What’s the best broadhead to use for each animal?

Video best broadhead for moose

Not so very long ago, when it came to your choice in broadheads, bowhunting was a one-sized-fits-all world.

Not anymore.

Like many industries, there are certain tools that are designed for certain jobs. While it’s true that most broadheads can take down almost any game with a perfect shot, what happens if you screw up and hit a shoulder for instance? If you’re slinging the right broadhead, 9 times out of 10 it’ll cover for your mistake.

Keep in mind that our recommendations below are based on average hunters using average equipment. If you’re a youth or female archer with lower draw weight or an absolute beast of a man pulling a 70+ pound bow, you’ll need to factor these differences into your decision.

With that said, here are our recommendations for the best broadheads to use for each type of wild game.


The best broadhead for bears

Now, there’s quite a bit of difference between a 250 lb. black bear and a monstrous 800+ lb. grizzly, but regardless of size, the same issue arises: Bears are notorious for leaving less-than-desirable blood trails, so you’ll need to make sure you drop them quickly. The best way to do this is to make sure your broadhead packs enough punch to pass through both lungs. In our experience, nothing works better than a strong fixed blade with a surgically sharp tip.

  • Our choice: The Wasp Drone
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Bison & Musk Ox

The best broadhead for musk ox & bison

These monstrous creatures have seriously thick fur and dense muscle, meaning you’re going to need to pack a punch to take them down. Your best bet here is to use the sturdiest fixed-blade option you can find, one that can smash through thick bone and muscle like butter on a hot day.

  • Our choice: The Wasp Drone
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Elk & Moose

The best broadhead for elk & moose

Elk and moose are both big, sturdy animals. They’re also likely to charge you if they see you, so you’ll want to take them down quickly. Similar to the last two groups, you’ll have the best luck with a strong fixed-blade broadhead. A lack of momentum—paired with an unusually thick hide and bones as strong as concrete—could spell disaster for a mechanical.

  • Our choice: The Wasp Havalon HV
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Deer & Pronghorn

The best broadhead for deer & pronghorn

The whitetails and pronghorns of the Midwest and Western Plains are amongst the most hunted game in the country. Again though, there is a lot of variety in subspecies here, especially in the different regions across the U.S. While still possessing respectably thick hides and strong muscles, their smaller chests and vitals are much more susceptible to a mechanical blade, allowing you to rip open a larger hole and leave a significantly shorter blood trail to your kill.

  • Our choice: The Wasp Jak-Hammer 1-3/4″
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The best broadhead for hogs

For their size, hogs can be rather tricky to take down and aggressive at times. When it comes to the right broadhead, you’ll want something that can accurately take them down from a distance tear through their surprisingly tough exterior. They’re pretty quick and can lead you on quite the wild goose chase if your shot isn’t perfect, so we recommend the additional cutting surface of a fourth blade.

  • Our choice: The Wasp Dart
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Turkeys & Other Fowl

The best broadhead for turkeys & fowl

Turkeys, grouse, and other birds all have very small kill zones, so a big mechanical is going to be your best friend as a low-profile fixed blade won’t leave much room for error. Turkeys are also very keen birds and can spot you coming a mile away if you’re not careful. A mechanical will give you a more accurate shot at greater distances, ensuring you don’t spook them off trying to creep in closer.

  • Our choice: The Wasp Jak-Hammer 1-3/4″
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Rabbits & Other Critters

The best broadhead for rabbits & critters

You could certainly make a case for taking down rabbits, raccoons, squirrels, and other small varmints with pretty much any broadhead. That said, it would be a bit of a waste to use a large mechanical when smaller blades would do the trick. Our vote has to go to the unsurpassed accuracy, strength, and durability of our newest broadhead, the Mortem. With a stainless-steel trocar tip, three razor-sharp blades, and a 1-1/8” cutting path, those pesky critters won’t stand a chance!

  • Our choice: The NEW Wasp Mortem
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Pick the right Wasp broadhead for your next hunt

Shooting an animal with a bow is not something to take lightly. As a responsible hunter, you owe it to them to make sure you are using the best broadhead for a quick, clean kill. As you’ve hopefully learned, there is no such thing as the single best broadhead for every situation.

No other manufacturer can match our selection, and we are the only one to allow you to try out a single broadhead for a specific setup or hunt. Customize your Pick 3 Pack today and get them shipped directly to your door.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>