3 Critical Moon Phase Tips For Deer Hunting


*You can fool big, old, reclusive bucks with these 5 simple Nocturnal Busting tips!

How To Use The Moon To Improve Your Deer Hunt

How can you wade thru the annual mess? Here are 3 critical moon phase deer hunting tips that you can use for not only whitetail clarity, but to help you elevate your potential results this season:

1. Rising Evening Full Moon Equals Late Morning Opportunity

Deer are rhythmic pattern feeders and forage at varying levels of intensity 5 times per day. When the evening conditions are dark, windy and noisy deer feed very little within their typical “dinner time” feeding destinations. However, I have experienced the opposite when it comes to bright, calm and cool conditions. Deer then feed heavily, they can be highly social and their bellies can become very full. With a rising full moon phase a rollercoaster of feeding intensity is magnified. Higher levels of dinner and midnight feeding times diminish the need for deer to feed as much during their early morning time slot. This means that although an evening rising full moon can place low priority on the daybreak feeding time, the intensity of the late morning feeding is often magnified.

2. Forget The Moon For The Annual Whitetail Rut

This is where I truly feel for hunters who plan their rut hunt vacations based on the various whims if moon-based rut predictions. Scientific Studies have proven every time that in a given location, the annual whitetail rut takes place at the same time every single year. While you may want to sit in your stand later in the morning during a full moon phase, I wouldn’t recommend that you use the moon to influence your sit decisions in any way, in particular as it relates to the timing of the rut. When did the rut take place in your area last year, 5 years ago, 10, 20 or 50 years ago? Make sure to plan for that same period of time this year, because the rut will be at that same time again. That fact makes planning your hunts a whole lot easier!

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3. Weather Trumps Moon Phase

Even when the moon has a minor effect on deer movements -ex. during the late morning full moon period- the weather has such a major effect on deer hunting movements that a strong case can be made to simply ignore the moon. I personally do. I purely hunt cold fronts the entire deer season and try not to miss any quality cold front for the entire season. I hunt whitetails, study whitetails and teach whitetail strategies for my full time career and although I can acknowledge the moon may have some minor influence over deer behavior, those influences are not enough for me to change any plans when it comes to hunting weather patterns.

A cold front sweeps through every 5-10 days throughout the season and is a highly defined indicator of when a mature buck will be on his feet. If the weather is noisy, windy and warm the deer hunting will most likely be extremely poor. If the conditions that follow noisy, windy and warm are cold, calm and quiet the deer hunting opportunity will be extremely high. It is that simple, and that is a good thing!

While you can’t plan the best days to deer hunt months in advance, you can at least watch the weather and know exactly which days will be the best to climb your treestand. That will lead you to success a whole lot more than a moon phase prediction unless, that moon phase prediction just happens to fall on a great weather day. A fraction of the time that does actually happen.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>