Lumens Required for Temporary Blinding of an Attacker: How Many are...

Self-defense is a crucial skill that everyone should possess. In today’s world, it’s important to be prepared for any situation, especially when it comes...

All You Need To Know About The Googan Squad Line

The Googan Squad Fishing line is finally here! - Cast further, fish longer, and feel more confident in every cast you take knowing that...

Is This The Next Big Thing in Food Plots? | Deer...

Whitetail hunters and land managers have been playing around with the idea of food plots for nearly 40 years now. And admittedly, a lot...

Tested: Hi-Point Firearms 1095TS 10 mm Carbine

Hi-Point Firearms has been manufacturing some of the most budget-friendly semi-automatic pistols and carbines available for more than two decades. While the aesthetics of...

How To: Load Your Pack for Backpack Hunting

Many hunters like to talk about the gear they bring on their hunts. The true gear nerds, like us, may even obsess over carefully-calculated...

21 Homemade Deer Feeder Plans You Can Make On A Small...

If you enjoy watching wildlife, a homemade deer feeder will bring the wildlife closer to you to observe it with best practices. Fill the...

The Top 6 Turkey Broadheads, From a Seasoned Bowhunter

Bowhunting turkeys is the ultimate challenge. Bowhunters are tasked with convincing a mature Tom to go against its natural breeding style and come within...

Orca vs Great White Shark: Who’s the Apex Predator

The world’s oceans are full of fascinating creatures, including quite a few large and rather intimidating marine animals! If you love nature and the...

Biggest Crappie Ever Caught | World Record Crappie

Fishing takes on many forms and why one angler does it versus the next varies as much as personalities do. A handful of anglers...

5 Snakehead Recipes and How to Catch This Delicious Invasive Species

Snakehead; Scary name, scary attitude, and surprisingly delicious. Snakehead are an invasive species in the United States but are native and a delicacy in...
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