At Montana Decoy, we are always innovating. For us, that means looking back at what has worked and what hasn’t. We speak with customers, guides, outfitter, and friends who help us make informed decisions about our products. Then, of course, we look to the future. To the dawn of a new spring when a sunrise through budding flora and a deep chorus of throaty gobbles lets us know that we’re right where we should be, in the turkey woods.

For 2021, enter our XD (extra detail) turkey decoy collection. Our goal since day one has been to create lightweight, realistic decoys that hunters can carry with them everywhere. In essence, we’re here to help hunters succeed in the woods. And that, for us, is reason enough to look forward to spring.

“Thinking about turkey season and how we can continue to make our decoys the best in the business is what helps me get through long winters here in Montana,” said Jerry McPherson, Montana Decoy’s founder. “The introduction of MISS PURRFECT XD, JAKE PURRFECT XD, and the combination of the two, PURRFECT PAIR XD, has me excited for turkey hunters everywhere. I think our Perfect Pose Technology™, which allows you to create a variety of body, head, and neck positions, will be a real game changer for hunters in the 2021 season.”

Each decoy now comes with a portable carry bag for faster collapsing and easier travel. The lightest, most packable and realistic turkey decoys on the market just got a whole lot better.


The “courting” game between hens and toms is really no different than women and men. The most attractive of both sexes usually wins out. If there is such a thing as seduction in a hen turkey decoy, then MISS PURRFECT XD has it.

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Using an improved printing process with enhanced color and details to model a hen’s natural iridescence, MISS PURRFECT XD is designed to grab a gobbler’s attention from long distances. The taxidermy eyes will make him commit those last crucial yards.

MISS PURRFECT XD goes from a folded 9” x 3” dinner plate to a full, 34-inch long hen decoy in a matter of seconds. Perfect Pose Technology™ allows you to adjust the head and neck depending on your hunting situation, as well as set the decoy in a standing, feeding, or breeding pose. The latter of which is a surefire way to draw in weary toms when paired with JAKE PURRFECT XD standing behind.


The tried and true JAKE PURRFECT turkey decoy has become an absolute favorite among turkey hunting fanatics over the past several seasons. Bottom line, when spring rolls around and dominant tom turkeys are actively breeding hens, they can’t tolerate the intrusion of a lesser gobbler.

To enhance an already realistic jake decoy, we are releasing JAKE PURRFECT XD. Perfect Pose Technology™ allows you to set this decoy in a looker, brawler, or feeder pose. An improved printing process enabled us to enhance the color and details to model a wild turkey’s natural iridescence.

JAKE PURRFECT XD’s redhead is designed to let the local turkey population know that he’s aggressively pursuing hens and won’t back down from bigger birds. Plus, we used taxidermy eyes to give the extra detail that will make longbeards commit to the challenge of JAKE PURRFECT’s head-up, aggressive posture.

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As with all of Montana Decoy’s turkey decoys, JAKE PURRFECT XD folds down small and packs easily but snuggly into your turkey vest. The circumference of this decoy is 9 inches whether it’s in action or packed. It’s length is a whole ‘nother story. JAKE PURRFECT goes from a mere 3 inches folded to 34 inches unfolded. That’s the 10x difference Montana Decoy is known for when it comes to creating not only the most realistic decoys on the market, but also the lightest, most packable, and easy to use. This decoy can live in your turkey vest all season without the bulk you’ll find in other 3D decoys.


Oftentimes two is better than one. This couldn’t be more true in the matrimony of MISS PURRFECT XD and JAKE PURRFECT XD. The PURRFECT PAIR XD is built to fuel a turkey’s springtime love making obsession as well as his blood-thirsty rage. The use of our Perfect Pose Technology™ allows you to quickly set the decoys in a standing, feeding, or breeding pose. If you want to see an old dominant gobbler go truly mad, place JAKE PURRFECT XD in the looker pose with MISS PURRFECT XD in the breeding pose slightly underneath and directly in front.

“From the improved printing to reflect a wild turkey’s iridescence to the taxidermy eyes that will make a ol’ tom commit those last few yards, the evolution of our turkey decoys toward ultimate realism and functionality have really put them in a league of their own,” said Jerry.

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We look forward to connecting with our consumers during the 2021 turkey season to see how the all-new MISS PURRFECT XD and JAKE PURRFECT XD are working for them. As we all know, a hot gobbler can make for a fast-action hunt where seconds count. These ease of use built into these turkey decoys allows you to spend more time looking down the barrel of your shotgun than setting up your turkey decoys.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>