When to Plant Buckwheat? – Buckwheat Planting Time


when to plant buckwheat

Buckwheat can make the soil easier to till. Moreover, it can produce flour for making pancakes, and if you’re gluten-free, growing this cover crop is undoubtedly a nice thing to consider.

So when to plant buckwheat? The ideal growing season for this plant is spring, though summer and early fall are also possible. Read on for more details.

Best Time to Plant Buckwheat

1. In spring, summer, and fall


In fact, many people grow buckwheat during the hot months to suppress garden weeds. If you plan to do the same, make sure to irrigate the plant frequently to safeguard it against high heat.

For example, Columbia in PA has the last frost on May 5 and the first frost on October 5. As a result, the planting dates in this region are May 19 until October 4.

2. When the soil is warm, neutral or acidic, and well-drained


In terms of temperature, the soil should be 70℉ or warmer for ideal germination. If you can’t meet this exact requirement, a range of 45 to 105℉ is acceptable.

At the same time, the garden bed should have a pH of 4 to 6 and be neither too wet nor too dry to nourish buckwheat. And because we’re talking about dampness, one factor that influences it is the soil’s drainage.

To test how quickly your garden bed releases moisture, dig a trench with a depth and width of 12 inches and pour water into it.

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If the hole you dug doesn’t lose an inch of water an hour, add three to four inches of compost to the ground.

Hardiness Zones for Buckwheat Growing


Buckwheat best grows in hardiness zone 3 to 7. To determine which zone you’re living in, go to planthardiness.ars.usda.gov and look up the map for your state.

For example, if you live in Greensboro in NC, your residence would fall under zone 7. On the other hand, Hancock in Iowa would be in zone 5.

Both of these areas can support buckwheat.

How to Plant Buckwheat?


That said, it’s possible to select buckwheat seeds for planting according to your region.

As an example, the Manisoba cultivar is very popular in the Northeast of the US.

Also, note that a distribution of 55 pounds of seeds per acre will bring excellent results, whether you’re growing buckwheat as a cover crop or as produce.

Harvesting Buckwheat


Buckwheat is ready for harvest when ¾ of the seeds are brown and ripe. To make sure this is the case, check the seeds carefully and ensure they’re not empty hulls. Otherwise, you may think you’ve reached the ¾ criterion when you haven’t.

Then, follow the steps below to harvest buckwheat:


When to plant buckwheat? The answer should become apparent as long as you know the frost dates where you live.

In addition, it’s essential to give your plant the right soil temperature, pH, and care. This includes adjusting the ground’s acidity and watering it when necessary, for instance.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to grow buckwheat in your garden without trouble.

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Besides, you also can refer more to other topics about the best time to plant other flowers such as azaleas, allium bulbs, roses and etc.

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>