Three things you may not know about Pennsylvania Game Commission Officers and Waterway Conservation officers

By Katherine McShane, Esquire and Kaitlyn Clarkson, Esquire [Edited by Justin J. McShane, Esquire, F-AIC, F-AAFS]

They have statewide jurisdiction.

Just as deer and other wild animals cross city and county lines, so does the jurisdiction of Game Commission and Waterway Conservation officer. Although Commission officers in Pennsylvania may have a home base of operations as designated by the Pennsylvania Game Commission and Fish and Boat Commission, their jurisdiction is statewide. This means that a Commission officer’s jurisdiction extends to every corner of the state where wildlife can be found: from the bottom of a riverbed, to the skies where fowl fly, and all land spanning Pennsylvania’s borders. This obviously applies to public property, but even private property to a certain degree (see the below).

They have cross-subject primary matter jurisdiction and can enforce laws beyond fish, game and boating.

A Commission officer’s subject-matter jurisdiction is just as wide as their geographical jurisdiction. While the Game Commission has authority over all wildlife related laws, and the fish and boat commission has primary jurisdiction over waterways – including boating and fishing – each organization is granted the authority to enforce the laws of the other. Additionally, when acting in the scope of their employment, Game Commission officers and Waterway Commission officers have the authority to enforce all criminal laws, even those wholly unrelated to hunting or fishing.

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There is great tension in the law between what the Pennsylvania Legislature says that they can do and what our state and federal constitutions say that they can lawfully do.

Game Commission officers and Waterway Conservation officers have full police power to inspect, search, seize, and/or arrest. Note, this police power is not simply for hunting and fishing violations. Commission officers possess the full power to arrest for any violations of the law, hunting and fishing related or not. Game Commission officers can even arrest for a DUI provided they obtain legal grounds for the stop and arrest while within the official scope of their employment. Commonwealth v. Carlson, 705 A.2d 468 (Pa.Super.1998)

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Just as we wrote above, a Game Commission officer has statewide policing powers. And as such is an agent of the government. The Game Commission officer is still restricted by both the federal and Pennsylvania constitutions. Where the tension comes into play is what is in the Game Code versus what is prohibited for police to do per the constitutions.

On the books (The Pennsylvania Game Code), in Section 901(a)(8) provides Game Commission officers the authority to “conduct administrative inspections of persons, licenses and permits, firearms, ammunition and other implements of taking, game bags, game, meat poles, tags, clothing, waterfowl blinds, decoys, tree stands, immediate hunting locations, or any means of transportation used as blinds or hunting locations, any coolers or containers possessed at a hunting location when prima facie evidence of hunting exists.” Note that by the text this applies to even law abiding hunters and anglers who have done nothing wrong and have not even been suspected of doing anything wrong! Per the Pennsylvania Game Code, the only requirement to trigger this broad warrantless and suspicionless activity is that the Game Commission officer have prima facie evidence of hunting. Prima facie evidence of hunting includes “possession of any firearm, bow and arrow, raptor, trap or other device of any description usable for the purpose of hunting or taking game or wildlife; possession of the carcass or any part or parts of any game or wildlife; or pursuing any game or wildlife in any manner prohibited by this title or commission regulation.” This means, per the Game Code, that if there is prima facie evidence of hunting, the officer can search basically everything you have, including any container possessed at the hunting location, no matter how small. For example, the Altoids box we mentioned earlier, even though it is small, can be searched simply because it is at the hunting location. Even if you are doing everything by the books, per the Game Code, the simple act of hunting can open you up to a search by a Game Commission officer – even when there is no evidence that any laws have been broken. This is what the Game Commission officer. But there is a great tension there between the Game Code and our constitutions. This is where an experienced lawyer can make all of the difference in the world.

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A Game Commission officer may go upon any land or water, outside of buildings, except the curtilage of a home in performing his duties; may stop any transportation upon reasonable suspicion or road checkpoints; and search any person, car, clothes, bags, or other containers upon probable cause, consent, exigent circumstances, or other exceptions to the warrant requirement. 34 Pa.C.S. §901(a).

Pennsylvania law authorizes Commission officers to go “upon any land or water outside of buildings, except curtilage, posted or otherwise, in the performance of the officer’s duties.” This broad sweeping rule however does not permit a Commission officer to come into or near your house, your shed, or your yard near your house without probable cause. The PGC follows the Open Field Doctrine, which holds that open fields, even when posted with “No Trespassing” signs “do not provide the intimate setting for those intimate activities that the Amendment is intended to shelter from government or interference or surveillance. There is no societal interest in protecting the privacy of those activities, such as the cultivation of crops that occur in open fields.” Commonwealth v. Russo, 594 Pa. 119 (Pa. 2007). So while a Game Commission officer may, under the Open Fields Doctrine, go onto some private property, it does not give them carte blanch to go onto all of your private property. Where they can go without probable cause depends on how the court defines curtilage. Curtilage is generally considered to be your home and the area of land attached; however, what is or is not curtilage is often determined on a case by case basis. In the Russo case, a bait pile was found by the Game Commission officers approximately 90 feet from Russo’s cabin. The court found that the area where the bait pile was found was not considered curtilage in that case. What is protected by the 4th Amendment is not always clear and for that reason it is important to always have a knowledgeable attorney on your side who can fight for your rights.

