Backyard Tree Tapping for Syrup

Video how does a spile work

Tapping trees is a rewarding process. It’s easy which is always a bonus in a D.I.Y. lifestyle and you get sweet, all-natural syrup as the prize. If this is the year, you want to try your hand at some backyard tree tapping let me give you some tips from a few years of experience.

A metal bucket hung from a spile driipping maple sap for backyard tree tapping

The Trees

All maple trees can be tapped for syrup. Yes all – that includes big leaf maples and box elders. The ratio of sugar concentration changes depending on the tree (sugar maples have the highest), still all maple trees will produce a sap that can then be boiled down into maple syrup. I personally have and tap silver maples with great success. Tap trees that are least 10″ in circumference to protect the health of the tree.

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Other trees that can be tapped for syrup include:

  • Birch
  • Black Walnut
  • Sycamore

Tapping Supplies

At a minimum you need something with which to tap the trees. Traditionally spiles are used. I’ve used both the traditional metal ones and the newer plastic ones. Both work, we’ve experimented over the years. The metal ones can bend, the plastic ones can break. Either way be careful.

3 sap buckets hung for backyard tree tapping

Many companies and backyard tappers use tubes, I tried those too and while they work just fine, I personally preferred the taps from which buckets could hang – I just didn’t like leaving the collection containers sitting on the ground. Personal preference there nothing more. Choose what works best for your home.

A collection of metal spiles, a hammer, and drill bit used in backyard tree tapping

Collection containers are also a must. Buckets work well and special maple tapping buckets can be purchased, however; any bucket that will hang from the spile works just fine. Empty and cleaned vinegar or milk jugs work well, too – simply punch a hole in the handle and hang it from the tap. If using the tubes, there are special collection bags but again, re-purposed plastic containers work just fine.

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A hole needs to be drilled into the tree. The size of the drill bit depends on the size of the spile or tube used, most of the time it’s in the 3/8″ range. Both a hand drill or a power drill will work.

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When & How to Tap

Most trees are tapped when the daytime temperatures reach the 40 degree range but still drop below freezing at night. The sap certainly flows best at these temperatures in my experience and begins to slow down as the nights warm up.

Hammering spile into maple tree for backyard tree tapping.

To tap a tree, simply drill a hole at an upward angle to a depth of about 2 inches. Tap in the spile with a rubber mallet or small lightweight hammer and hang the collection container. Mother Nature does the rest of the work here, dripping the sap into the containers. Once day, collect the sap for syrup making.

The sap will stop following eventually on it’s own. I usually pull the taps once it slows down according to the temperatures and certainly as soon as the trees start to bud. There’s no reason to plug the tap hole. It will scar over on it’s own and very quickly too. (The photo below was taken in July, taps were removed in March by October it would be completely closed.)

Hole closing left from a maple spile.

Making Syrup

This is the most hands-on part of syrup making but even this happens quite easily without too much attention until the very end. All that sap needs to be boiled to a temperature that is 7 degrees above the boiling point (this varies based on elevation – so be sure to know what it is at your house). It is when it reaches this temperature that it becomes syrup. In my experience it tends to get hot very quickly towards the end as the water is close to evaporated so watch closely less it burns (I also know that from experience).

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tap trees at home boil Backyard Tree Tapping for Syrup

Boil it down on the stove but under a powerful hood as it gets very humid or do it outside. Once it’s been boiled down, it can be sealed by canning or simply kept in the refrigerator.

The Sap to Syrup Ratio

After I did my first boil down of sap into syrup, I quickly realized why it was expensive to buy real maple syrup. There is a lot evaporation. The ratio of sap to syrup starts in the 40 to 1 range for sugar maples and goes all the way up to 100 to 1 for birches. That means every 40 gallons (or 100) of sap results in 1 gallon of finished syrup. That can almost feel disheartening but I promise it’s not.

Sometimes when the weather is just right, we’ll see the bees from our hive indulging in the sweet sap.

Backyard tree tapping is an easy and rewarding process from which the results are tasty homegrown and sweet syrup and it

Is it Worth It?

Absolutely. While the sap to syrup ratio can feel a little disheartening most of the process is fairly hands off and doesn’t require a bunch of hard labor for the backyard tapper. Beyond the hands-off aspect of home tapping, as in anything homegrown and homemade, the flavor and reward of tapping for syrup can not be beat.

Dried apple cookies on a plate with maple syrup.

Learning how to add some homegrown sugar to the homestead is a valuable skill and a tasty one at that. Because mother nature does the bulk of the work and the boiling can be done while other things are being attended too, tapping can usually fit rather well into already full days without feeling stressful. As the weather starts to warm up this late winter and early spring, give backyard tree tapping a try and enjoy some homegrown syrup on those pancakes the rest of the year.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>