Best Bow Hunting Food Plots | 3 Food Plots That Bring Deer in Close

Video best early season food plot

3 Bow Hunting Food Plots That Bring Deer in Close

Bow hunters are the most dedicated hunters in the woods hands down. They are so much more than just the weekend warrior, they’re in the stand every chance they get. The result of this? Probably the number one reason they do it…seeing more deer, and not just does. Bow hunters see big bucks, and a lot of them! But not in the context of the usual scenario, that firearms season opener smack in the middle of the rut crazed chase phase. Unlike the weekend warriors, bow hunters see every scenario the season offers. They see the bachelor groups in the early season velvet, the draw of acorns pulling deer off soybeans, early scrape action, and yes, the rut…but every stage of it. Bow Hunters see nearly every stage/interaction in the deer woods. While being out there all season long is a definite advantage, the disadvantage comes when these encounters happen out of reach of a Prime bow. Fortunately for bowhunters these 3 bow hunting food plots can bring those encounters and big bucks in close.

The Small Kill Plot (< ½ acre)

First off, you’re more than likely not a hunting TV show host that hunts over a lush, weed free, stand of soybeans. You’re the guy/girl with back 40, the day job, kids, other obligations, then you might have time for a food plot or two. For you a small kill plot is hands down the way to go. It will be the best bang for your buck, with little maintenance, and time spent. But don’t worry you’re not settling for a mediocre or ineffective food plot. These food plots, unlike that giant stand of soybeans, are small and arguably one of the most effective bow hunting food plots.

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So what makes them so effective? How could you argue a small plot over soybeans?!

First off, the simple and easy establishment of a simple plot like this makes it perfect for you, the average, not on TV, bowhunter. You can literally establish this kill plot with yard tools found in your garage.

Second, bow hunting food plots and small ones at that are tucked back in the farthest often unreachable ends of the property. These small kill plots need to be seeded with perennials like ladino or durana clover. These clovers last all year long and are easy to establish but are more importantly browse and shade tolerant. Giving them the ability to grow year after year, in a plot surrounded by trees, with daily browsing by deer.

Finally, the number one reason these kill plots are attributed to success by numerous bowhunter is because they are small. Again plots tucked back into the deepest most unreachable places of a property are often the only food plots big bucks will be seen in daylight. They work as perfect staging points before deer work out into a larger crop field or food plot.

The Fence

Now for the better equipped bow hunters with equipment and money to spare on a food plot, soybeans are the way to go. No, were not talking the giant bean fields of the Midwest, but bean fields specifically for bow hunters. Remember, getting the deer in close is the objective. While it’s a backwards way of thinking for some putting an electric fence system to enclose a small area (1/2-1 acre) of a larger area of beans can be a death sentence to deer on your property. Fencing off a section of the beans allows them to grow without browsing pressure. Once archery season comes around you are able to open a side of the fence preferably closer to your stand. You can also let the beans fully mature before opening it up, creating a late season food and hunting opportunity on your property.

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Not believing in this type of bow hunting food plot or not understanding how it works? First watch this video below to find out, then come back to learn how to make this scenario even more bowhunter friendly!

Bowhunting Whitetails : 181” Buck killed in Missouri Video – Prime Bows Pro Hunting Staff: Growing Deer TV

Undeniable now right? The fence gives you complete control over when and where the deer eat. Giving you the ability to put them right in front of your stand. But wait…It can be even better!

The Fall Magnet

To make the situation you just witnessed even better, would be to add more attraction and food. To do this you would put another food source directly into or around the beans in the fence. Broadcasting brassicas and wheat directly into or around the soybean stand during the fall would produce better results. As the soybeans start turning, the brassicas and wheat will be coming on strong, supplying an attractant during the hunting season and adding more food for the late season.

If you have already missed planting during the spring and summer planting a mix of wheat and brassicas during the fall would give you a great bow hunting food plot. The Wheat will supply an early food source while brassicas feed deer during the cold late season.

These 3 bow hunting food plots as you can see bring deer in close and big bucks! If you are a well-equipped bowhunter in terms of equipment, money, and time a system incorporating all three food plots into one area would be the most effective bowhunting food plot. Getting the best of all three with a small perennial kill plot up close, surrounded by a fenced off soybean plot, mixed with brassicas and wheat later in the year.

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Dedication is perhaps the best characteristic of a bowhunter. It means putting time into plans, preparation, and sitting in the stand. Don’t let your dedication and time go wasted. Use any or all three of these bow hunting food plots to bring deer up close. Close enough to unleash your Prime bow and G5 Broadhead into an unlucky buck or doe.