See also  .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum for Whitetail Deer Hunting? Best Ammo (Round, Load, Cartridge) for a Successful Whitetail Deer Hunt Hunting Calibers 04 Apr, 2020 Posted By: Foundry Outdoors Is the .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum a viable caliber/load/round/cartridge for whitetail deer hunting? The accurate answer is “it depends”. However, the goal of this article is simply to address the question of whether the .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum is within the ideal range of suitable calibers to harvest whitetail deer. As with anything, the devil is in the details. To answer the question completely, we would need to evaluate the downrange distance to the whitetail deer, the bullet type, the grain weight of the bullet, the physical condition of the firearm, the size of the whitetail deer in question, the shot placement, the local wind conditions, the expected accuracy of the shooter, the ethics of the ideal maximum number of shots – the list goes on. [Click Here to Shop .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum Ammo]What we can do is provide a framework to understand what average conditions might look like, and whether those are reasonably viable for a shot from the average shooter to harvest a whitetail deer in the fewest number of shots possible, i.e., ethically. Let’s dive right in. In the question of “Is the .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum within the ideal range of suitable calibers for whitetail deer hunting?” our answer is: Yes, the .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum is A GOOD CHOICE for whitetail deer hunting, under average conditions, from a mid-range distance, with a medium grain expanding bullet, and with correct shot placement.Let’s look at those assumptions a bit closer in the following table. Assumption Value Caliber .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum Animal Species Whitetail Deer Muzzle Energy 3170 foot-pounds Animal Weight 210 lbs Shot Distance 150 yardsWhat is the average muzzle energy for a .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum? In this case, we have assumed the average muzzle energy for a .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum round is approximately 3170 foot-pounds. What is the average weight of an adult male whitetail deer? Here we have leaned conservative by taking the average weight of a male individual of the species, since females generally weigh less and require less stopping power. In this case, the average weight of an adult male whitetail deer is approximately 210 lbs. [Click Here to Shop .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum Ammo]What is the distance this species is typically hunted from? Distance, of course, plays an important role in the viability of a given caliber in whitetail deer hunting. The kinetic energy of the projectile drops dramatically the further downrange it travels primarily due to energy lost in the form of heat generated by friction against the air itself. This phenonemon is known as drag or air resistance. Thus, a caliber that is effective from 50 yards may not have enough stopping power from 200 yards. With that said, we have assumed the average hunting distance for whitetail deer to be approximately 150 yards. What about the other assumptions? We have three other primary assumptions being made here. First, the average bullet weight is encapsulated in the average muzzle energy for the .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum. The second important assumption is ‘slightly-suboptimal’ to ‘optimal’ shot placement. That is to say, we assume the whitetail deer being harvested is shot directly or nearly directly in the vitals (heart and/or lungs). The third assumption is that a projectile with appropriate terminal ballistics is being used, which for hunting usually means an expanding bullet.Various calibersA common thread you may encounter in online forums is anecdote after anecdote of large animals being brought down by small caliber bullets, or small animals surviving large caliber bullets. Of course those stories exist, and they are not disputed here. A 22LR cartridge can fell a bull elephant under the right conditions, and a newborn squirrel can survive a 50 BMG round under other specific conditions. Again, the goal of this article is simply to address the question of whether .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum is within the ideal range of suitable calibers to harvest whitetail deer - and to this question, the response again is yes, the .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum is A GOOD CHOICE for whitetail deer hunting. [Click Here to Shop .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum Ammo]This article does not serve as the final say, but simply as a starting point for beginner hunters, as well as a venue for further discussion. Please feel free to agree, disagree, and share stories from your own experience in the comments section below. Disclaimer: the information above is purely for illustrative purposes and should not be taken as permission to use a particular caliber, a statement of the legality or safety of using certain calibers, or legal advice in any way. You must read and understand your own local laws before hunting whitetail deer to know whether your caliber of choice is a legal option.Foundry Outdoors is your trusted home for buying archery, camping, fishing, hunting, shooting sports, and outdoor gear online.We offer cheap ammo and bulk ammo deals on the most popular ammo calibers. We have a variety of deals on Rifle Ammo, Handgun Ammo, Shotgun Ammo & Rimfire Ammo, as well as ammo for target practice, plinking, hunting, or shooting competitions. Our website lists special deals on 9mm Ammo, 10mm Ammo, 45-70 Ammo, 6.5 Creedmoor ammo, 300 Blackout Ammo, 10mm Ammo, 5.56 Ammo, Underwood Ammo, Buffalo Bore Ammo and more special deals on bulk ammo.We offer a 100% Authenticity Guarantee on all products sold on our website. Please email us if you have questions about any of our product listings. Leave a commentComments have to be approved before showing up Your Name * Your Email * Your Comment * Post Comment

Although we paint a bleak picture, the scope of a Game Commission officer is not completely free of the constraints of the 4th Amendment and the Pennsylvania State Constitution. In order for a Game Commission officer acting in the scope of his official duty to stop a vehicle, the officer must have reasonable suspicion or probable cause. In order for the officer to search the vehicle, he must have consent or possess probable cause. Further, if a Game Commission officer is no longer acting within the scope of his official duties, he cannot stop a vehicle even if he has reasonable suspicion or probable cause.

Finally, the Game Code makes it a crime when someone does not answer a Game Commission officer’s questions. But our Fifth Amendment right still applies making any attempt to cite someone for it unconstitutional.

The lesson is that the Game Commission officer believes that his powers to trespass on private land, stop and search anyone, stop and search cars, and try to make people answer questions under penalty of law…. even for no reason are extensive.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>