How To Get Rid Of Iguanas? (Easy Methods)


In Florida, iguanas have become a big problem. They’re multiplying so quickly that they’re overrunning neighborhoods and eating through people’s gardens. If you live in Florida and are having an iguana infestation, don’t worry – there are steps you can take to get rid of them. In this blog post, we will outline some of the best methods for getting rid of iguanas so that you can reclaim your yard and garden. Keep reading to learn more!

How to identify if you have iguanas problems?

The first step in getting rid of iguanas is to identify whether or not you have an issue. Iguanas are most active during the day, so if you see one basking in the sun on your property, that’s a good sign that you have an issue. Other signs include iguana droppings in your yard or garden, damage to plants or property, and hearing them rustling around at night. If you suspect you have an iguana problem, the next step is to take action.

There are a few different ways to get rid of iguanas. Read on for tips and tricks that will keep your home iguana-free.

(How to get rid of chipmunks? See this post for more)

Install Barriers:

One of the best ways to keep iguanas away from your home is to install physical barriers. Iguanas can climb, so it’s important to choose a material that they can’t grip onto or chew through. A fence made of chicken wire or hardware cloth is a good option. You can also use rocks or concrete blocks to create a barrier around your property.

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Remove Their Food Sources:

Another way to deter iguanas is to remove their food sources. Iguanas like to eat fruits, vegetables, and flowers, so if you have these items on your property, you’re more likely to attract them. If possible, remove any plants that iguanas might find appealing. You can also try to keep your yard clean and free of debris.

Use Repellents:

There are a variety of commercial repellents available that will deter iguanas. These products typically contain ingredients like hot peppers or citronella, which iguanas don’t like. You can apply the repellent around the perimeter of your property or directly on plants that iguanas are attracted to.

Protect Your Pool:

If you have a pool, it’s important to take steps to protect it from iguanas. Iguanas like to swim and can easily drown in a pool if they can’t get out. To keep iguanas out of your pool, you can install a mesh cover or fence around it. You can also try adding a few floating objects that iguanas can use to climb out.

Trapping and Catching Iguanas:

One of the most effective ways to remove iguanas from your property is to trap them and then remove them. There are a variety of traps available, so choose one that’s best for your needs. Once you have the trap set up, baited, and in place, check it regularly to see if you’ve caught anything. If you have, simply release the iguana into an area far away from your home.

If you don’t want to use a trap, you can also try to catch the iguana by hand. This is more difficult, but it can be done if you’re careful. Wear gloves and Approach the iguana slowly from behind. Once you’re close enough, grab it by the tail. Iguanas can be aggressive, so be careful not to get bitten. Once you have a good grip on the iguana, lift it up and away from your body. Hold onto the tail as you carry the iguana to an area far away from your home where you can release it.

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Hire a Professional:

If you’re having trouble getting rid of iguanas on your own, you may need to hire a professional. Wildlife removal experts have the experience and equipment necessary to safely remove iguanas from your property.

Do-It-Yourself method:

One of the cheap, effective ways to deal with the iguana problems is using an air rifle: You can take care of a bunch of these vermin by yourself in one good afternoon

(For more on the best air rifles for pest control, see this post)


Can You Kill an Iguana in Florida?

The Florida Wildlife and Conservation Commission (FWCC) has defined the iguanas that can be found throughout the South Florida area as an invasive species, not native to the state but recognized as causing a great impact on native wildlife. By being non-native, iguanas are not protected in Florida. This means that they can be captured and killed as long as the killing is carried out in a humane fashion any time they are found on private property, year-round, and without the need to obtain a hunting license or permit.

What smells keep iguanas away?

Some people have had success using commercial repellents that contain ingredients like hot peppers or citronella.

How do you get rid of iguanas in your yard?

You can try to remove any plants that iguanas might find appealing, use a fence made of chicken wire or hardware cloth, or try to keep your yard clean and free of debris. You can also apply repellent around the perimeter of your property or directly on plants that iguanas are attracted to. If you have a pool, you can install a mesh cover or fence around it.

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What eats an iguana?

Iguanas are eaten by a variety of predators including snakes, birds, mammals, and other reptiles.

What is an iguana afraid of?

Iguanas are afraid of predators, so anything that might look like a predator to them can be used to scare them off. This includes loud noises, bright lights, and fast movements.

Do wind chimes keep iguanas away?

Some people believe that wind chimes help to keep iguanas away, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Can iguanas climb walls?

Yes, iguanas can climb walls. They have sharp claws that allow them to grip surfaces, and their long tails give them balance as they climb.

Do iguanas dig holes in the ground?

Iguanas will sometimes dig holes in the ground to create a place to hide from predators or to lay their eggs.


Iguanas are common in Florida, but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with them. If you’re having trouble with these creatures, use the tips and tricks in this blog post to get rid of them for good.


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