The 3 Best Thermal Rifle Scopes

Video who makes the best thermal scope

The world of rifle scopes and binoculars is an ever-evolving industry. New products are being pushed out constantly, with new technologies and features becoming available. With many people picking up nighttime activities such as hunting and hiking, night vision devices are in constant demand. However, the choice is vast. First, you must decide what you get – whether you want night vision technology or a thermal imaging scope. For hunters, thermal rifle scopes will give you more range and often better features, so this is where you want to be.

Even when you want a thermal imaging scope, how do you choose the best one? Many options exist, from brands to sizes, sensors, and prices. If you’re an experienced hunter, you know what to look for and where to invest your money. But what if you’re not? Everything from the worst to the best thermal scope will cost a pretty penny. Spending that much money on a device you aren’t sure about is a big mistake.

For you not to make such a mistake, we’re here to help. Whether you’re an expert who has been hunting for years or someone who’s just getting into it, we have something for you. Below, you will find five of the best thermal scope options today. They’re all made by reputable brands and cost quite a bit. They also offer different qualities and features, so you can choose what works best.

If you still can’t decide or don’t know where to spend your money, we also have a buyer’s guide. If you read through it, you will find information on everything you should know before you purchase, from available technologies to which numbers mean what and some other factors you need to consider. Without wasting any more time, let’s begin with the products.

Buyer’s Guide

We couldn’t blame you if the list above left you with a few questions. Maybe you aren’t an expert in thermal scopes and don’t know what all those technical terms mean. Or maybe you want a good explanation of what everything is. A good thermal imaging scope costs a pretty penny, and you want to know you’re investing your money where you should be.

Below, as promised, is our buyers’ guide. In it, we’ll do our best to explain the terms that might not be clear. We’ll explain what the numbers mean and what technologies you should pay a bit more for. Once you’re done with reading, you should have a good idea of which one of the thermal scopes above you should order. Let’s begin.

Knowing the difference between night vision and thermal imaging

Even though they often serve the same purpose, a night vision device differs greatly from a thermal imaging scope. Thermal optics aren’t cameras. But instead, they’re just thermal imagers. They were first developed and used by the military, but now they’re also used for fun and hunting. The main motive was to help with seeing seemingly invisible things. We have thermal imagers because animals emanate infrared energy, which comes out as heat. The heat signature is thermal energy, which was the guiding factor.

You need a special lens to focus on the thermal energy being emitted. The infrared detector’s phased array of elements then scans the focused energy. These elements give you an (oftentimes highly) detailed pattern of temperature. The pattern is known as a thermogram. Even though this might sound like a lengthy process, it happens in a fraction of a second. Once the thermogram is created, the thermal imaging scope translates it into various electric impulses. Then, those impulses are sent to a signal processing unit and translated into data for display.

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The data is then displayed on your screen, appearing in various colors on the scope. Depending on the intensity of the infrared’s emission, the colors vary. The image you get is made from all the impulses the scope receives from the field of view.

The main difference between this and night vision is that the tech requires some light source. It amplifies it so you can see objects like you would during daylight. The moon and stars often have enough light, but some incorporate an IR illuminator for a bit more light. The difference in technology means that a night vision device might give you a more detailed, natural image. However, the image intensifier tubes inside can be damaged if exposed to bright light. Last, a thermal imaging scope can give you a better idea of what you’re looking at if it’s completely dark.

Determine your budget

Your budget is the first guiding factor when you need a thermal imaging scope. None of the scopes come cheap, but how much you want to invest is important. The basic principle is that a more expensive scope has more features and better optics. However, you won’t always use all those features. For example, the Hunter above has high-end features, but many people prefer Bluetooth and Wi-Fi instead in this day and age.

As soon as you have a good idea of how much you can afford to spend, it’s time to start searching—one thing to keep in mind, though. If you want to get good features and stellar optics, don’t settle for a budget-oriented option. Also, chances are you won’t be buying a second one anytime soon. Try to invest a bit more money the first time around and get the best thermal scope you can afford.

What do you need thermal rifle scopes for?

Another important factor is the usage scenario. The main purpose of thermal imaging scopes is often military scenarios or maybe law enforcement. However, in recent years, there’s been a rapid rise in hunters who buy such devices. We aren’t talking amateurs and people who just picked up a rifle. We’re talking about professionals who know what they’re doing. Even they have to start somewhere.

Night vision and thermal imaging aren’t that simple, and making mistakes is quite possible. Therefore, you’ll want to know what you’ll be using your scope for. If you only use it for keeping your backyard clean of small animals, you could do it with a cheaper one with less magnification. You’ll want more magnification and detection range if you use it for hunting in the mountains or forests. Short hunting trips? Battery life isn’t that important. But if you’re pulling all-nighters, you’ll want at least a few hours of battery life.

Uncooled thermal imaging or cryogenically cooled systems?

You’ll find two main thermal imaging scope systems in today’s market. They’re both excellent in their way. Whichever you go for, you can’t go wrong. However, understanding them is important to know which suits you better.

The first type is uncooled thermal imaging. This is what is commonly used with thermal scopes around the world today. It is popular because all the required elements to detect infrared energy can operate at the standard temperature. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about keeping the elements below 32 degrees. Because it doesn’t require anything extra, the process is fairly quiet. This makes the scopes ideal for hunters, which is why many of them prefer an uncooled thermal imaging scope. The downside is that the readings are often different and less sensitive than other systems. They are, however, cheaper than the other option.

