It doesn't matter if you're talking about 200-pound alligator gar in a Texas reservoir, a 3-foot longnose in a Minnesota river, or a 5-pound...

Bear Bite Force: How Much Damage Can Bears Do

Did you know that bears have some of the strongest bites in the animal kingdom? While they don’t exactly rank at the top in...

How to Skin a Bear: The Complete Guide

When I think of skinning a bear, I’m reminded of one of my favorite hunts with my son in Montana. When he was only...

The 8 Best Egg Incubators in 2024

You’ve decided to hatch your own chickens, but there are hundreds of egg incubators to choose from. How do you pick the best one...

Top 5 Crossbows for 2024 | Deer & Deer Hunting

The new crossbows for 2024 are faster, more accurate and quieter than ever. 1. TenPoint Flatline 460 TenPoint’s new Flatline 460...

2024 Georgia Rut Dates by County

There’s nothing quite like hunting whitetails during the rut. Georgia deer hunters are fortunate in that with a little travel, we can hunt the...

Trail Camera Placement Strategies for Different Times of the Year

If you’ve made the mistake of leaving your trail cameras hanging on the same tree from opening day until post-rut then it’s time to...

Poaching in Michigan: Crimes, Penalties & Defense

Poaching in Michigan is a serious offense in Michigan with serious penalties if convicted. Did you know Michigan has elk? Most people think of...

Shots to the Vital Areas

When taking a shot at a game animal, the goal of the hunter should be to deliver a well placed shot to the...

.270 Winchester vs .257 Weatherby: Which is Best for Whitetail?

.270 WinchesterBeing a Western guy, I have psychological issues with choosing the best caliber for just one species. Me, I want to be able...
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