Buck Track Vs. Doe Track

Video buck vs doe track

Buck and Doe have almost the same features, ranging from toe count to toe ratio. They even have the front toe larger than all the other toes. So, what is the difference between Buck Track vs. Doe track?

For starters, Buck has a larger length and width than the Doe. Then again, the rear track of a buck is smaller than a doe.

Some of you may get confused by seeing the tracks. Here is a picture of how the deer tracks look.

Still not convinced? Our expert reviewers have taken all the doe and buck track determining features. Let’s see what they are:

Buck Track vs. Doe Tack: Comparison Table

FeaturesBuck TrackDoe Track

Buck Track: How to identify it?

A buck track is definitely different from a doe track. In general, a buck track contains a larger front than hind feet. The reason why buck tracks are heavier in weight is because of their muscular antlers and front ends.

If you can’t identify buck tracks, remember that they look more like large deer tracks. Their front is larger than hinds, and they always like to travel in dense vegetation.

The length of a buck track is between 2 and 3 inches. Whereas, its width is about 1-¾.

Most apparently, bucks push through bushes and plow through lands. Hence, their bed sites are seen in safe areas, e.g., hollow trees, thick brush, etc.

However, bucks have narrow rears and large chests. Likewise, their rear tracks fall into their front tracks slightly, where the gaps tend to be smaller. It is not about their foot gaps but the rear track foot gaps.

Doe Track: How to identify it?

Unlike buck tracks, doe tracks are slightly out of their rear tracks. If aged deers use front tracks without hind feet, younger deers use their hind feet to step along with their front tracks.

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In general, a doe has a larger rear than bucks and contains a narrow chest. For this reason, their casual rear tracks come outside of their front tracks a little bit.

Furthermore, does’ gaps of tracks are wider too, i.e., left foot to right foot. For the length, a doe track is about 1-¼ inches to 2 inches. And the width is about 1 inch.

A doe’s front track gaps are usually smaller than its rear track gaps. Henceforth, determining the difference between buck track and doe track will become simpler for you.

What you need to see is if the track’s rear and front are wider or smaller.

Buck Track Vs. Doe Tracks: Know the difference

At a glance, both of the tracks look similar. However, Bucks are heavier, making their tracks wider and bigger. Usually, a buck track has a length of 2-3 inches, and the length is about 1-¾ inches.

A doe track on the other hand has about 1-¼ inches to 2 inches in length. The width is 1 inch.

Buck tracks dig deeper into the ground and are more spread out.

Basically, these are the main differences between them. Doe tracks look exactly like a buck track, but small and less spread out.

Rule of the thumb, if the hind feet is about 1-1/4 inches long by 1-inch wide, then it’s a buck track.

However, when the hind feet size decreases to about 1-inch long by 3/4 inch wide, it’s a doe track.

How to know if a buck track is in the snow?

To determine a buck track in snow, firstly, you will have to weigh the track. If it weighs 50 to 100 pounds, it’s a good track. Next, measure the buck’s stride and pattern the pee. When you are done measuring, see if there are any tine marks on the track. Afterward, watch the track’s trail along with its perimeter. And you are done determining a buck track in the snow.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do bucks drag feet every time?

Smaller deers drag their feet in the snow. If you see, we need more effort to lift our legs in snow, which the bucks also do. Well, in every step, they drag their feet, and thus the depth of snow increases. Moreover, hunters, trackers, and other folks get to see apparent marks of bucks in snow. So yeah, bucks dragging is quite inevitable.

Deer tracks go in which direction?

One direction that deer tracks always go is the direction of travel. Whenever you will look at deers’ tracks, remember to check their ends as well. Usually, the tracks’ ends come together at a certain point. And this point is mostly referred to as the front. Although deer tracts combine fronts, their direction is toward travel throughout.

How long should we track a deer?

Generally, a heart-shot deer does not take any time to recover and gets back to its state instantly. Whereas, a double lung shot deer gets tracked in about 30 to 90 minutes. On the other hand, a single lung or liver hit deer requires 4 to 6 hours for tracking. Or, if it is a gut-hit deer, you will need to spend 8 to 12 hours tracking. This is how opinions of tracking deers vary.

More deer relevant FAQ in details at outdoorboat :

What is the Best Time of Day to Hunt Deer?

How to Bleach a Deer Skull?

What to Feed Deer Instead of Corn?

Within how many points a buck is good?

There are many yearling bucks that have ample amounts of nutrients with superior genetics. Indeed, these types of bucks hold a point of eight or above it. From their first set of antlers, bucks usually own more than 8 points. Moreover, many bucks gain such points from 2 years old. On the flipping side, inferior bucks always remain up to the point of 7 or below it even if they reach a mature stage.

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End Note

Finally, our chunk of confusion regarding a buck track and doe track has cleared a lot. In order to know the difference between buck tracks and doe tracks, the first thing you will need to see is their front track, rear track, antlers, and so on.

We know bucks are another name of male deers, whereas Does are female deers. Therefore, their tracks are also going to be different. Since bucks are more muscular than does, their pressure on tracks is also going to be intense.

Conversely, does are not as muscular as bucks, so their foot pressure is going to be less intense.

All being well, trackers will get to experience more by visualizing such tracks practically.