Do-It-Yourself Deer Processing

Video best way to process a deer

diy deer processing qdma lead Do-It-Yourself Deer Processing

Moving to Auburn, Alabama to begin graduate school last fall brought about quite a few changes in the way I hunt. It was the first year I was away from my family’s farm in North Carolina. While I was able to hunt the farm a couple of times during 2017, most of my hunting was done on public land around Auburn. This shift to public land came with a steep learning curve, but it taught me more about scouting and adapting to hunting pressure than any season before. I managed to harvest several deer and had what I would consider to be my best hunting season to date.

However, I had also moved far away from the deer processor I have used for most of my life. While I have always been satisfied with his work, I decided this would be the perfect time to begin processing deer for myself. Unlike the difficulty I encountered while trying to figure out public land, learning to process my own deer was actually pretty simple. I hope to share what I’ve learned, as deer processing is far more attainable for the average hunter than I would have ever imagined.

Why Process Your Own Meat?

The reasons to process your own venison are many. I certainly could have used one of the many processors around Auburn, but there are a couple of major reasons I decided to do it myself. The first is simple – saving money! After the minimal equipment costs are covered, it really pays to do it yourself. Most processors charge at least $60 per deer, and at that rate I was able to “pay” for the basic equipment I bought in one season. As a college student, I can certainly appreciate that savings.

Venison processing also allows you much more flexibility when the time to cook arrives. In the past, I never seemed to have the right amount of venison on hand. How much burger did I want? What serving size of roast would I be preparing? No longer is that a struggle. I can save whole cuts of meat to grind or cook later, or I have the choice to go ahead and cut steaks and package them based on the number of anticipated guests. The options are endless.

Finally, processing your own deer creates a much greater connection to the hunt. As QDM’ers, I am sure many of you have experienced the enjoyment that comes from harvesting a deer that benefitted from habitat management practices you implemented. This same satisfaction can come from the last step in the hunt, which is turning that animal into food to be consumed. It is a blessing we can have a hand in the whole process, from managing the vegetation the deer consumed, to harvesting it, to processing the meat, to cooking a meal for others to enjoy. And to think that most get their meat from a styrofoam tray in a supermarket!

It is a blessing we can have a hand in the whole process, from managing the vegetation the deer consumed, to harvesting it, to processing the meat, to cooking a meal for others to enjoy.

This connection to the hunt also brings up the perfect opportunity to mention hunter recruitment. To the outsider, it probably seems a little strange to go to the trouble of hunting an animal then paying someone else to turn it into table-ready cuts. The ability to do-it-yourself opens up a fantastic opportunity to show a new hunter the entire process. Harvesting free-ranging, natural meat is a common reason people are interested in hunting, and being connected to the hunt from start to finish can reinforce that drive.

