Water For Deer Parcels?


*In the mid 2000s we began the journey of creating waterholes for deer. Even our early tanks that consisted of a plastic 55 gallon drum cut lengthwise, did the trick!

5 Easy Steps For A Waterhole:

1.Find the right location

2.Using your desired size of tank, dig a hole to fit the tank so that the top of the container is below ground level. This will insure adequate natural filling of the tank and if you install the tank into the side of the ridge, you can create small ditches to help self-fill. Of course, self-fill is always best!

*You will have to figure out if digging a tank completely into the ground is the best tactic in your area. Although installing an easy whitetail waterhole at ground level will never hinder your efforts, it is a lot of work! Let the amount of hunting pressure in the area be your guide. If you are located in a low-pressure Iowa setting as pictured above, then you can easily get away with a metal stock tank placed on the ground. On the other hand, if you are in a high-pressure Southern MI setting, the most naturally appearing waterhole that you can create is critical to your success.

3.Fill 1/4 to to 1/3 full of soil. This will allow for natural mineral/soil flavoring and scent.

4.Fill with water, if you canand place a stick within the tank to allow critters to escape.

5.Use the soil that you shoveled to back-fill around the tank for a tight, finished and most natural look.

*The perfect waterhole is not-so-perfect unless it is located in the perfect location.

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Using Water To Move Deer:

A water source can be one of the most powerful tools for your herd building and hunting efforts! Do you have dry bedding areas that serve to hold deer that later travel to high quality food sources on your land? Then using water for deer between your bedding area and your food source can create one of the best stand locations on your land, for the potential of daytime mature buck travel. Deer do not like to travel out of the way, so by placing a waterhole directly in line with their daily afternoon movements, you can create the opportunity for a huge level of success. Also, cruising bucks seem to crave water within dry parcels, so positioning a water source within traditional cruising funnels can offer precision movements in front of your bowstand. What is the best location? When you can combine the aspects of both cruising bucks and the afternoon food source movements, into one.


Whether you have water or not, make sure to carefully consider the placement within your overall habitat and hunting design. Are your waterholes within easy bowshot of one of your favorite treestands? If not, give it a try, because you have the potential to tap into one of the most powerful whitetail habitat and hunting tools that you possibly can; if, you follow the #1 rule!