Best Raccoon Bait for Traps: What to Use to Trap Raccoons

Video raccoon trap bait

Raccoons are intelligent, cunning, and typically curious creatures who can become a nuisance when they enter your property. They can destroy gardens, rummage through garbage cans, and even damage your property. By making their way inside, these critters will soil your attic insulation with urine and feces and chew on electrical wiring, potentially leading to catastrophic home fires.

You’ll know you have a raccoon problem when you notice paw prints around your property, dead plants, and small animals in your home, or the sound of scratching from the attic. If this is the case, it’s time to take action by trapping them using bait to lure them into a live trap or cage.

Trapping is one of the most effective ways to humanely remove raccoons from your home without having to harm them, and it’s important to know what type of bait you should use in order to be successful.

In this article, we’ll discuss the best bait for trapping raccoons, where to place it in the trap, and some tips and tricks for luring these critters into your cage. Let’s get started!

Best Raccoon Bait for Traps: What to Use to Trap Raccoons

8 Raccoon Baits That Work

1. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables: Raccoons love fresh fruits and vegetables, including apples, bananas, carrots, berries, and sweet potatoes. Be sure to cut the fruit into small pieces so it can fit through the wire of your trap.

2. Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is an excellent bait because it’s sticky and has a strong aroma that raccoons can’t resist. It’s best to use chunky peanut butter because the pieces are easier for them to grab with their little hands.

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3. Marshmallows: The sweet scent of marshmallows is something that raccoons can’t resist! Make sure to use mini marshmallows so that they can fit through the wire of your cage.

4. Bacon: Bacon is another great bait for trapping raccoons because it has a strong aroma that’s hard to ignore. You should cut the bacon into small strips or cubes and place it in the back of the trap, where the raccoon won’t see it immediately.

5. Cat Food: Kittens and cats often prey on these pesky critters, so why not use their food as bait? Any type of cat food will surely lure raccoons in, but wet cat food tends to work better because it has a stronger scent.

6. Fish: Fish is an excellent bait because raccoons are huge seafood fans! Place the fish in a shallow dish or directly on the floor of the trap, but don’t use live bait as it could potentially hurt the animal.

7. Birdseed: Birdseed is a great bait for trapping raccoons because it’s easy to find, inexpensive, and has a strong aroma that these animals can’t resist. Place the birdseed in shallow dishes or directly on the floor of your trap.

8. Canned Tuna: Canned tuna is a great bait for raccoons because the smell is so strong. You can place the tuna in shallow dishes or directly on the floor of your trap, but be sure to check it regularly as it will only last for a bit.

Tips and Factors to Consider When Trapping Raccoons

Now that you know what type of bait to use, there are a few other factors to consider to succeed when trapping raccoons.

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First and foremost, it’s important to check local laws and regulations before trapping the animal, as some states have restrictions on how they can be captured.

Next, pay attention to the location of your trap. Raccoons hide in the dark, secluded areas, so placing your traps near wooded areas, under decks or porches, or in attics and basements is best.

Additionally, you should ensure that the bait is visible but not too close to the trap’s entrance. If it’s too close, the raccoon may be able to grab it without entering the cage, and you won’t catch anything.

Finally, it’s important to take safety precautions when trapping raccoons, as these animals can carry rabies and other diseases that can be very dangerous. Wear thick gloves and long sleeves to protect yourself from bites, scratches, and disease transmission.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is irresistible to raccoons?

A: Raccoons love fresh fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, marshmallows, bacon, cat food, fish, birdseed, and canned tuna.

Q: What food do raccoons like the most?

A: Raccoons have a sweet tooth and are attracted to sugary foods like marshmallows, but they also love savory snacks like bacon, cat food, and fish.

Q: How do I permanently get rid of raccoons?

A: The best way to get rid of raccoons is to trap them using the above bait suggestions. Once trapped, relocate them to a more suitable habitat or contact your local wildlife removal specialists for assistance. It’s also important to take steps to prevent future infestations by sealing up any entry

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Q: Will peanut butter attract raccoons?

A: Yes, peanut butter is one of the most effective baits for trapping raccoons. Make sure to use smooth, creamy peanut butter and place it in a shallow dish or directly on the floor of the trap. The scent of the peanut butter should be enough to attract these animals from far distances. Additionally, add a few marshmallows for an extra sweet smell. These two ingredients together are sure to attract raccoons!


Raccoons can be pesky and destructive, but they can be easily trapped and removed with the right bait. Using the tips above, you can successfully address your raccoon problems quickly!

Best Raccoon Bait for Traps: What to Use to Trap Raccoons

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>