Welcome to 2024-24 Nevada Big Game Hunting Seasons & Applications


Important Information for 2024

First Come, First Served

First Come, First Served tags will now remain available for purchase only to the originally awarded residency as determined by the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commission in 2022.


Alternates will now be awarded tags up until 14 calendar days before the hunt season opens. (NAC 502.421/CGR 490)

Transfer of Tag

Tag holders may choose to transfer their tag to a qualified, non-profit organization who would facilitate the tag being awarded to another individual represented by the organization and who meets specific criteria for participation in the tag transfer program. (AB 89/CGR 501)

Spike Elk

Spike elk means any antlered elk having not more than two antler points on either antler. (NAC 502.1045)

Hunt News

  • Mountain goat will once again be offered as a hunt to non-residents. Any nonresident with existing mountain goat points will need to once again apply or purchase a bonus point in this application season or the next application season to keep their previously earned points.
  • The Nelson (desert) bighorn ram management “One-Horn” hunt will continue this year in select unit groups. The shortest horn must be less than half the length of the longest horn. See Bighorn Sheep.
  • Mountain goat will now be offered as a Silver State tag. See Specialty Tags.


Horns longer than ears muzzleloader seasons for Units 041, 042; 043-046; 141, 143, 151-156; and 202, 204 were moved earlier to August 15 to August 21 to improve hunt success. The archery seasons for these unit groups were shortened to August 1 to August 14 to accommodate the earlier muzzleloader season.

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New horns shorter than ears hunt for Unit 115 restricted to within 1 mile of Great Basin Ranch properties.


A new depredation bull hunt with antler point restrictions in Unit 231. This new hunt includes a special hunt boundary focusing pressure on bulls frequenting agricultural areas in Lake Valley. Successful applicants will receive a letter with special instructions and hunt map before their season begins.

Archery bull hunts during the rut (Sept. 17 – Sept. 30) are now offered in Units 161-164, 171-173 and Units 241, 242. Wilderness only antlerless elk hunts are not offered for the 2024-2024 Big Game Hunting Season. Applicants can expect a commensurate increase in available tags during standard antlerless elk seasons which include wilderness areas.

Bighorn Sheep

California bighorn ram – 011, 013 Unit Group is closed; Units 012 and 014 combined into a unit group.

Unit 161 – New archery ram hunt for residents and nonresidents in August. Early any-legal-weapon ram season is Sept 10 – 30; Ewe season October 1 – 20; and late any legal weapon ram season is also earlier Oct 21 – Dec 1.

Unit 173 North (Toiyabe Range) has a management ram (once-in-a-lifetime) hunt that is a separate hunt category than the standard ram hunts. It is extremely challenging with limited hunter access (high elevation wilderness), heavy tree cover, and low density bighorn numbers.

Unit 181 is now split into an east hunt area (Sand Springs Range) and west hunt area (Fairview Range/Slate Mountain).

Unit 153 (Fish Creek Mountains) is now combined with Unit 183 (Augusta and Clan Alpine Mountains).

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Units 212 and 213 now only have a single any legal weapon season, Nov 20 – Jan 1.

Archery season opened in Unit 267.

Units 280 and 281 on the Department of Defense’s Nevada Test and Training Range now have a hunting party limit of 5 including the tagholder. Unit 282 is closed due to lack of mature rams.

Rocky Mountain bighorn ram – Unit 102 open; Unit 114 is closed.

Mountain Goat

Nonresident hunt open for Mountain Goat in Unit 102.

Mule Deer

Junior mule deer hunts are now antlered only hunts except for the following unit groups 061, 062, 064, 066-068; 071-079, 091; and 101-109 that are either antlerless or antlered.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>