See also  How To Smoke Wild Boar Meat There are many different opinions on how to properly smoke meat. This is what has worked in my experience, but there are certainly other successful methods. Experiment and have fun.Working muscles (shoulders, ribs and legs) benefit most from long slow cooking methods like smoking or braising.The basic issues to control when smoking meat are:1. Maintain a low cooking temperature2. Maximize moisture retention in the meat.Low Cooking TemperatureI keep my cooking temperature around 200°F - 225°F. The goal is to slowly raise the internal temperature of the meat to 180°F and then hold it there for about an hour. “Slow and low” is the mantra. Cooking time will be about 1.5 – 2 hours per pound of meat, but can vary based on thickness and whether or not it’s bone-in or bone-out.Many recipes will tell you to pull the meat when it reaches an internal temperature of 190°F or even 200°F. That advice works because it takes about an hour for a modest size piece of meat to increase from 180°F to 190°F. I would not recommend going much higher than that for very long because you begin to lose moisture in the form of steam.Lower cooking temperatures of 180°F - 200°F can be used to great success, but the cooking time will be much longer. Cooking at temperatures above 250°F is not recommended because the meat cooks too quickly causing increased moisture loss and does not allow ample time for the collagen to break down (it makes for dry, tough meat).Why 180°F internal temperature?Meat contains muscle fibers and connective tissue (collagen). It is the collagen that makes the working cuts “tough and chewy” when not properly cooked. Collagen does not break down into liquid gelatin until it reaches 180°F. You must break down that collagen by getting the internal temperature to at least 180°F and stay there for about 1 hour. Once you’ve broken down the collagen you will have fork tender meat.Moisture RetentionMoisture retention is especially important when smoking wild game meats because they are typically much leaner than other meats.Brining   – Moisture can be added to the meat prior to cooking by brining it. Moisture will still cook out of your meat, but since you’re starting with more moisture the end result will be juicier. A basic brine recipe is 1 cup of table salt per 1 gallon of water. Subtle flavorings can be infused into the meat by including sugar (1/2 cup per 1 gallon of water), garlic cloves, onions, bay leaves, peppercorns, herbs, or just about anything else. However, the primary purpose of brining is to increase the moisture content of the meat prior to cooking. Stir the salt into the water until it dissolves. For large quantities it may be necessary to heat the water to make the salt dissolve. (If you do heat the brine it must be cooled off again prior to adding the meat.) Add the meat and allow it soak for several hours in the refrigerator. For shoulders and legs (2 - 6 lb pieces) soaking overnight is just right. When the soak is finished remove the meat from the brine, briefly rinse it under cold water and then pat dry. Add your rub/spices and you’re ready to cook.Injecting   – Some inject their meat with liquid and spices prior to cooking. Like brining, this increases the moisture content prior to cooking so there will be more moisture left in the meat when it is finished.Basting   – Basting is done by periodically coating the meat with liquid to add moisture and flavor as it cooks. Just about any liquid will do as long as it is low in sugar. Sugar burns quickly so only add glazes and BBQ sauces (which are loaded with sugar) during the last 20 minutes of cooking and only long enough from them to firm up.Barding   – Covering the meat with fatty bacon or other fats while it cooks is another technique. This is typically used on very lean meats that lack sufficient natural fat so the bacon acts as a substitute. This is a great way to add fat and moisture during the cooking process, but I also find that you end up tasting bacon more than the meat.Wrapping   – Once the meat has smoked for a few hours and absorbed a sufficient quantity of smoke flavor the meat can be tightly wrapped in foil. This wrap will reduce moisture evaporation into the open air and keep the juices close to the meat (acting more like a braise than BBQ). It’s also a great way to capture the juices for use in a sauce. If you want a crispy exterior (a “bark”) then don’t use a foil wrap and cook a little longer. If you want some insurance on getting a tender, moist final product then use the wrap.Smoke and WoodWood Choice   – Just about any hardwood will do. Oak and hickory are some of the most popular and most commonly available. Mesquite, maple and fruitwoods can add a sweetness to the meat, but don’t overdo it. Herb woods like basil, rosemary and thyme can be used in small quantities to add a deeper flavor profile. Avoid softwoods (evergreen trees) because the high resin levels will give your meat an unpleasant taste.Smoke Ring   – The “smoke ring” is a reddish/pink coloration just under the surface of the meat. It’s formed by a chemical reaction between the nitrogen dioxide in the smoke and the myoglobin in meat (which creates nitric acid and colors the meat). A good smoke ring is prized in BBQ because it usually indicates that the meat was successfully cooked slowly at a low temperature. The smoke ring gradually forms until the meat (just under the surface) reaches 140°F, then the formation stops. The thickness of your smoke ring depends on how long it takes for the meat to reach this temperature. Knowing how a smoke ring forms gives us two practical applications:1. To maximize your smoke ring take the meat directly from the refrigerator to the cooker. Conventional wisdom instructs you to bring the meat to room temperature before cooking, but starting straight from a cooler temperature will give your meat more time to develop a smoke ring.2. Since smoke ring formation stops at 140°F you only need to worry about generating smoke for the first 4 hours of cooking (roughly). After that the meat will not be absorbing any more smoke flavor or coloring. After 4 hours, just concentrate on keeping a steady low temperature until the meat is done.The Oven OptionNot everyone is blessed with the time, space, and/or patience to play with a smoker. Take heart - you can still get good results with an oven.Heat your oven to 200°F - 225°F. Wrap the meat in foil. Put it in the oven until done as described above. About 1.5 - 2 hours per pound.If you want smoke flavor use your smoker/BBQ pit for the first 1 - 2 hours to infuse some smoke flavor into the meat. Then finish the cooking in the oven. If you don't have a smoker or don't want to bother with it - skip this step. It will still be good. Written by Chris Hughes Filed under cooking,  cooking tips,  learn,  recipe,  smoke,  wild boar Tweet

Equipment Needs

Along with the time commitment (around three to five hours per deer as a beginner), probably the biggest reason more people don’t process their own deer lies in the thought that there is an expensive, up-front equipment cost. This is far from the case. Nearly everyone already has a fillet knife, a couple of bowls, a cooler, and a cutting board.

