Where Can You Hunt Hogs from a Helicopter in Texas 2020?


Hunting Hogs in Texas

It is often thought that hogs were introduced to the United States by Spanish explorers back in the 1500s. Since then, the hog population has exploded, and in many states, they (hogs) cause exponential damage to private and government property. However, no state is more effected by feral hogs than Texas. It is estimated that there are millions of hogs in Texas alone. While their exact numbers are near impossible to pin down because of their ability to breed so rapidly but all those hogs mean that hunters can hunt them at any time of the year.

Texas the Home of Hog Hunting

It comes as no surprise that Texas tops the list as one of the ideal places to go hog hunting. The state estimates the hog population to be upwards of 1.5 million, making it a state with the largest hog population compared to any other. According to experts, Texas is experiencing such a huge surge in the hog populations that assumingly means that Texans are losing the war against feral hogs.

Though hogs in Texas spell disaster for farmers, they are always good news for helicopter hog hunters, and those who like to go on good old crossbow hunting. Texas is one of the few states that openly encourage hog hunting with absolutely no limits. Restrictions to hunt are minimal.

Feral hog hunters in Texas can hut at any time of the day, use a helicopter, and suppressed firearms. The bad news is that there isn’t much public land with access to hunting feral hogs in the state. But there are a good number of guided hog hunts.

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The Best Places in Texas to Go Feral Hog Hunting

Some of the best cities for hog hunting include Austin, San Antonio, DFW, Houston, and Amarillo. So, there are literally millions of acres of land where feral hogs run wild and offer hunters the opportunity to take down the biggest, most aggressive hog anyway they want.

Helicopter Pig Hunting, one of the leading helicopter feral hog hunting businesses, and has literally hundreds of millions of acres of fertile hunting ground. Apart from being dotted with thousands of feral hogs, hunters also enjoy private cabins, bars, private dining areas, skeet ranges, a rifle range, and an assortment of various weapons.

One of the best things about going helicopter hog hunting is that you can quickly zip to any place to find the biggest hogs to take down. Not to mention that the company’s local guides are already aware of the hogs’ movement on the property and should be able to take you to the best spot at any time of the year.

Do You Need a License to Hunt Feral Hogs?

One of the best things about hog hunting in Texas is that it does not require that hunters jump through hoops to get a license. The law states that landowners or their agents can kill hogs on their property without needing a hunting license. That’s, in particular, the case because these feral hogs cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage. However, a license may be required when feral hogs are hunted for food or trophy.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>