Top 10 Best Sniper Rifle Cartridges for When You Need to...
Long range precision shooting, aka sniping, is a complex art that requires years of practice, professional instruction, and meticulous attention to detail. While...
3 Must-Know Knots
This article was originally published in Issue 1 of our magazine.Using the right tool for the right job makes all the difference. Sure, you...
What’s a Cull Buck?
If you’ve ever watched a hunting show on TV, you’ve probably heard the term “cull buck” or “management buck.” By definition, a cull buck...
Do Bears Eat Deer? Will They Attack and Kill Deer?
Bears and deer live together in many areas of the world, and so I considered whether bears and deer can coexist or whether one...
Do Possums Eat Ticks?
Bob Humphrey
No question, ticks are a scourge, and this year seems to be exceptionally bad. Naturally, any creature with a healthy appetite for...
Training Checklist for Any Duck Dog
Today’s retriever training literature tends to focus on some rather advanced skills, such as land-water-land retrieves, handling to 200-yard blind falls, and even greater...
A New Ruling For The .30-06 Sprg.
Every hunter who packs a .30-’06 Sprg. into the game fields knows that the traditional rule is to shoot 150-grain bullets while hunting game...
Walleye, Saugeye & Sauger Angler Guide: Top Tips & Area Highlights
WALLEYE SAUGEYE SAUGER Members of the perch family (Percidae), native sauger and introduced walleye and saugeye inhabit many of Oklahoma's water bodies....
Terry Drury on Thirteen and Deer Phases
Terry Drury Explains What Thirteen Is Editor’s Note: Mark and Terry Drury have been a part of the Mossy Oak family as long...
Wildlife Management Zone map
ZONE 1: Northerly by the Vermont border; westerly by the New York border; southerly by a line running along Rt. 20 to the junction...