How Tall Is A Moose – How Big Is A Moose


As per studies, traffic accidents with moose are 13 times more fatal than that with other deers. Each year, more than 500 car accidents occur with moose in northern New England. The injuries sustained by people involved in the accidents were far more serious and fatal due to the weight and height of the Moose. This is a serious issue that has also been reported in Canada and Scandinavian countries.

The moose is the largest and heaviest living member of the deer family. When a vehicle crashed into a moose, it hits its long legs, leading the bulk of the animal into the windshield and roof. You might wonder how tall is a moose and may try to comprehend how big is a moose, which makes it so dangerous in road accidents. When you are aware of its height and mass, you will definitely avoid confronting it when you are traveling north or when camping in the wood. This article will give you a clear picture of its height and size along with visual comparisons.

How Tall Is A Moose – How Big Is A Moose

How Tall Is A Moose

  • Moose is the tallest living species of deer.
  • According to National Geographic, it is 5 to 6.5 feet tall at the shoulders.
  • The average height of adult moose at the shoulder ranges from 4 feet 7 inches to 6 feet 11 inches (1.4 to 2.1 meters).
  • The Alaskan subspecies (A. a. gigas) is the largest, and so the tallest, among all the races. It stands over 6 feet 11 inches (2.1 meters) tall at the shoulder.

How Tall Is A Moose

How Big Is A Moose

  • Moose is the biggest species in the family of deer.
  • They have 5 to 6.5 feet height at the shoulders.
  • Their head and body are 7 feet 10 inches to 10 feet 2 inches (2.4 to 3.1 meters) long, while their vestigial tail is further 5 to 12 cm long.
  • Males are heavier than females. Males (bulls) usually weigh from 380 to 700 kg (838 to 1,543 lbs), while females (cows) weigh from 200 to 490 kg (441 to 1,080 lbs). The weight of an individual depends on race or cline, age, and nutritional variations. National Geographic describes their weight as 1800 lbs.
  • The Alaskan subspecies (A. a. gigas) is the biggest of all the moose subspecies, which has a 2.1-meter height at the shoulders, a 1.8-meter span of the antlers, and an average bodyweight of 634.5 kg (1,399 lbs) for males and 478 kg (1,054 lbs) for females.
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How Big Can A Moose Get

  • The recorded biggest moose was an Alaskan moose shot in September 1897 at the Yukon River.
  • It was 2.33 meters (7 feet 8 inches) tall at the shoulder and weighed 820 kg (1,808 lbs).
  • There have been reports of even bigger individuals, including a male killed in 2004 that weighed 1,043 kg (2,299 lbs), and another male whose weight was reported as 1,180 kg (2,601 lbs). However, these reports were considered unauthentic.

How Tall Can A Moose Get

  • The Alaskan moose shot in September 1897 at the Yukon River was the tallest individual.
  • It was 2.33 meters (7 feet 8 inches) tall from hoof to shoulder.

How Tall Is A Moose Compared To A Human – How Big Is A Moose Compared To A Person

  • When compared with humans, a moose is much taller than even the tallest humans in the world. Robert Wadlow of the United States was the tallest human ever at 8 feet 11-inch height.
  • A moose is up to 6.5 feet tall at the shoulder, while an adult male human has an average height of 5 foot 7.5 inches.
  • The Alaskan moose is more than 7 feet taller at the shoulder.
  • When head and antlers are also measured, their total height reaches more than 10 feet.
  • Even the tallest human can not stand eye to eye with a moose with a raised head.

How Tall Is A Moose Compared To A Human

How Big Is A Moose Compared To A Car

  • The body length of an Alaskan moose is around 9.2 feet. It stands 6.5 to 7 feet tall at the shoulder. A moose has a body weight of around 618 kg (1800 lbs) according to National Geographic.
  • An average size Corolla Altis car is about 15.16 feet long, 5.82 feet wide, and has about 4.84 feet in height. It weighs up to 1220 kg.
  • So when a moose is compared to a car, a moose is taller and heavier than a car. But a car is longer and wider than a moose. So we can say that a moose is bigger than an average size Corolla Altis car.
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How Big Is A Moose Compared To A Car

How Big Is A Moose Compared To A Horse

  • Let’s compare a moose to a horse.
  • According to National Geographic, the height of a moose at the shoulders ranges from 5 to 6.5 feet, while the height of a horse at the shoulders ranges from 2.5 to 5.8 feet.
  • A full-grown moose has a bodyweight of up to 1,800 pounds, while a horse has from 120 to 2,200 pounds.
  • So in terms of size, a moose is bigger than a horse. And in terms of weight, a horse is bigger than a moose.

How Big Is A Moose Compared To A Horse

How Big Is A Full Grown Moose

  • On average, a full-grown moose stands 5 to 6.5 feet tall at the shoulders and weighs up to 1,800 pounds.
  • Different subspecies have different sizes and weights. Age and nutritional variations also affect their size and weight.
  • The Ussuri, Amur, or Manchurian subspecies (A. a. cameloides) is the smallest subspecies. Their full-grown individuals (both male and female) have 5 feet 5 inches to 6 feet 1 inch (1.65 to 1.85 meter) height at the shoulders and weigh between 200 to 250 kg (441 to 772 lbs).
  • The Alaskan subspecies is the largest of all the subspecies and the largest deer in the world. A full-grown Alaskan moose has 6.9 feet (2.1 meters) height at the shoulders, 5.9 feet (1.8 meters) span of the antlers, and an average bodyweight of 634.5 kg (1,399 lbs) for males and 478 kg (1,054 lbs) for females.
  • The other seven subspecies are of middle size with an average height of 5 to 6.5 feet at the shoulders and a weight range of 320 to 725 kg (705 to 1,598 lbs).
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How Big Can A Moose Get

How Tall Is The Tallest Moose

  • The tallest moose was an Alaskan moose shot in September 1897 at the Yukon River. It had a hoof to shoulder height of 2.33 meters (7 feet 8 inches).

How Big Are Moose Antlers

  • Male moose (bull) have prominent antlers on the head.
  • Their antlers grow in the form of cylindrical beams projected on both sides of the head at right angles to the middle of the skull and then forks.
  • The growth rate and size of their antlers depend on their diet and age, while the symmetry of their antlers shows their health.
  • The antlers of mature bulls have a length between 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 meters), a spread of 6 feet from end to end, and weigh around 18 kg (40 lbs).
  • The antlers of a full-grown Alaskan moose of 5 to 12 years of age have a span of more than 79 inches (200 cm). As they grow older, the size and symmetry of their antlers reduce.
  • The recorded widest span of the moose antlers was 83 inches (210 cm).
  • The recorded heaviest antlers were of an Alaskan moose, which weighed 36 kg (79 lbs).

How Tall Is A Moose With Antlers

  • The antlers of a moose are long from 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 meters).
  • With head and antlers, a moose stands more than 10 feet tall.

How Tall Is A Full Grown Male Moose

  • A full-grown male moose (bull) stands an average of 6 feet tall at the shoulders.
  • A full-grown male Alaskan moose is 6 feet 11 inches tall from hoof to shoulders. With its head and antlers, it stands more than 10 feet tall.

If you are a Moose lover and a creative person. Apart from learning more about them, you can also leave their footprints in your life. You can turn your favorite moose lookalikes into gifts that you can carry with you at all times and keep forever by designing them yourself, such as enamel pins or keychains. Customize your favorite moose into a cute pin that you can wear as an accessory to express your personality, or give as a gift and collect as a souvenir. At, any design and style can be freely selected, come and have a look!

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>