Keep Deer Healthy With the Best Salt Licks for Deer

Video salt licks for deer hunting

Salt licks can be found in nature or created artificially. A deer is a prominent mammal that goes around hunting for salt licks to combat mineral deficiency. There are a variety of reasons why they travel in search of these minerals, as well as why people want them to. If you want to get one to entice these creatures to your property, here is the comprehensive guide to the greatest deer salt lick.

Why Do Deer Need Salt Licks?

Deer will require additional minerals and salt licks throughout the hotter months of the year. It is because deer hunt for foods high in potassium and water throughout the summer months. As a consequence, a salt deficit is developed. On the other hand, deer will spend the majority of their time seeking salts since their bodies require it.

Salt alone is insufficient for deer, as their bodies require other minerals. It is not what does require in order to give birth to viable deer and produce milk. The minerals must offer the proper mix of phosphorus and calcium for the bucks to develop a healthy antler. According to studies, deer antlers include 11 minerals. However, the majority of them only contribute a small portion of the antler’s survival and prosperity. Calcium and phosphorus account for more than 60% of the antler weight, with proteins accounting for the remaining 40% of the minerals.

However, when the antlers are still velvet and in the growth stage, they will include 80% proteins and 20% calcium and phosphorus. During the spring and fall, most hunters who are aware of this information will set various mineral blocks and salt licks in various deer areas. You should also be aware that no number of mineral licks can miraculously develop deer antlers in a matter of days. It is a management conundrum that has to be solved at the appropriate moment.

How Many Salt Licks Do the Deer Require?

It relies on the size of your land and the region of the hunting spot you are exploring. As a general rule, one location per 100 acres will effectively disperse salt and mineral licks to the deer population. Deer will have exposure to minerals with such a spread, and the majority of the deer population will receive necessary nutrients for growth.

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Developing mineral sites is a year-round operation rather than a one-time occurrence. Deer will be drawn to the same areas as long as you keep giving them minerals in the same places. Keeping mineral sites has the benefit of allowing hunters to know where to set up stands while shooting deer during the fair game.

What Are the Various Types of Salt Licks Available on the Market?

Salt licks are available in three different forms: granular, liquid, or mineral block. There is no one thing that is superior to the other because each has its own set of drawbacks and benefits.

Deer hunting using salt licks is not sufficient to keep deer drawn to one location. And hunting is not as organic as supplying these salts and ambushing the deer herd as they graze.

Blocks of mineral

Mineral blocks will take a long time to soak into the earth. The majority of hunters choose to use a block as salts since it lasts longer than other salt licks. Mineral blocks are just salts. However, some may include flavorings and additives to make it more appealing to deer and healthier.

When it comes to blocks, hunters should choose those that mix in well with their surroundings. The goal is to deter other hunters from snatching your feeding spot and setting up camp there. Rock and log forms are popular disguises since they blend in nicely while still attracting deer to your feeding stations.


Some businesses produce tiny granules that resemble powder. Granules are preferred by certain hunters since they are less noticeable and blend in nicely with the dirt, attracting deer to your feeding place. You must thoroughly mix granular salt licks into the soil before using them. Deer will be fed for a long time at such a location, as it will not need to be replenished regularly.

Granules can contain a mix of popular deer food, like acorns, in addition to minerals and salts. Deer will return to a feeding location to paw and lick it off the ground once it has been established. During hunting season, it will allow a bow hunter more time and space to improve his aim. Varying granules have different levels of success, so you should experiment with them. Try to figure out what the area’s principal diet is and offer the feeds that are not commonly available but are necessary for deer growth.

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Granules and powders may deplete fast, and you may need to restock deer-friendly areas on a regular basis. Never use chlorine-containing water when combining granules with water; instead, use only distilled water.


Liquids, like granules, sink into the ground fast. Liquids, on the other hand, seem to rinse away faster in areas where there is a lot of rain. They will not endure long, despite their stealth and lack of visibility to other hunters. When using liquids, pick the dry season and return to the location on a frequent basis to replenish lost tastes.

The goal is to start with granular, then build a feeding site, and then back it up with a mineral block, which will persist even if it rains. Lastly, liquid licks are the greatest for reviving previous feeding sites while visiting feeding locations.

Maybe you’re wondering what deer like best? You can find out in J&J Acres’ video, where they see what deer like to eat.

Where Should You Keep Salt Licks?

There is no assurance that deer will flock to your feeding stations. The best you can do is try out different strategies and feeds to see which ones perform best for your website. You should learn everything you can about the land you are hunting on and set up food and mineral sources that deer will discover and devour. Deer do not like to be seen when they are feeding, so even though the mineral licks are attractive, they will not eat them if they are not safe.

Exploring the neighborhood to find the best location

Before building a site, select an area with a large deer concentration, and try it out. Identify famous deer locations and paths on foot. Salt licks can be placed in the vicinity of an operating funnel. Instead of placing the mineral licks on the deer pathways, consider placing them just beside them.

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Never cause disturbance in the area

Skilled hunters understand the necessity of leaving the area uninterrupted since it may alert deer to human presence, causing them to leave the area and never return. Because there is no methodology, hunters must rely on their understanding of the terrain, other animals’ and humans’ interference, as well as ecological diversity.

Factors To Consider When Buying Salt Lick for Deer

The fundamentals

Because not all minerals are made equal, you cannot utilize the same salt licks for animals such as cattle for whitetail deer. Bucks require extra salt throughout the spring and summer months when their antlers are forming. As a result, deer will utilize more salt licks at specific periods of the year. Although whitetail deer utilize salt licks all year, it is not correct that they are the only thing that will attract them to your feeding spot.

You must give the proper minerals at the right time to boost a buck’s antlers and growth. Antler development does not happen quickly since you need to understand more about the deer’s genes, age, and diet. You have no influence over genetics, but you do have control over the maturity and nourishment of the herd you are in charge of.

Selecting the correct product

You may choose from three different types of salt licks, depending on the geography and weather patterns. In rainy places, block salt licks are the finest since they are sturdy and do not rinse away as quickly.

Certain salt licks, such as granular and gritty salt licks, need water to make them permanent and provide a fragrance that lures deer to the grazing place. The optimal moment to mix your minerals is when you are on the job, not at home or at the campsite. When utilizing salt licks for hunting, utilizing granular and then putting a block salt lick at the same location is the best approach to preserve a site for longer periods of time. Fluids have a shorter shelf life and are ideal for wood and shrubs.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>