How To Ship A Bow [Don’t Forget This One Step]

Video how to pack a bow

Shipping a bow, more specifically a compound bow, can be a relatively complicated process if you don’t know what you’re doing. You might be shipping your bow for a move, after selling it online, or to get your weapon to your final hunting destination.

No matter the reason, the information listed below is going to summarize everything you need to know to successfully get this done. Be sure to read each and every highlight, as well as the key thing to avoid before shipping your bow!

If anyone has any other direct experience shipping a bow, be sure to leave your comments in the section at the very bottom.

Why Is Shipping A Bow Difficult?

Shipping a compound bow is not like shipping any other item. There are several reasons for this:

– Compound bows are fragile and can easily be damaged in transit.

– They have many sensitive parts (e.g. bow sights, limbs, etc.) that can get jostled during shipping.

– The bowstring can slip off your cams, resulting in damage.

– Arrows can slice your string, causing serious damage.

Materials Needed To Ship A Compound Bow

Before you begin the process, make sure you have the necessary materials available to start shipping:

1. Shipping Box: Make sure to get a strong corrugated cardboard box that’s without any holes or damaged area. In case you can’t find a box that will fit, go to your local archery shop and ask for an old bow box.

2. Bubble Wrap: A standard role of bubble wrap that’s available at your local office supplies store is a must-have to protect your bow within its shipping box.

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3. Packing Peanuts or Cushioning Material: For added protection, and after wrapping your bow in bubble wrap, try your best to fill in all the empty space with packing peanuts or some kind of cushioned material.

4. Packing Tape: Securely taping your bow after wrapping, and also taping your shipping box with ensure all shipping materials stay together.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Ship a Compound Bow

Here’s a quick and simple step-by-step guid to properly shipping your compound bow before your next move or hunting trip:

Step 1: Disassemble Your Bow (If You Can…)

Before you begin packing, remember you always have the option to disassemble your bow to make it easier to ship. Of course, if you’re going on a hunting trip, you don’t want to take this step… but I figured I should mention it.

Remove any attachments, such as sights or stabilizers, and detach the limbs from the riser. This will help ensure that your bow fits securely in the box and reduces the risk of damage during transit.

Step 2: Wrap The Bow

Wrap your bow in several layers of bubble wrap, making sure to cover all areas that could come into contact with other items in the box. Pay special attention to the cams and other delicate parts of your bow.

Step 3: Fill The Box

Fill the empty space in your box with packing peanuts, foam, or other cushioning material. This will help prevent your bow from shifting around during transit and protect it from damage.

Step 4: Seal The Box

Once you’ve packed your bow securely in the box, use packing tape to seal it shut. Make sure to reinforce all seams and corners to prevent the box from bursting open during transit.

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Step 5: Label The Box

And the last step is… label your box clearly with the shipping address and any necessary shipping labels. Be sure to include your return address in case the package needs to be returned for any reason. I always take a picture of my receipt or have the received and tracking number emailed to you.

Choosing A Shipping Carrier

Based on the image below, l would highly recommend UPS as the best way to ship a compound bow!

Just in case you’re not very close to a UPS, you also have the option to choose FedEx or USPS. While these might be a little more expensive, I don’t think you’d have any issues with these companies.

How Much Does It Cost To Ship A Bow

It’s going to cost you somewhere (at most) between $60 and $160 to ship a compound bow across the country.

A typical compound bow is going to weigh somewhere around 6 lbs. Using this information, while measuring out what size box would be needed, I used an online shipping calculator to compare rates.

This comparison below estimates what it would cost you to ship a 6 lb. bow from the east coast to the west coast – nearly 2,400 miles. Knowing this, you can estimate how much it’s going to cost you to ship to a much closer distance.

Compound Bow Shipping Costs

One Thing To Avoid When Shipping A Bow

If you can pick one thing, and one thing only to avoid when shipping a bow, I would tell you not to forget about shipping insurance.

Most carriers are going to cover your shipped item up to $100. Obviously, anyone who’s ever purchase a hunting bow knows this barely covers a single one of your accessories.


Be sure to purchase insurance for your shipped bow for the full amount of everything you’ve invested into it. You want to rest easy knowing that if anything happens, you’re going to be able to replace what’s damaged/lost.

But Can You Ship A Bow This Way?

In my opinion, if you have the money, I would recommend shipping your compound bow in a hard bow case. Think about it, if you’re shipping your bow to any destination (especially if you’re shipping it to go hunting), you’re going to want your case eventually anyways.

Additionally, the whole point of a case is to offer the best protection possible. Why not just purchase a box, or better yet save the box your case came in, and wrap the case up instead of your bow. By doing this, you nearly guarantee full protection on your bow!

Shipping A Bow FAQs

1. Is It Legal To Ship A Bow?

Yes, it is legal to ship a compound bow. You can use the carriers listed above to get the job done.

2. How Much Does It Cost To Ship A Compound Bow?

Shipping a compound bow is going to cost you somewhere between $60 and $160.

In case you’re interested, we have a great blog summarizing the Best Archery Targets for this year!

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>