Check the regulation brochure​ for specifics and variations.


​Deer/elk (west of I-25 and Unit 140)

​Sept. 2-30*

​​​​​​​Plains deer (east of I-25, except Unit 140) ​ ​​

​Oct. 1-27 ​Nov. 8-30 ​Dec. 15-31​Whitetail-only (limited)​Oct. 1-27Nov. 8-30Dec. 15-31​Moose​Sept. 9-30​Pronghorn (limited) ​Aug. 15-31 orAug. 15-31 & ​Sept. 1-20(split season) ​Pronghorn bucks only (over-the-counter) ​​Aug. 15-31 ​Pronghorn either sex (over-the-counter) ​Sept. 1-20 Bear (over-the-counter and/or limited) ​​Sept. 2-30

Muzzleloader ​​(by draw only)

​​​​Deer/elk/moose​Sept. 9-17*​Plains deer (east of I-25, except Unit 140) ​Oct. 14-22​Whitetail-only (limited)​Oct. 14-22 ​Pronghorn ​Sept. 21-29 ​Bear (over-the-counter and/or limited) ​Sept. 9-17

​Rifle ​

​Moose ​Oct. 1-14 ​Separate limited elk (1st season) ​Oct. 14-18 ​Combined deer/elk (2nd season) Oct. 28-Nov. 5 NEW **Oct. 28-Nov. 1 Combined deer/elk ​(3rd season) Nov. 11-17 NEW **Nov. 11-15​ ​Combined limited deer/elk (4th season) ​Nov. 22-26​Plains deer (east of I-25, except Unit 140)​​​Oct. 28-Nov. 7 ​Late plains deer (east of I-25, except Unit 140) ​Dec. 1-14​Whitetail-only (limited)​Oct. 28-Nov. 7Late ​Whitetail-only (limited)​Dec. 1-14 ​​Pronghorn (limited)Check hunt code tables in brochure​ for early and late rifle seasons for certain hunts.​ ​Oct. 7-15*​Bear Sept. (limited)​Sept. 2-30*​Bear (1st season) (over-the-counter and/or limited) ​Oct. 14-18​​Bear (2nd season) (over-the-counter and/or limited) ​Oct. 28-Nov. 5​Bear (3rd season) (over-the-counter and/or limited) ​​Nov. 11-17​​Bear (4th season) (over-the-counter and/or limited) ​Nov. 22-26​Bear Private-Land-Only (over-the-counter)​Sept. 2-Nov. 26*

*unless otherwise noted in the brochure tables**The duration of the second and third rifle seasons for over-the-counter bull elk licenses have been reduced to five days if used in GMUs 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 131, 211, 214, 231, 301, and 441. If such licenses are used outside the severe winter GMUs, the full season dates apply. For more information, see the big game brochure.

See also  What hunters should know about the 2022 pheasant and quail hunts

2024 Application Processing & Habitat Stamp Fees ​​

​$ 8.00 residents$ 10.00 nonresidents

Habitat Stamp ​​(Required and non-refundable; valid 3/1 -3/31 – 13 months)​​​​​​$ 11​.50​Lifetime Habitat Stamp​​​$ 345.36

Habitat Stamp

All annual hunting or fishing licenses purchased for individuals ages 18-64 will have a Habitat Stamp applied at the time of purchase, if required.

For more information, read about the Habita​t Stamp​.​​ If you are disabled, you may not need a Habitat Stamp. See disability information.

2024​ Draw (Limited) License Fees​

​​Payment Deadlines

IMPORTANT: License must be paid for by this date.​​ ​​​Sheep & Goat​May 2, 11:59 p.m. MT Primary DrawDeer, Elk, Pronghorn, Moose & BearJune 16, 11:59 p.m. MT ​Secondary Draw Deer, Elk, Bear, Pronghorn​July 21, 11:59 p.m. MT ​​

​​​License Type​

​​​Fee – This is the fee you will be charged if you are successful in drawing your license, or get an unsuccessful option.

​​DEER​ ​ ​​​​​Resident​$ 45.46​Resident youth​$ 17.57​Nonresident​ adult/fishing combo​​*​$ 456.14​Nonresident​ youth/fishing combo​​*​$ 116.50​​​ELK​ ​ ​​​Resident cow, bull or either sex​$ 62.72​Resident youth​$ 17.57​​Nonresident​ cow/fishing combo​​*​$ 760.99​Nonresident​ bull or either sex/fishing combo​​*​​​$ 760.99​Nonresident​ youth/fishing combo​​*​$ 116.50​PRONGHORN​ ​ ​​​Resident​$ 45.46​​Resident youth​​$ 17.57​​Nonresident​ adult/fishing combo​​*​​$ 456.14​Nonresident​ youth/fishing combo​​*​$ 116.50​MOOSE​​Resident​​$ 346.86​​​Nonresident​/fishing combo​​*​​$ 2,544.04​BEAR​​Resident​​$ 43.78​Resident Youth​$ 16.98​Nonresident​/fishing combo​​*​​$ 112.34​Nonresident youth/fishing combo*​$ 56.80

All prices include a 25-cent search-and-rescue fee, a $1.50 for the Wildlife Council ​surcharge​.

*All nonresident big-game licenses are a big-game and annual fishing combination license:Fishing licenses are good through March 31.​​​ ​

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>