While a lot can be done with the above, I added a vacuum sealer, grinder and small digital scale to my arsenal. The vacuum sealer and grinder were the two costs that hurt the most, but I was able to get mine on sale from Cabela’s for less than $200. Better units cost more, and mine will probably need replacing at some point. However, they have already paid for themselves in the first season. I would buy the best units you can afford, but the starting processor also doesn’t really need large, commercial-grade equipment. You may already own a small kitchen grinder or a countertop appliance such as a mixer or food processor for which a grinder accessory is available. As for the vacuum sealer, these are nice to have, but plastic wrap followed by a layer of freezer paper also works fine for freezing venison.

Another common misconception regards the amount of space required to break down a deer. I live in a single bedroom apartment with a kitchen so narrow that I place my 70-quart cooler in the bathtub during processing to save space. If I can make it work with the space I have, anyone can! With just a small amount of counter space, a few hours, and around $200 worth of equipment or less, anyone can break into the home processing game.

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Field Care

What happens after field-dressing is based on whether you have access to a place to hang the deer. It is certainly easier to skin and cut up a deer hanging, but I have also skinned and quartered a deer on the tailgate of my truck. If I have a place to hang the deer, I go ahead and skin it while hanging. Without a place to hang the deer, things get a little more complicated. I would highly recommend hanging the deer if possible. A number of portable devices are available for hanging and skinning deer, including tree-mounted and bumper-hitch mounted hoists.

Regardless of where I initially break down the deer, I follow a fairly simple system. First, I cut out the backstraps and tenderloins and put them in a cooler. Next, I’ll break down the hindquarters into cuts of meat while they are on the deer. I personally find it easier to cut up a ham while it’s still on the deer, but you can also detach the hindquarter meat from the bone in one mass and process it at the house if necessary. Finally, I cut off the shoulders whole along with any other meat that is destined for the grinder, including the neck. With this process, it will certainly help if you have an experienced friend to guide you the first time. There are also good videos available online, and the free e-book, QDMA’s Guide to Successful Deer Hunting, has an excellent chapter with much more details on field-to-table processing.

When icing down the meat, it’s a good idea to keep the meat on top of the ice and drain the cooler regularly to prevent the meat from sitting in melted water.

Now you have to figure out a way to get rid of the carcass. Some states allow them to be placed in the landfill, and some even allow them to be bagged and taken out with the trash. Regardless, this is a step to consider ahead of time. Whatever you do, follow the law and act ethically. Hunters don’t need bad press that comes from dumping carcasses in creeks or on roadsides. Also research state regulations concerning carcass movement to prevent the spread of CWD prions.


With the deer meat back home in a cooler, it will probably surprise you that the difficult part is over! The rest of the process is fairly intuitive. Personally, I like to keep things as simple as possible. This means packaging and freezing large cuts of meat whole then grinding the scraps into burger. It is certainly an option to cut steaks or smaller roasts at this time, but keeping things whole allows for more flexibility six months down the road when you decide to cook that hard-earned venison. The one exception I make is with backstraps and tenderloins. With these, I will often go ahead and package them based on an anticipated number of servings. While I can eat quite a bit of backstrap in a sitting, I prefer to save these cuts by only thawing what I need prior to a meal.

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There are many videos online that show the cuts of meat on a deer. I would encourage any first timer to watch a few, then get to cutting. Every single cut I take off of a deer is clearly delineated, and many cuts are separated by connective tissue so that I am able to use my hands more than my knife to pull them apart. On the hindquarters, I save the top round, bottom round, ball roast, and eye-of-round. These are all very simple to remove and can be clearly seen. Simply look for the lines between the major muscle groups and begin cutting slowly to separate them. The top and bottom round are both great cuts for a variety of recipes. The ball roast has quite a few bits of silver skin, so I personally make crockpot barbecue out of it. The eye-of-round is one of the best cuts on a deer and can be treated like a tenderloin.

Aside from the backstraps, tenderloins, and previously mentioned cuts, I usually end up throwing everything else into the grinder. While there are roasts on the shoulder and neck, I personally eat much more burger annually than roasts. However, the great thing about home processing is that you can decide exactly what you want to do with your deer! These same decisions can be made prior to taking a deer to the processor, but it is infinitely more rewarding and fun to choose these cuts on your own.


Given the minimal cost, time commitment, and skill required to take a deer from the field to the table, I certainly regret not getting into the processing game way sooner in my hunting career. If you have never considered processing your own venison, I would highly encourage you to give it a try. There is probably nothing so uniquely satisfying as taking a deer from the field to the plate, and it will definitely lead to the best-tasting venison you’ve ever had!

04 Known CWD Zone 760x760 Do-It-Yourself Deer Processing

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>