Mountain Lion — General (without dogs)

Details: During the archery only and fall season without dogs, a General Mountain Lion License may be used in any valid LMU, even if the LMU is a Limited Special Mountain Lion License LMU during the winter season. The LMU will close when the harvest reaches a number nearest to 20 percent of the quota. In all areas, the combined archery only and fall season without dogs, male and female mountain lion harvest from all license holders will be deducted from the respective male or female mountain lion quotas or subquotas. Purchase at any license provider, any FWP office, or online. Not available to apprentice hunters.


  • Resident: $19

  • Nonresident: $320

Mountain Lion — Limited Special Mountain Lion License

Details: A Limited Special Mountain Lion License is issued through a drawing and designates the LMU within the regulations for which the license is valid. The license is valid for the entire season until the season is closed, even if quotas are filled. Apply online or at an FWP office by July 22. Residents and nonresidents pay a $5 nonrefundable drawing fee; successful applicants are required to pay the full license fee. Not available to apprentice hunters.


  • Resident: $19

  • Nonresident: $320

Mountain Lion — Unlimited Special Mountain Lion License

Details: An Unlimited Special Mountain Lion License is valid until the quotas are filled or the season is closed, whichever occurs first, and is only valid in the region, LMU or group of LMUs specified on the license except that during the archery only and fall season without dogs, an Unlimited Special Mountain Lion License may be used in any valid mountain lion management unit.. Purchase at any license provider, any FWP office, or online. Not available to apprentice hunters.

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  • Resident: $19

  • Nonresident: $320

Hound Training License

Details: This license entitles the license holder to use a dog or dogs to aid in chasing mountain lions and/or bobcat in all valid mountain lion hunting districts in the state, except Hunting District 282, during the hound training season from Dec. 2-April 14. A resident hunter with a valid mountain lion license is not required to have a Resident Hound Training License to chase mountain lion. This is available over the counter to resident Conservation License holders 12 years of age or older or who will turn 12 before or during the season for which the license is issued.


  • Resident-only: $5

Non-Resident Hound License

Details: The 2019 Legislature created a Non-Resident Hound License (formerly known as the Non-Resident Hound Handler License). Statutes 87-1-325, 87-2-519, and 87-6-404 limit the number of Non-Resident Hound Licenses in any license year to no more than 80 (the Fish and Wildlife Commission approved only 40 for the 2022 season), authorizes the Non-Resident Hound License for personal use only, and precludes using the license to assist any other person in the pursuit of a lion for harvest.

  • Non-Resident Hound License FAQ


  • $250
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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>