Mud Buddy – King of Mud Motors

Video duck tips

Learning how to become a master of the duck hunting is not a simple task. Even after years of experience, there is always something new to learn to improve your success. Whether it is learning new tactics or just figuring out the right way to set up decoys; your waterfowl hunting techniques are a trade in itself.

Before you go off to consult your friends, the experts at Mud Buddy Motors have gathered a few of their tricks for your next duck hunting season. Here is how you can become a duck whisperer before the end of next season rolls around.

Tip #1: Become Invisible

This tip might seem a bit obvious, but it is not easily done. First, consider what you are wearing on your hunts. Does the camo pattern of your outfit match your surroundings? Are you blending into your surroundings, or are you sticking out like a sore thumb? Don’t get caught with your pants around your ankles—do your best to match the vegetation around you, and it will be harder for the ducks to see you.

Along with your clothing, you need to check out your boat. Are you properly covering your boat or is shining to the high heavens? Duck hunting boat blinds are an excellent way of covering your boat without spending hours covering it in vegetation. However, some hunting spots give you enough coverage that you don’t need to bring along a boat blind. Scout your spots beforehand and come prepared.

Tip #2: Stop Reflecting

Reflections can put you in the spotlight when you don’t want to be. Since you are near water during your hunts, reflections are hard to get around. You will need to minimize the amount of reflection coming off of your group before you get out to your hunting spot. Do this by covering your face and using dull finishes.

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There are a variety of products on the market that can help you will the de-reflection process. Grab some face paint, grab some laydown blinds, steer clear of guns with ultra-shiny finishes, and before you know it those wary ducks will start drifting towards your boat.

Tip #3: Get Tricky

If you have done your fair share of duck hunting, chances are you know the importance of duck decoys and duck calls. They go together with waterfowl hunting like chicken and waffles—the perfect matchup. However, you need to learn what works for the area you hunt. Even the best duck callers can make mistakes. Some days calling can ward off flocks. Make sure you perfect your calling by working with what you have. Here are a few call tips that you should try out next time you are out.

– Don’t call too much

Use your duck call as a tool for making background noise rather than continuously calling all day long. It is a great way to keep ducks interested in your decoys but won’t magically mesmerize the birds. Pair it with a good decoy spread and use it to draw them in.

– Timing is everything

The key to effective duck hunting is knowing when to use your duck call. Even if you don’t make the best sound, great timing can make you a much more efficient hunter. Blow on your duck call several times and plead as they leave to draw them back. Lay off of it if ducks are circling your spread steadily.

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– Choose wisely

Find a call that you like and learn how you can do it best. You can do this by experimenting with different calls and then settling on one that really speaks to the environment and settings you hunt.

– Practice

Beginning waterfowl hunters spend hours perfecting their calls but forget to keep this up once their first few seasons end. We recommend that even the most experienced duck hunters practice outside of the hunt.

Tip #4: Shhhh… Cut Out the Noise

Making too much noise can blow a hunt. Cut out the noise. Teach your duck hunting companions to do the same. That means not bringing whining dogs and adequately training the ones you do. Also, try and minimize any loud conversations. Keep it quiet and, absolutely, no bad jokes.

Tip #4: Don’t Move

Another way you can ruin your hunt is by moving too much. Try to stay as still as possible, so you don’t ward off any flocks. Too much movement can be a tell-tale sign to waterfowl that you aren’t exactly friendly. If you hope to shoot any ducks this season, learn how to stay still and quit moving so much.

For additional information on how to become a duck whisperer, contact the Mud Buddy team. We would love to set you up with all the gear you need to make the next duck hunting season a success.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>