Best USA-Made Air Rifles
Introducing American-Made Air Rifles: Unmatched Quality and Precision. Discover the finest air rifles crafted in the USA, delivering exceptional performance and reliability. Experience unparalleled...
Best Rangefinder – What The Pros Use
This article covers the rangefinders the top precision rifle shooters in the country carry in long-range competitions. This is the first year I’ve asked...
What does it really mean to “tune” your bow?
I hear it often this time of year, “I need to get my bow tuned up” or “I’m having trouble getting my bow...
Can you eat black birds
Overview of Blackbirds Photo Credits: Vendingproservice.Com by Carl Clark Blackbirds are a widespread species found primarily in Europe, Asia, and North Africa....
A Comparison between Coyotes, Wolves, and Foxes
Coyotes are often known to be the smaller cousins of gray wolves, and the foxes of the coyotes. You can clearly see the similarities...
Beretta M9A1 vs M9A3: Side by Side Comparison
Very few firearms have been a top choice for military, police, and civilian shooters alike for over half a century like the Beretta...
How to Make a Deadfall Trap (With 3 Tutorials)
Need to catch dinner in the wilderness? Go set a deadfall trap. Trapping is one of the oldest ways to get food in the...
What is a Nymph in Fly Fishing
I’ve written a bunch about the act of nymph fishing, but I haven’t talked much about nymph flies themselves. Using a nymph while fly...
AP Ammo – Are armor piercing bullets legal?
Are armor-piercing bullets legal? A: Yes. Under federal law it is perfectly legal to make, sell and purchase “armor-piercing” ammunition as long as you...