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The other option is cryogenically cooled systems. Compared to the uncooled ones, they cost a lot more. They use perfectly sealed internals and are mechanically kept to a freezing temperature or below. If you’re near one, you can hear that they’re loud. Their advantage is that the temperature they’re kept in makes them much more sensitive. They’ll give you a much more accurate temperature reading regardless of the conditions you’re using them in. This might be a better option if you can afford one and don’t mind a bit of noise.

Consider the battery life and type.

Thermal scopes require batteries to run the display and all the electronics inside. More powerful magnification factors and more features need more power and, consequently, a larger battery. However, not all manufacturers put larger batteries. This often results in subpar battery life with many scopes.

Your deciding factor will be how much time you spend out during the night. For example, if you’re only going to be hunting for an hour or two, something that has guaranteed three hours of battery life will suffice. On the other hand, if you think you’ll go out in the evening and not come back before dawn, you’ll want much more. A scope that gives you 8 to 10 hours is ideal but hard to find, especially with smart features and high refresh rates.

There’s a solution for this as well – carry extra batteries. For example, if you have an Armasight thermal scope, you could get their extended battery pack, which should give you a few more hours. Or, you could see what kind of batteries the scope uses. They’re commonly AA, AAA, or CR-123, and they all fit in your backpack or pouch. Carrying a few spares with you is never a bad idea.

Magnification and range are important factors regarding overall image quality.

With binoculars, for example, you have two numbers – 8-10×42. The first set, 8-10x, indicates the magnification factor, while the second one, 42, tells you the objective lens diameter. You still have a magnification factor with thermal scopes, but the objective lens diameter isn’t that important and is often left out. Instead, you have the sensor resolution.

Back to our original point, the magnification factor tells you how close you can get to your subject. With a 1x magnification, you’ll seem like you would with your naked eye. With an 8x magnification, however, the target object is eight times bigger. This can be very helpful when you want to get close to your target without physically approaching it. You don’t always want that magnification, though, so most of the scopes on our list have variable magnification. Depending on the situation, you can choose between several magnification powers. A smaller magnification number is sufficient if you only need the scope for your backyard. For longer distances and outdoor hunting, you’ll want more.

The range is the other important number here. That’s what tells you how far you can see objects, which is the maximal useful range for a thermal scope. There are three types to remember here. Detection range is the range at which the scope can distinguish an object from the background. Recognition range is where you can classify the object, whether it’s a person, animal, or vehicle. Lastly, the identification range is where you can see details regarding the object. The detection range isn’t too important when hunting, but you’ll need the recognition range to ensure it’s an animal and the detection range to see what kind and other details.

The refresh rate can be much more relevant than you’d think.

The refresh rate is a very important factor when you’re choosing a computer monitor. It’s even more important here since your eyes will be stuck close to the thermal scope’s display. The refresh rate dictates how many times per second the image on display will refresh. The more times it does, the clearer and lifelike image you’ll get.

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There are two or three main options. The first one, which you’ll find in many budget-oriented thermal scopes, is 30Hz. This might be sufficient when you have a stationary target, but you’ll want more for anything moving. The next step up is 50Hz, with 60Hz being the common refresh rate for higher-end scopes. The difference can be astounding and even more emphasized when you’re stuck to the screen. Therefore, for optimal performance, look for 50 or 60Hz.

The sensor’s resolution can make or break your whole experience

Like any other imaging device, the resolution is the number of pixels a sensor can capture. Unlike mechanical scopes, which rely on optics, thermal scopes rely on technology. With more pixels, you’ll get a crisper, sharper image with more detail.

Since thermal imaging won’t quite give you the detail you would get from a night vision device, the higher the resolution, the better the performance. You will often see the sensor’s resolution mentioned in the scope’s name, so look for a higher number. But be prepared to pay a bit more for that pleasure.

Lastly, consider build quality, mounting options, and water resistance.

A thermal imaging scope is something that’s built for the outdoors. There’s a big chance you will smash it against something or drop it at some point. It will also get thrown in your backpack or weapon-carrying case fairly often, so you’ll want one built well. Some shock-absorbing materials, such as a rubberized body, could do, but a full metal build is best. Note that unlike mechanical scopes, which only have optics, thermal scopes have many sensitive electronics inside that could get easily damaged.

Next, you’ll want a way to mount the scope to your weapon. The common solutions are a Weaver or a Picatinny rail mount, which you’ll find on your weapon. With higher-end scopes, you might even find a quick-release system. Just don’t get a quick-release system on a cheap scope. Chances are it will get loose quickly and be more of a problem than a convenience. Another thing to know is that a quickly removable scope means you could use it as a handheld scope if necessary.

The third thing is water resistance. You also have a fog issue with mechanical scopes, but since this is all electronics inside, that’s not a problem. However, a drop of water can easily damage all those electronics. Therefore, look for something that has a good IP rating. IPX7 or IPX8 is sufficient, but anything less than that might be an issue. It’s an outdoor device, so there’s a chance you might drop it in a puddle of water. Better be safe than sorry.

Wrapping things up

As you saw above, choosing the best thermal scope for your needs isn’t such an easy task. First, it’s a lot of money, so any mistake will be costly. Next, you have many factors, from build quality to numbers and sensor resolution. You will want a lot of things to work well for you.

However, at the end of the day, it’s not unlike buying another thing you’ll use often. Consider your budget and your usage scenarios. Then, see where you’re willing to compromise, if necessary. We hope to have explained everything above – all that’s left is to order the best thermal imaging scope that fits your needs!

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>