Hunting Deer Without A Blind

Video bow hunting deer from the ground without a blind

Blinds and tree stands are certainly considered by many to be the best modern way to hunt deer and other common game. But what if you want to return to the classics and try hunting deer without a blind or a tree stand? This might sound like quite the challenge, but being successful at it will certainly feel like a major accomplishment, especially when you get a chance to be in the middle of it all. Besides, even if you are used to hunting from a blind, we certainly advise you to consider giving the more traditional methods a try – it is most definitely a fascinating experience.

Understandably, sometimes it is more reasonable to use a blind. For example, hunting in private land often means that you will have access to pre-set blinds. Using them is not mandatory because it is perfectly feasible to hunt some deer without a blind – it is up to you to decide. Public land, on the other hand, is an entirely different experience. You could always bring a pop-up blind there, but this might not be the best idea.

Advantages Of Hunting Deer Without A Blind

Apart from being a much cooler and exciting experience for many, hunting without a blind or tree stand has other advantages too. For starters, you can bring the minimum amount of equipment and be on the move right away. This is especially useful when hiking in new areas that you have never explored before. By carrying less equipment, you will be able to access more secluded, steep, or thick spots – that would otherwise be out of bounds for you.

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Of course, you should keep in mind that there are some specifics when hunting on the ground. Since you will be on the same level as whitetails, they might have a slight advantage over you – wind direction and scent can give away your location. Also, you might need to be on the move every now and then. When moving, you could try using the wind to mask your movements. Move slowly, with frequent stops – you might have a deer just a few yards away, but you cannot notice it yet because you do not have the superior vantage point that a blind would provide.

Should You Use A Pop-Up Blind?

Portable hunting blinds, or pop-up blinds, are considered by many hunters to be one of the best purchases. However, hunting deer with a pop-up blind might be one of the worst ways to do it. The reason is that herds of deer in public lands usually have a very specific pattern that they follow. The issue is that they usually tend to break down these patterns when they notice anything wrong with their surroundings – such as a pop-up blind standing out.

In fact, many hunters estimate that deer take up to 2-3 days to return to their old patterns after they notice anything out of the ordinary. Needless to say, this makes using a pop-up blind a bad idea unless you plan to return to the spot a few days after setting it up.

Hunting Deer Without A Blind? Focus On Camouflage!

There is really nothing too specific when talking about hunting deer without a blind. You simply need to make sure that you blend with your surroundings. Wearing a camo outfit, as well as face paint, should be more than enough in most cases. Face paint is not even necessary in all cases – but it is definitely recommended if you are fair-skinned. Make sure to properly cover all exposed skin – for example, you can hide a major part of your neck by choosing a top with a higher collar.

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It is always a good idea to wear some sort of blaze orange (also known as safety orange) when hunting deer in public lands. In fact, it is the law in many states. To meet this requirement, we advise you to go with a blaze orange hat with camo.

How To Choose A Spot To Hunt

Even the best camouflage cannot make up for a poorly chosen spot. Blending in with your surroundings is not that difficult – it just takes some practice. Naturally, you should make sure to choose camouflage that matches the environment of the land that you will be hunting in.

Once you are there and it is time to choose a spot, you must make sure that your silhouette does not sit in front of the skyline. Ideally, you want to be in front of a bush or, even better, between two bushes. This will drastically increase the efficiency of your camo, making it far less likely for deer to notice you. A bush might not even be needed if you find a large enough tree trunk – your silhouette will blend right in a while sitting in front of it.

What Colors Should You Wear Or Avoid?

Deer vision is nothing like human vision, and you are probably not surprised by this. But how does deer vision work then? Deer typically have a bad vision in the long and middle wavelengths – this means that they cannot distinguish browns, yellows, greens, oranges, and reds. What they excel at, however, is low wavelength colors – like blue. This means that wearing anything blue (e.g., blue jeans) while hunting deer without a blind is out of the question – you will be seen immediately, and no amount of camo can help you.

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Keep in mind that using camo patterns for your pants is not mandatory – you can get by with earth colors such as brown, olive, etc. In many cases, the bottom part of your body will blend with shrubs, trees, and other elements of the environment – it is your torso and head that usually stand out.

As you can see, hunting deer without a blind is not just for the experts – in fact, it is much easier to get into because of the minimum equipment you need. Of course, blinds are still the superior option in certain situations – such as hunting in an open field without any good hiding spots.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>