The Kodiak Bear Vs. The Polar Bear: Which Is Stronger?


If you’ve ever wondered which of these bears is more potent, it might surprise you to learn that they are pretty similar. Both Kodiak bears and polar bears are members of the family Ursidae.

Members of this family are all plantigrade mammals, meaning their feet touch the ground flat like humans. They have five toes on each foot, though some species have claws instead of toes.

All family members have a short tail for balancing while moving through water or snow.

Before learning about their similarities and differences, it is essential to learn about each species individually.

Kodiak Bear Facts

The Kodiak bear is a giant species of land bear and the most prominent land predator in North America.

Only polar bears and some species of whales are more extensive. Its scientific name is Ursus arctos middendorffi.

It’s native to Kodiak Island and a few other island groups in southwest Alaska, although historically, it occurred throughout southeastern Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California.

The world population was estimated at 6,190 individuals, with over 80% living within Alaska’s Kodiak Island Borough. The other 20% are distributed between the Aleutian Islands and Cook Inlet regions.

The average Kodiak bear male can weigh up to 1,100 pounds (500 kilograms), though they sometimes grow much more prominent.

A massive male specimen shot near Admiralty Island weighed just over 1,600 pounds (750 kilograms). They can reach up to 11 feet tall and weigh as much as a human being.

This makes it one of the largest terrestrial carnivores. The females are slightly smaller, averaging roughly 6 feet (2 m) in length and 550 pounds (250 kg) in weight.

Their brown fur is thick and soft with a lustrous look, while their underbelly is white or cream-colored. Their fur color varies from blond to black depending upon where they inhabit.

Kodiak bears are the largest living land carnivores. However, their size and power don’t protect them from predators like wolves and humans. To increase their chance of survival, they need to be resourceful and agile.

This subspecies has been isolated from other grizzlies for thousands of years, during which it developed some unique characteristics that distinguish it from other brown bears.

Like all bears, they have sharp claws that allow them to climb trees and dig for food. This subspecies depends on salmon for much of its food but will also hunt carrion or eat grasses if necessary.

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They use their claws when hunting salmon by grabbing onto rocks in the river bed and then pulling themselves forward with their front limbs.

The average life expectancy of a Kodiak bear is about 30 years old.

Polar Bear Facts

Polar bears are the largest land predators. They are larger than all other terrestrial carnivores except for the brown bear.

The name “polar bear” comes from the Greek words “arktos,” meaning “bear,” and “polus,” meaning “near to the pole.”

This means that their scientific designation is Ursus maritimus, which translates to sea-bear. Polar bears’ scientific name is a little misleading because they spend most of their time on land.

On average, Polar Bears are approximately 10 ft. tall when standing on their hind legs. When sitting or lying down, they measure around 5 ft., 7 inches long, and 3 ft., 8 inches wide.

They weigh an average of 1,300 pounds for females and up to 2,200 pounds for males! The heaviest polar bear ever recorded weighed an astonishing 2,209 pounds!

Polar bears have a thick layer of fat (blubber) that helps keep them warm in the cold arctic temperatures. Their thick fur is entirely white except for black skin on their noses, paws, and ears.

When the ice melts, polar bears must wait for new ice to form before hunting seals again. It has enormous paws in the animal kingdom, as it needs to be strong enough to break through ice and hunt seals.

In the Arctic, polar bears are the king of the food chain. Living on ice floes, they prowl for seals and walrus almost exclusively.

The next largest predator in this ecosystem is the killer whale (orca), weighing up to six tons – more than twice as much as the giant polar bear.

These cunning creatures hunt their food from both land and sea, making them true omnivores.

A polar bear’s fur coat is made up of guard hairs and a dense undercoat. Guard hairs keep moisture out and trap heat in.

Polar bear fur is not white; it is clear! Each hair reflects light and appears white to us. The fine hairs also provide excellent insulation from freezing temperatures.

When a mother polar bear gives birth to cubs, she will fiercely defend them from any potential threat – including other adult male bears – using her sharp claws and teeth. Polar bear cubs are born weighing only 1/900th of their mother’s mass (about 2 ounces).

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Polar bears live in the Arctic region, around the North Pole. They are found mainly in Canada, Russia, and Alaska.

They live on ice and snow most of their lives, but they can swim long distances in open water when needed. Polar bears can swim 100 miles in a day, traveling an average of 70 miles per day over open water.

It is a solitary animal and travels vast distances to find food, sometimes as much as 150 miles a day on foot.

Polar bears have been known to live for more than 30 years in captivity and about 25 years in the wild.

Polar bear habitat is shrinking. Due to climate change, the ice cap is melting, and polar bears are losing their habitat.

Many think that the polar bear is a symbol of strength and power. However, due to their habitat changes and food source reduction, they are struggling to survive.

Polar bears need cold temperatures for survival. As the ice caps melt, their habitat gets smaller and smaller.

Before long, the polar bear’s arctic environment will no longer exist, and these magnificent creatures will be forced to live in zoos.

The number of polar bear attacks has increased as humans have moved into what was once the Polar Bear’s territory.

What Are The Similarities?

Kodiak and polar bear are two species of the same genus, “Ursus.” They share several similarities.

  1. Both species of bears live in freezing climates.
  2. Both animals are enormous, with powerful jaw muscles and sharp teeth.
  3. Both bear species can weigh up to 1,500 pounds. However, their average heights differ: Kodiak bears stand about 8 feet tall on average, while polar bear’s height is 9 on average.
  4. Kodiak bears and polar bears are members of the bear family. Kodiak bears and polar bears can even interbreed with one another to produce fertile offspring.
  5. Both are considered to be endangered.
  6. Both Polar bears and Kodiak bears are at the top of their food chain, making them apex predators. Because they are both carnivores, they have to hunt for their food.
  7. Both eat a diet consisting of fish, berries, and vegetation.
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How Are They Different?

Differentiating between the Kodiak bear and polar bear is not an easy task. They are the two largest species of bears in the world, and they share many physical features. However, there are differences between them that can be used to tell them apart.

  1. The Kodiak bear has a brown or black fur coat; the polar bear’s coat is white.
  2. The Kodiak bear has shorter legs than the other species of bears; this makes it easier for it to climb trees and swim in the water.
  3. Kodiak bears live on islands off the coast of Alaska and hunts for salmon, their primary food source. On the other hand, the polar bear is a marine mammal that survives almost entirely off seals and other Arctic Sea mammals.
  4. They both live in Arctic regions, but their habitats differ significantly. The Kodiak bear is native to south-central Alaska that is found in coastal areas and inland forests. On the other hand, the polar bear inhabits Arctic regions and is limited to Canada, Greenland (Denmark), Russia, Norway, and the United States.
  5. An adult Kodiak bear can weigh between 500 and 1000 pounds, while an adult polar bear can weigh 1,700 pounds.
  6. Unlike most other bears that hibernate during the winter months, the polar bear does not hibernate at all; instead, it remains active all year round.
  7. Polar bears can swim; Kodiak bears cannot because their paws are shaped differently than polar bear paws.


Kodiak bears are more robust than polar bears. Kodiak bears are much larger than polar bears and have a more significant amount of muscle mass.

They also have a more potent bite force. Since they are bigger, they can run faster because they have to catch their prey to survive, while the polar bear doesn’t need to be fast to catch its prey.

In the event of a brawl between these two animals, I give the advantage to the polar bear by a small margin.

Polar bears are much bigger and stronger than Kodiak bears, and they have more extended claws.

The Kodiak bear might stand a chance if it could get its mouth around the polar bear’s neck, but that seems unlikely given the difference in size between these two animals.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>