Why is My Fish Bleeding From Gills

Video fish bleeding from gills

Do you notice around your fish’s gills? Do you know the cause of this bleeding? How do you think you can treat the infection or disease’s fish? This article contains every detail you need about your fish bleeding from its gills.

When your fish is bleeding, the most likely cause is ammonia poisoning. It can happen over a while or happen suddenly. You will notice the gills of the fish becoming red in a way that looks like they are bleeding.

Does My Fish Have Ammonia Poison?

You will know if your fish has ammonia poisoning by looking at some symptoms. At the beginning stage of ammonia poisoning, you will notice your fish gasping at the surface of the water. As the poisoning progresses, you will notice the gills’ reddening or the color of the gills turning lilac.

The gills will start having an appearance that makes them look like they are bleeding. Your fish will also start losing its appetite and will stop eating the food you give to it. You will also notice their bodily functions failing as they become lethargic.

You can also see them at the bottom of the tank having clamped fins. As the poisoning becomes more intense, their body tissues start to deteriorate. You will notice this by seeing bloody patches and blood streaks on their fins and body.

Ammonia poisoning will also cause damage to their brain, causing them to hemorrhage. If there is no attention given to the fish, the fish will die.

How Do You Treat Ammonia Poisoning in Fish?

To treat your fish from ammonia poisoning, you will have to go through a series of steps. You will first have to perform regular and frequent water changes to reduce the water’s ammonia level. You can also add fresh water to the tank to dilute ammonia concentration.

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You can also transfer the fish to another tank if the water has a very high ammonia concentration. You can reduce the amount of food you feed to the fish. You also have to watch the amount of excess feed accumulated in the tank.

You can also decrease the water’s pH, but you have to do this with cautiousness to avoid pH problems in your fish. You can also increase the water’s biological filtration capacity to help reduce the ammonia level of the tank. You might also need to reduce the stocking capacity or expand your tank for lesser concentration.

What Are Signs of Ammonia in a Fish Tank?

The signs of ammonia in your tank can be very obvious. You will notice these signs in your fish, and that will tell that you have ammonia in your tank. You will notice the gills of your fish becoming red or lilac.

You will also notice your fish’s fin becoming darker and becoming clamped. Red streaks will start to appear on the fins and body of your fish. You will also notice your fish being weak and laying at the bottom of the tank.

At times, you will notice the fish staying at the surface gasping for air. You will also start seeing tom and jagged fins in your fish. When these signs start sufficing, you can tell that the ammonia level in your fish tank is high.

How Do You Lower Ammonia Levels in a Fish Tank Quickly?

The fastest way to lower ammonia levels in your fish tank is by performing a frequent water change. You have to perform at least 50 percent water change to reduce the ammonia level. You can also add cycled filters to the tank to quickly lower the water’s ammonia level.

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In cases of an ammonia emergency, you can use a water conditioner to make the ammonia harmless. The water conditioner helps your bacteria catch up, reducing the chances of ammonia on your fish. You can quickly eradicate ammonia problems by using ammonia-removing filter media.

This media helps draw ammonia from the tank without any side effects. It will keep absorbing ammonia from the water, just like activated carbon absorbs tannin from water. Sometimes, quick intervention is what you need to save your fish from ammonia poisoning.

How Do I Get Rid of Ammonia in My Aquarium?

The best and easiest way to reduce ammonia levels in your aquarium is by performing a frequent and regular water change. It will help eliminate excess ammonia in the water while you replace it with fresh water. Although it might take a long while to eliminate ammonia, it is an effective method.

You can also use a water conditioner to activate the bacteria and get rid of the excess ammonia in the tank. You can also use ammonia-removing filter media to absorb and get rid of the ammonia in the tank. You can also add cycled filters to the tank to help eliminate the ammonia in the tank.

You can also try to lower the water’s pH to reduce the ammonia level in the tank. You also have to get rid of excess food from the tank. You also have to make sure there is no deposited waste in the tank that can cause a spike in the ammonia level.

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Can’t Get Ammonia Down in a Fish Tank?

Are you finding trouble reducing the ammonia level in your fish tank? You can reduce the level of ammonia in your fish tank by performing a frequent and regular water change. You can also make use of a cycled filter in the tank.

The water conditioner will also do a great job controlling the ammonia level in the tank. Using ammonia-removing filter media is also a good approach.

What is a Dangerous Level of Ammonia in a Fish Tank?

Any level of ammonia that is higher than 0.0ppm is dangerous for your fish. You have to find a way to reduce it. When the level goes above 1.0ppm, it can kill your fish, and I’m sure you don’t want that.


High ammonia levels can be dangerous to your fish. It can even kill your fish if you do not take proper care. You have to lower the ammonia level in the tank for your fish’s good health and safety.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>