What Do Hunters Do With Coyote Kills?


Has it ever crossed your mind what hunters do with the coyote kills they get to execute during the offseason? For a long time, I saw no need to waste time and resources to take down such pesky creatures. However, my view came to change once I realized that the hunters could use this opportunity as a chance to generate some income.

After a hunter takes down a coyote, the available options are numerous; some benefit the individual while others the environment.

What Hunters Do With Dead Coyotes

Sell Their Fur

After killing a coyote, the hunter may skin the animal and try to sell the fur. However, the price tag of a coyote’s fur depends on the quality and damage inflicted on it. For example, if the coat’s entry wound is small and the injuries inflicted are unnoticeable, its value is high.

I have never had the opportunity to know what the fur is used to make. My guess is shoes and mats; although, I have never seen a coyote-fur made shoe. The highest price you can get on a single piece is $100, while most of the sales range from $50-$75.

Store a Camera in It

I know that most people are not aware of this hack, so let me introduce to you my little home project. Like a wise hunter, you may use the dead carcass to house your camera for night observations. You will be surprised by how much information you will collect in the first weeks. I can attest to the productivity of this approach as I still apply it to date.

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Use It as Crab Bait

I have yet to confirm this in practice; however, reports from numerous individuals show that it works. You can skin the coyote and then use its carcass as bait for crabs. I think if mink can do for a crab, then so can the coyote corpse. Crabs are more valuable than the coyote and can also serve as food.

Can I Feed Coyote Meat to Dogs?

I know a couple of hunters who feed coyote meat to their hounds as a treat after a long day in the woods. Actually, coyote meat is not harmful to a dog’s anatomy, so you can feed it without expecting any adverse effects.

Although there’s not much concern in feeding your dog with coyote meat, it is still not advisable. Not only is the feeding process awkward to both you and the dog, but you are also exposing it to infections.

Also, take care not to feed the animal’s liver to the dog since a carnivore’s liver contains huge masses of vitamins, which is fatal.

Do People Eat Coyotes

Yes, coyote meat is safe for human consumption. Not only is it edible, but if prepared professionally, it can bring out a spectacular taste. You can smoothen the meat by overcooking and the taste by adding on a few spices to add on your desired flavor.

On a personal note, however, I do not see myself eating coyote’s meat. Its diet is very wanting since reports of it displaying cannibalistic behaviors are prevalent, especially in the United States. However, if you are among the few who eat anything you shoot, it is still the right way of making sure the flesh does not go to waste.

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Why Don’t Americans Eat Coyote Meat?

Americans do not enjoy coyote meat because of their size and predatorily nature. Since a coyote is a predator, its meat is strict and has a funny taste that irritates most. The meat’s characteristics result from the animal’s diverse diet, which mostly comprises dead carcasses and mice.

In matters regarding its size, a mature one will weigh at most 46lbs while most lie within the 15-18 lbs. range. If you hunt for food, you may need at least two species to satisfy an average family. This is yet another reason why most hunters opt for more massive prospects that offer double or triple the yield.

What Does a Coyote Taste Like? Does Coyote Taste Like Dog?

Now that you know that coyote meat is edible, you must be wondering what it tastes like. The flesh of a coyote has a slightly similar taste to that of a dog. This finding is not from me, but from a few hunters who have had the opportunity of tasting both species. I would argue that the similarity all boils down to the likeness of both their diets, but since I have tasted neither, I’d leave it at that.

Why You Should Hunt Coyote

Calf Control

If you have been in the wild long enough, then you know that coyote prey on calves. According to Wikipedia, they currently hold the largest percentage of calf kills in the past decade. It then brings us to our argument that killing them helps increase the calf population.

I partake in coyote hunting during the offseason, and my primary motivation is that I am making it a better place for calves. Note that these calves are the same ones that will mature in a few weeks and be worth taking down.

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Income Generation

You probably know that the killing and skinning of coyotes could act as a source of income. Its fur is moderately valuable, with its average value being $50 a piece, while the most expensive one might go for $100. From my experience, its behavior replicates that of the stock trade market, where the stocks may rise or fall.

Just like any other game, coyote hunting too requires you to get a hunting license. Though not as much as deer or elk, federal governments still collect revenue from the issuance of coyote tags and licenses.


The advantages of killing these sneaky animals overwhelm its disadvantages and make it right to me. Since hunters use pellets instead of bullets, I believe it will be safer to stick to guns. The shells are smaller and much more effective and cause less damage to their skin, hence maintaining its value.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>