compared to the difference in competition landscape it faces among 30 caliber air rifles.

First, let’s take a look at a selection of PCP air rifles with comparable high-level specifications. These are:

– Regulated

– Magazine feed

– Shrouded barrel

Looking a a simple price analysis, we see that the Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber is by far the lowest priced game in town. It’s roughly half the price of its nearest competitor. And between a third and a quarter the cost of most models in this chart.

When it comes to power, the Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber has a claimed Muzzle Energy of 100 Ft/Lb. Broadening our market definition a little, we see that. 30 caliber power levels range from 30 Ft/Lbs for the Hatsan 135 springer (included as a benchmark) through to 275 Ft/Lbs for the AirForce Talon.

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Next, aking price and dividing it by power, we can see how the guns stack up. In these terms, the Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber places second at $4.80 per Ft/Lb of claimed power.

So, yes, the Texan offers more value at $4.20 per Ft/Lb. However here we have a single load, unregulated, un-shrouded air rifle. It has the power but can’t complete on features with the Gauntlet 30. Even the Hatsan 135 springer is more than twice as expensive in price for power terms as the Gauntlet!

Umarex Gauntlet 30 Caliber Test Review

So, overall, it’s really tough to not agree that the Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber represents outstanding value in this market!

BUY FROM PYRAMYD AIR Umarex Gauntlet 2 PCP Air Rifle 0.22


OK, so the price is good. How about the performance?

The news everyone wants to hear is this. There’s plenty of power and the accuracy is pretty good too. And it shoots slugs well!

The slug-shooting performance itself will attract many shooters…

Ammo TypeWeightMuzzle VelocityMuzzle EnergyJSB Exact Pellets44.75 Grains1,003 FPS100 Ft/LbsDaystate Howler Slugs49.5 Grains996 FPS110 Ft/LbsJSB KnockOut Slugs50.15 Grains986 FPS108 Ft/Lbs

The testing was restricted to three types of ammo due to the well-known ammo shortage. However, it’s clear that accuracy of the Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber tested by HAM was very good.

(Note that the scope elevation and windage were untouched through the test to show how the Point-Of-Impact dropped with increasing range.)

At 25 Yards, the gun printed “one hole”, 10-shot groups on the target with the JSB pellets and Howler slugs. The KnockOuts performed almost as well, with just one shot opening-up the group a little.

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Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber

Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber

Moving to 50 Yards, we saw these “Inch-ish” Center-to-Center groups…

Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber

I had planned to stop at 50 Yards. But I felt that there was more to come from the Howler slugs. So I shot this 5-shot group at 75 Yards.

Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber

As the photograph with this target marker shows, here we have “Extreme Benchrest”-level accuracy from an out-of-the-box gun, shooting unsorted slugs. And with a scope magnification of only 16X. Not at all bad!!!

Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber


Trigger and cocking effort are similar to that of the Gauntlet 2. The trigger’s OK, the cocking effort very heavy, despite the very oversized bolt handle.


The Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber tested by HAM matched the manufacturer’s performance claims almost exactly.

That’s 99 Ft/Lbs with 44.75 Grain pellets and 25 consistent shots per fill. We saw a maximum of 110 Ft/Lbs of Muzzle Energy with 49.5 Grain Daystate Howler slugs and 24 consistent shots (with shot 25 being disputable)…


The Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber air rifle tested by HAM gave 24 consistent shots from one 4,500 PSI fill of High Pressure Air. As can be seen from the chart below, the Muzzle Velocity falls predictably after that point.

Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber


With a 100 Ft/Lb Muzzle Energy, the Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber is not going to be quiet – even though it’s shrouded.

However a change compared to smaller calibers is that it’s now threaded for an aftermarket dedicated airgun silencer. This undoubtedly would reduce the report, although at the expense of maing tis 47.5-Inch air rifle even longer!

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For this test review, HAM used a Hawke Sidewinder4-16×50 scope, mounted with Hawke Tactical Match rings. This combination worked well, although I should have chosen a higher power for the 75 Yard targets…


The considerable length and front-mounted HPA tank mean that the Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber is best fired supported. That could be sitting at a bench, prone from a bipod or rested against a tree.

Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber


As for the Gauntlet 2.


Don’t forget to buy plenty of ammo while it’s available!!!

The Umarex Gauntlet 30 caliber features an improved gauge face plate and superior degassing system to the other Gauntlet models previously tested.

It also includes a hammer spring tension adjuster screw for making power adjustments. This is another new feature compared to the smaller-caliber Gauntlets.

BUY FROM PYRAMYD AIR Umarex Gauntlet 2 PCP Air Rifle 0.22

This entire article including scoring, test targets etc is Copyright Hard Air Magazine and may NOT in part or in whole be reproduced in any electronic or printed medium without prior permission from the publisher.

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>