Fishing After a Storm — Is it Better?


As anglers, we often hear that that it’s better to go fishing after a storm. But is that really the case.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the research on the matter and offer our own insights on whether or not fishing after a storm is really better.

Let’s get started.

Storm Fishing: Before or After?

Every angler would like to catch fish when the weather is good. But what about when the weather is not so good? Does that mean your chances of catching fish go down the drain? Not necessarily.

Fishing after a storm can be quite productive. Fish tend to be more active when the storm has passed and the water has calmed. They’re also likely to congregate in areas where there is food.

So, if you know where to look, you can find some good fishing spots even after a storm. The air pressure changes and can also affect fish. When the barometric pressure drops, fish become less active.

This is because the water pressure around them increases, making it more difficult for them to swim. As a result, they tend to stay close to the bottom of the lake or river. You can catch bass, catfish, and other bottom-dwelling fish during this time.

Of course, you need to be careful when fishing after a storm. The water can be murky, and the currents can be strong. So, make sure you know what you’re doing before heading out. And always be aware of your surroundings.

Bass Fishing: Is It Good After a Storm?

Various conditions affect bass behavior, like other species of fish.

After a storm, the air is fresh, and the water is clean. This can be an excellent time to go fishing for bass. The fish are often more active after a storm and are also more likely to feed.

So, if you’re looking for a good time to go bass fishing, consider heading out after a storm. Although, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

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The weather

The weather can be unpredictable after a storm, so make sure to check the forecast before heading out. Bass tend to move to shallower waters after a storm, so you may want to target these areas.

Your safety

Be aware of potential hazards like downed trees and power lines when venturing out into the water. Also, be cautious of fast-moving currents and waves. If you’re not comfortable fishing in these conditions, it’s best to wait until the waters have calmed down.

With these things in mind, you’ll be able to have a great time fishing after a storm. But beginners should also know that fishing after a storm can be challenging. So, if you’re new to fishing, it might be best to wait for the conditions to improve before heading out.

Tips for Fishing After The Storm

Fishing after a strong storm is not recommended for anglers, especially if you are a beginner. But if you still insist on fishing after the storm, even though it’s a little difficult, there are ways to counter it.

Here are some tips and strategies for fishing even after a storm.

Invest in Quality Equipment

Consider gearing up before fishing. Investing in your fishing gear is expensive, but it will be worth it in the end.

Getting a digital barometer is essential when you go fishing before or after a heavy storm. Your barometer can track the pressure, when and where it will change, measure wind speed, water temperature, high winds, humidity, and altitude.

Investing in a GPS fishing finder can also help. If you’ve already planned a trip after a thunderstorm, or maybe that’s your only fishing time, you have nothing to worry about. GPS fish finders can help you through that crisis. A GPS can lead you to where you will most likely get a bountiful catch.

Watch the Weather

Because weather patterns are unpredictable, you should know what pressure level is needed to catch a fish successfully. With the help of your digital barometer, you can track the barometric pressure.

As the barometric pressure drops, the fish will start to bite. The fish will be less likely to bite if you are on a high-pressure system.

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Fishing during a storm is tricky; stay safe and use your barometer. When a thunderstorm alert comes up, the pressure increases.

Understanding the pressure difference when bass fishing is essential. When the barometric pressure starts dropping, you will have a good catch of fish. If the pressure starts increasing, it will be a lot more complicated.

Understand the Location

You should also be knowledgeable about your location. If you’re in an area with a lot of trees, it would be best to stay away from them. Trees can be a potential hazard during thunderstorms.

It would help if you fished in areas with no overhead obstructions.

Look for open fields, lakes, or ponds that will give you a better chance of avoiding accidents. Avoiding being struck by lightning is essential. If you can’t find an open area, try to stay near the shore.

The currents in the water can help dissipate the electricity in the event of a lightning strike.

Wearing the Proper Attire

When fishing in a thunderstorm, make sure you wear the proper attire. Wearing synthetic fabrics is not recommended because they are excellent conductors of electricity. It would be best if you wear natural fabrics like cotton that can help dissipate the electricity.

Wearing a life jacket is also essential. The life jacket will help keep you afloat if you get hit by lightning.

Tips and Tricks

Knowing a better technique or strategy while fishing can help you get through a storm and catch more fish.

These tips and tricks might help you.

Use Live Bait

Live bait is an excellent way to attract fish. The smell and movement of the bait can help you get a bite even in turbulent waters.

Use a Heavier Weight

Utilize a heavier weight to help you cast your line further. Use a weight at least one ounce heavier than what you normally use.

Use a Slow Retrieve for Bass

Bass can be difficult to catch in a storm. The fast-moving water is challenging. Use a slow retrieve to attract bass and get a bite.

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Use Brighter Lures

The dark clouds during a thunderstorm can make it difficult for the fish to see your lure so use brighter lures that will make it easier for the fish to notice.

Lures that Imitate Small Prey

After a storm, the water is full of small prey. The fish will be looking for an easy meal. Lures that imitate small prey make it easier for the fish to bite.

Stay Calm

The most important thing you can do during a storm is to stay calm. If you get nervous, it won’t be easy to focus on fishing.

Use Lures That Make Noise

Vibrating and rattling lures attract fish in a storm.

Breath In, Breath Out

It’s not advisable to get back in the water after a storm right away. Always check the radar for storm systems and ensure no other thunderstorm will pass on the site after the storm leaves. Lightning and high winds are dangerous, so you also need to avoid that to be safe.

Getting frustrated while fishing is natural. Relax and take a breather. If fishing is your hobby and favorite past-time, don’t stress yourself too much. Take a break for a while, then continue fishing.

If you are with your friends or your family, this is the time that you can bond with them. If you are fishing with yourself, reflect. If you are fishing after a thunderstorm, you have a lot of time to relax, reflect and wind up – breathe in and out.

Final Thoughts

The verdict? Go ahead and fish! Fish are often more active after a storm and will bite readily. Be sure to take caution while out on the water, but don’t let a little rain keep you from enjoying some of your favorite fishing spots. Afterall, fish bite in the rain. So get out there and as always stay safe out in the water!

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>