

Trophy Mule Deer Hunts

We have several options for mule deer hunting with our main focus being in Colorado units 61& 62, as well as the Utah Bookcliffs unit. Here at Allout Outfitters we pride ourselves in harvesting only the biggest and best. Our year round scouting practice gives us an incredible amount of knowledge about our deer and their seasonal behavior patterns. We strive to know their every move from low country wintering grounds to high elevation summering grounds. When hunting season arrives we are fully prepared to anticipate their actions allowing us to put you in line for the shot of a lifetime. Below are a list of units and hunting dates we feel are best.

5 & 9 day fully furnished hunts available

*Hunting licenses not included*

Hunters interested in serious trophy hunting can add an additional guide for $1,500 per 5 day hunt

All hunts include two days of scouting time. Custom scouting packages can also be purchased.

Unit 61

It’s no question that unit 61 has proven itself as a top trophy producing unit.

We recommend mule deer hunting either 3rd season or muzzle loader season.​

3rd season is often a low country hunt with a lot of time spent covering country looking for bucks to come out of the wood works and chase does.​

Muzzle loader season puts us in the higher country glassing for bachelor groups as they feed in open pockets of timber. Hunters can expect bucks 165-180 with several bigger bucks being taken every year. The terrain is moderate in this unit allowing us to accommodate hunters of varying physical abilities. Lodging on this hunt will be based out of our main camp located in this unit.

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Unit 62

Unit 62 is another one of Colorado’s top producing units with deer over 200 being harvested each year. Bordering unit 61 it offers the same quality deer and diverse terrain to hunt them in. A lot of locals say the bigger deer prefer the 62 side of the mountain and we would tend to agree. The downfall to this unit is, the higher number of elk hunters that are also on the unit. As a result tags are easier to draw and land owner voucher tags cost less.

Fortunately, the deer reside in different areas from the majority of the elk allowing us to avoid some of the pressure during our hunt. All of this aside, we still manage to get big deer here. The photos below are deer from this unit. Again, it is recommended this unit to be hunted either Muzzleloader or third season.

Colorado mule deer
guided colorado mule deer
unit 62 colorado mule deer

Utah Bookcliffs

The Bookcliffs is home to some great mule deer hunting. With what seems like endless amounts of high desert, this area has some prime mule deer habitat. Although numbers are down from its glory days things seem to be making a comeback. Whether hunting the North or South we are here to help. Better deer numbers seem to be in the north but due to easy road access and heavier hunting pressure some of the bigger deer are hiding in the large canyons to the south. One can expect to see a lot of deer in the 140-150 range and have good opportunity for deer in the 160-175 range with slightly larger being possible.

See also  Do Bears Eat Deer? Will They Attack and Kill Deer?

Lodging on this hunt will be based out of a modern RV or you are welcome to bring your own camping accommodations.

If you are hunting the south we can pack into remote areas off of horse back.

Call us today to book your deer hunt!


For the best deer hunt, hunt ALLOUT!

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>