Forrest Fenn’s Treasure Was Discovered in This National Park, but Rangers Want to Keep Exact Location a Secret

Forrest Fenn, treasure, map, wyoming,
Forrest Fenn’s map and treasure which was recently discovered in Wyoming.

It’s been almost two years since Forrest Fenn’s riddle was solved, and the $2 million worth of treasure he’d buried was found. Until recently, the only thing we knew about its location was that it was in Wyoming. Until now.

A recent article on Outside Online has revealed that the treasure was buried in ‘an iconic American landmark’ in Yellowstone National Park. Park Rangers are aware of the exact location but want to keep it a secret. They’re concerned that should the exact location be revealed, it would become swamped by tourists, damaging the fragile landscape. However, an ongoing lawsuit against Fenn (who passed away in September 2020) may result in that location being revealed.

Author Forrest Fenn confirmed in a blog post in July 2020 that his chest filled with $2 million worth of treasure was found in Wyoming.

Many of the searchers for my treasure had solves that seemed to neatly fit the clues in my poem. Then when the finder found and retrieved the treasure, other searchers wondered how close they had been to the right spot. Because I promised the finder I would not reveal who found it or where, I have remained mostly silent.

However, the finder understands how important some closure is for many searchers, so today he agreed that we should reveal that the treasure was found in Wyoming. Until he found the treasure, the treasure had not moved in the 10 years since I left it there on the ground, and walked away.

Perhaps today’s announcement will bring some closure to those whose solves were in New Mexico, Colorado, or Montana.

To all of those who did not find the treasure, we hope that you got some enjoyment from the chase. f

For a decade, the $2-million treasure chest sat undiscovered in the Rocky Mountains, with the only man who knew where it was leaving clues to its whereabouts, promising whoever found it could keep it. At least four died in its pursuit, and many sacrificed jobs and their livelihoods. Finally, some lucky sleuth found it. But that didn’t stop the disbelievers.

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Forrest Fenn, treasure chest,
Forrest Fenn with his treasure chest that was found in Wyoming.

As is the case with many mysteries, there were plenty of people calling it a hoax, claiming conspiracy theories and disbelieving it even existed. But Forrest Fenn, the man behind the quest, put those theories to rest by releasing pictures of the discovered treasure.

Forrest Fenn, treasure,
Photos taken by the man who discovered it.

The 89-year-old art and antiquities collector posted three pictures of the treasure on, a fan blog dedicated to the treasure hunt. While some remained skeptical, most of the comments on the site congratulated the finder and thanked Fenn for the experience.

Forrest Fenn, treasure
Fenn wearing a bracelet made of silver, which has been tarnished black.

It all started when art dealer and former air force pilot, Forrest Fenn, revealed in his self-published 2010 novel, “The Thrill of the Chase”, that he had buried a lockbox full of about 2 million dollars worth of gold, gems, and artifacts. The clues to the treasure’s whereabouts were hidden in a 24 verse poem that is included in the memoir. Many people have quit their jobs and spent their life savings in the quest to find the buried treasure.


It was under a canopy of stars in the lush, forested vegetation of the Rocky Mountains, and had not moved from the spot where I hid it more than 10 years ago. I do not know the person who found it, but the poem in my book led him to the precise spot.

I congratulate the thousands of people who participated in the search and hope they will continue to be drawn by the promise of other discoveries.

So the search is over. Look for more information and photos in the coming days.

– Forrest Fenn, June 6th 2020

treasure, wyoming,
Forrest Fenn

Mr. Fenn stated that the Treasure was located in the 1,000-mile stretch of the Rocky Mountains from New Mexico to the Canadian border and at least 5,000 feet above sea level, in an area that an 80-year-old would not have trouble accessing. Fenn estimates that over 100,000 people have attempted the search for his treasure and originally said that he hoped the hunt would push more people outside to enjoy the wilderness. Asked how he felt now that the treasure has been found, Fenn said: “I don’t know, I feel halfway kind of glad, halfway kind of sad because the chase is over.”

  • Related: Police Warn of ‘Deadly Pursuit’ as 2 Have Died in 2 Years Searching for Buried Treasure in Rocky Mountains
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Within days of the treasure being found, three separate lawsuits were filed by people claiming they solved the puzzle first, with one lady claiming that the man who got to it first “stole her solve”.

  • Related: Man Who Found Forrest Fenn’s Treasure May Have to Fight For it as 3 Others Claim They Solved Puzzle First

In March 2020, two Coloradan snowmobilers were searching for Forrest Fenn’s elusive treasure when they became stranded, and one died in a Utah park. In June 2017, New Mexico authorities found the body of Paris Wallace, a Colorado Pastor who had joined the hunt. A year before Randy Bilyeu disappeared while searching for the treasure, his remains were found in the Rio Grande seven months later.

treasure, Rocky Mountains, deadly, wyoming,
The map and clues left by Fenn. Credit: Instagram
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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>