What are the Pros and Cons of Biometric Safes?


61b+XPC+ZQL. AC SL1001 What are the Pros and Cons of Biometric Safes?

Biometric Safe Box

Biometric safes utilize a unique part of your body to gain access to your valuables, either by fingerprint, face recognition, or retinal scanners.

Depending on the safe brand and method your safe uses, the reader can allow for single or multiple fingerprint enrollment, allowing you to choose who can enter the safe.

Most biometric fingerprint safes today only allow 1 user and a limited number of fingerprints, but some companies like SPACE have allowed multiple users or multiple fingerprints.

Once your biometrics are enrolled, all you need to do is swipe or scan your fingerprint or retina, and the biometric scanner will automatically recognize you as a user and open the safe. One of the best benefits of biometric safes is that they are much quicker to open when comparing opening with a key or entering a pin code.

How Biometric Safes Work?

Before we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of biometric fingerprint safes, let’s take a quick look at how it works.

Biometrics is the technical term usually used to refer to retina scanning or fingerprint scanning.

A biometric fingerprint scanner takes and stores a detailed image of your fingerprint. It records the pattern and features of your fingerprint in an encrypted digital format. Everyone’s fingerprints are unique; that’s why fingerprints are used to identify an individual. Based on the fingerprint reader and DPI level, it could mean a more secure or less secure reader. The higher DPI, the more secure the reader, which means the more likely someone won’t be able to have a duplicate, less chance of unlocking your safe.

Biometric Safes What are the Pros and Cons of Biometric Safes?

Pros of Biometric Safes

The main advantage of a fingerprint safe is convenience. Owners can access their safe without the need of remembering a combination. Instead, simply place your fingertip on the scanner, and the safe will unlock.

  1. No Need to Carry a Key
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According to a survey, 28% of people lose keys at least once a week, and they take up to 2 ½ days to search for them.

If you have a biometric safe, you do not need to carry a key around, which could get lost or stolen. So, a biometric safe removes the need to carry a key and add an extra layer of security.

  1. Emergency Access

Biometric safes gain access within seconds to the contents, which is perfect in an emergency situation. Remembering a combination or finding a key might take too long, and if you’re truly in an emergency situation, fumbling to put the correct pin or remembering it, could happen. This is why having a biometric safe can save you time in an emergency. Within 2 seconds, you’re in, and you have whatever you need inside your safe.

  1. Multi-User Access

Most biometric safes allow you to only keep one fingerprint, or allow you to only have one user, however, the best of the biometric fingerprint-safe brands allow you to store several fingerprints, which is perfect for an office or home. This way you can give multiple users access to the same safe. Depending on the safe, multiple fingerprints can either be easily removed or enrolled, comparing to more traditional methods of constantly changing your pin code or worrying about too many circulated keys if you want to rescind someone’s access. With The Space Safe, you are able to have both multiple users and multiple fingerprints per user.

  1. Impossible to Guess

Because of the amazing biometric technology, people in your space or intruders can’t guess your fingerprint like they can with pin codes; keeping your valuables and your space safe.

Cons of Biometric Fingerprint Safes

Biometric fingerprint safes are not always perfect. Like any product, there are some downsides to buying a safe with a biometric lock. Here are some common disadvantages of fingerprint safes that you need to be aware of.

  1. Battery Operated
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As biometric safes use electronic scanners to authenticate fingerprints, they need power to operate. Therefore, fingerprint safes are usually battery-powered and need to be swapped regularly. The best biometric safes usually have battery monitors that show you when the batteries need charging, however, most do not. If the battery runs out, the scanner will stop working. Some safes like The Space Safe use both battery power and a power outlet to solve this issue. And one step on top of that, The Space Safe uses notifications to let you know if there is an issue with your power source, which other safes do not offer.

  1. False Scans

Depending on the scanner and its DPI, if someone whose fingerprints are not recorded in the system is able to open the safe, this is called a false scan. False scans, also known as false positives, are not as common with exepensive and modern safes as they are with lower priced or older models. But they can still occur, especially with low-quality biometric safes. So make sure when you research and buy a safe, it has a good quality scanner with high DPI like The Space Safe’s scanner.

  1. Non-Scans

A non-scan occurs due to dirty fingers or a fault with the system. For example, it happens when your biometric fingerprint safe fails to recognize a stored fingerprint.

There is also a potential issue for people over 55 who want to use a biometric safe. If you work with your hands a lot, your fingerprints become less well-defined. As a result, fingerprint scanners at times have difficulty working for some older people. In addition, other things on your finger, such as dirt, moisture, oils, lotions, blood, glue, and sunscreen, can also cause non-scans problems.


Generally, these issues can be solved if you;

  • Clean the scanner
  • Scan your finger multiple times
  • Buy a safe with a better fingerprint reader that has a low false read rate, like The Space Safe’s.
  1. High Prices

The cost of biometric fingerprint safes can be another downside. Biometric safe prices are generally higher than digital or mechanical locks because of the tech used inside.

Of course, like with any other industry, there are cheaper and more expensive products, but if you are price conscious, buying cheap quality biometric safes will be more prone to problems than the more expensive brands. This is why we highly recommend doing your research and getting a good quality scanner and safe like that of The Space Safe.

Bottom Line:

There are both advantages and disadvantages of biometric fingerprint safes. The pros revolve around convenience, emergency situations, and multi-user access.

Thankfully biometric technology has improved a lot over the last 20 years, and although there’s no guarantee that you will never get false scans or reading with a biometric safe, it is more likely that the newer and better quality scanners won’t have these issues. We highly recommend researching and purchasing from a quality brand like Space’s, The Space Safe. It will provide you with a safe and convenient way to keep your valuables secure. What we have also found out is that The Space Safe has an extremely secure mechanical lock, and the thickness of their safe’s metal is thicker than any of its competitors at this tier. This is a huge plus in the world of security and we highly recommend The Space Safe.

What are the Pros and Cons of Biometric Safes?

Get it now at www.TheSpaceSafe.com

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>