Best Pellets for Smoking Salmon – Smoke and Grill Guide


Best Pellets for Smoking Salmon

If you’re a salmon aficionado, then you know that finding the perfect smoky flavor for your salmon filet is essential. And the type of wood you use can make or break your dish. That’s why it’s crucial to choose the best wood that will give your salmon the perfect flavor.

From alder to hickory, maple to oak, and fruitwoods like apple or cherry, there are plenty of options to choose from. Each type of wood imparts a unique flavor to your salmon, so it’s worth experimenting with a few until you find your favorite.

Whether you’re using a traditional smoker or a modern pellet grill like a Traeger, the type of wood you use can make all the difference in your salmon game. So, if you want to elevate your salmon smoking skills, keep reading to discover the best pellets for smoking salmon.

Beech Wood

Beech wood is a popular choice for smoking salmon due to its mild flavor that pairs perfectly with the fish. It produces a delicate smoke that won’t overpower the salmon’s natural flavor.

Beech wood is also an excellent option for smoking other types of fish, poultry, and pork. Its mild flavor is a great way to add a touch of smokiness to your salmon without overpowering its natural taste. Beech wood produces a light and subtle smoke that will leave your salmon with a delicious, smoky flavor.

Alder Wood

Alder wood is a classic choice for smoking salmon, and it’s easy to see why. It produces a light, sweet smoke that complements the delicate flavor of sockeye salmon perfectly. Alder wood is also an excellent option for cooking other types of fish, poultry, and game meat. Its light smoke won’t overpower the fish’s natural flavor, making it the perfect wood for smoking salmon. The smoke from alder wood has a unique taste, which can add a delicious twist to your salmon dish.

Apple Wood

Apple wood is a fruitwood that provides a sweet and fruity smoke that adds a unique flavor to your salmon filet. It’s a popular choice for smoking pork, poultry, and salmon. Apple wood produces a light and subtle smoke that enhances the flavor of the salmon without overpowering it. The sweet and fruity flavor of apple wood adds a delicious twist to your salmon dish. It’s perfect for those who prefer a sweet and subtle smoky taste in their salmon.

Maple Wood

Maple wood is a hardwood that produces a sweet, mild smoke that’s perfect for salmon. It’s also great for smoking other types of fish, pork, and poultry. Maple wood provides a well-balanced smoke that won’t overpower the salmon’s natural flavor.

Its sweet flavor pairs well with sockeye salmon, making it a top contender for the best wood for smoking salmon. The smoke from maple wood has a unique taste that can make your salmon dish stand out from the rest.

Cherry Wood

Cherry wood is a fruitwood that produces a sweet and fruity smoke that adds a unique flavor to your salmon. It’s a great option for smoking poultry, pork, and salmon. Cherry wood produces a moderate smoke that doesn’t overpower the salmon’s natural flavor. The sweet and fruity flavor of cherry wood pairs perfectly with sockeye salmon. It adds a subtle, delicious taste to your salmon dish that is sure to impress.

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Oak Wood

Oak wood is a hardwood that produces a strong, bold smoke that’s perfect for salmon. It’s also great for smoking other types of meat, such as beef and pork. Oak wood produces a significant amount of smoke that can easily overpower the salmon’s natural flavor if not used carefully. It’s a great option for those who prefer a strong, smoke flavor in their salmon. The smoke from oak wood has a rich flavor that can add depth to your salmon dish.

Pecan Wood

Pecan wood is a hardwood that produces a sweet and nutty smoke that’s perfect for salmon. It’s also great for smoking other types of meat, such as pork and poultry. Pecan wood produces a moderate smoke that won’t overpower the salmon’s natural flavor. Its sweet and nutty flavor pairs well with sockeye salmon, making it a top contender for the best wood for smoking salmon. The smoke from pecan wood has a unique taste that can make your salmon dish stand out.

Woods You Should Not Use for Your Smoked Salmon Recipe


When it comes to smoking salmon, some wood types are better than others. While many wood types can enhance the flavor of your salmon fillet, some can leave it with a harsh and unpleasant taste. Here are three types of wood you should avoid when smoking salmon:

  1. Cedar Wood: While cedar wood is a popular choice for hot smoked salmon, it’s not recommended for use on a pellet grill. Cedar wood has a strong and distinct flavor that can overpower the salmon’s natural taste. It’s also not the best wood to use for long smoking times, as it can produce an acrid taste that ruins the salmon.

  2. Mesquite Wood: Mesquite wood is known for its strong and distinct flavor, making it a popular choice for smoking meat. However, it’s not recommended for smoking salmon. The strong and intense flavor of mesquite wood can easily overpower the delicate taste of the salmon. It’s best to avoid using mesquite wood for smoking fish.

  3. Conifers: Conifers, such as pine, spruce, and fir, should be avoided when smoking salmon. These types of wood can produce a resinous and bitter smoke that ruins the salmon’s natural taste. They also contain chemicals that can be harmful to ingest. It’s best to stick to hardwoods and fruitwoods when smoking salmon.

Wood Chips or Wood Pellets – What Should You Use

If you’re wondering what type of wood to use when smoking salmon, you may also be wondering whether to use wood chips or wood pellets. