Morel Mushroom Hunting Tips


Hunting for morel mushrooms can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it’s important to remember a few tips to make the most of your hunt. Here are some morel mushroom hunting tips for 2022:

Know your trees to find morel mushrooms

Morels typically grow near certain types of trees, so it’s important to do a little research before you go hunting. Elm, ash, sycamore, and hickory trees are all good places to start looking.

Old apple orchards are another great place to find morels, since the trees have been abandoned and the morels have had time to take hold.

Be aware of your surroundings

Morels can be difficult to spot, so it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and look carefully for any sign of mushrooms.

Look for morel mushrooms in damp areas. Morels thrive in moist environments, so look for them near rivers, creeks, or ponds.

Look south and west to find morel mushrooms

Morel mushrooms can most often be found in more humid conditions, so keep an eye out for them in the direction of the more southern and more western parts of your surroundings as these areas will have the warmest early-season soil.

Use temperature, humidity, and soil acidity to track morels

Where morel mushrooms grow is dependent on more than just moisture, so morel hunters need to monitor more than one environmental factor at a time.

Keep an eye out for morels as early as March and as late as May.

While the most prolific morel mushroom hunting season is typically from mid-April through June, you can find good harvests of wild morels in both early spring and in late fall.


A decrease in the variance between day and nighttime temperatures is the most important climatic cue for morel growth.

There is a strong correlation between morels and the amount of precipitation that falls within six weeks of morel emergence, so pay attention to weather patterns when hunting morels.

Use your binoculars

Morel hunting is a time-consuming process that’s hard on the feet. Use binoculars to find morels from a safe, elevated vantage point.

Having a good pair of binoculars will also help you spot morels from a distance and avoid areas that have already been picked clean as well as increase the amount of ground you can cover in one trip

Be sure to dress for the weather

When morel hunting, be prepared for all types of weather conditions. Dress in layers so you can adjust as needed, and make sure to bring along a sturdy pair of boots, plenty of water, snacks, and morel identification material (like color pictures and descriptions).

Always keep your eyes peeled for more mushrooms!

While morels are typically solitary and not abundant in an area, you can increase your odds by paying attention to additional morel fruiting bodies. More often than not, one will lead you to more.

Don’t get discouraged – you’ll find more!

Even if your first experience hunting morels does not yield any results, don’t give up after just one trip into the woods. You will eventually be successful and then can share them with friends and family for a truly memorable meal!