What are the Best Trout Lures for Ponds


This is a very extensive list of the best trout lures for pond fishing and gives you, the angler, an opportunity to try new lures. There are a few more things to consider when fishing ponds for trout:

What is the best bait for trout in a pond?

Catch and Release Fishing has covered lures extensively in this blog, and we have considered some baits as well with the Gulp line of products. The one thing Catch and Release Fishing has not talked about are the actual, natural baits. There are plenty of natural bait options for trout in ponds. Here are the best baits compiled by the team at Catch and Release Fishing.

  • Nightcrawlers – The humble worm found all over the world is one of the absolute best baits you can use for trout. Buy, or dig your own in soft earth like your home garden. Either way works equally well for trout. Some anglers have nightcrawler beds at home as well. You can too.

  • Corn – Plain, yellow corn from a can is something people use frequently for trout in ponds and on rivers. Corn is cheap, and you can cook the leftovers with your creel full of trout.

  • Salmon eggs – There are plenty of brands available. Check out the Gulp Salmon Eggs. These work as well or better than the actual salmon egg and are considerably more durable on the end of the line.

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What do you use to catch trout in a pond?

Most people who fish for trout in a pond use conventional rod and reel gear and leave the fly rods at home. This is not to say you cannot use a fly rod if the angler chooses to do so. Conventional tackle simply works better.

That is why Catch and Release Fishing recommends the QUDRAKAST Fishing Rod and Reel Combo. This combo features everything needed to start fishing for trout and other species as well. The telescopic rod collapses down for convenient storage and carry.

This combo is also ideal for new anglers learning the sport. The reel is very easy to learn to use and casts exceptional distances.

What color lure is best for trout?

Trout can be incredibly finicky when it comes to what they will and will not strike in terms of a lure presentation. There are three things to consider when looking for the best lure for trout:

  • Current feeding – Trout in streams and rivers feed on what is hatching. Trout in ponds are after different forage like minnows. Match your colors to what the trout are eating in the pond

  • Water clarity – Clear water calls for colors like red and orange. Stained water means contrasting colors like pinks and chartreuse. Silver and black are good no matter what the water clarity looks like.

  • Light penetration – Water in ponds can be very deep. In deeper water, use black, blue and green. Metallic colors – silver and gold work well in full sun and in deep water.

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It is always a good idea to take a selection of lures with you when heading for a pond, stream or river. This way you can find what the trout are after.

Catch and Release Fishing has always had better luck with conventional tackle than with fly fishing gear. These lures have always produced for us as well.

Some of these lures do have treble hooks and are much more likely to provide a solid hook up and get more trout to the bank. However, this also means there is a better chance of doing harm to the fish when trying to get the hooks out and release the trout back into the water.

Any treble hook can be replaced with a single trout hook, and if you plan on releasing the fish, please consider using barbless trout hooks.

Catch and Release Fishing is about good practices and conservation. It is a hope you will do the same.

We look forward to seeing you on the water!

Check out our fly fishing hook size chart

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>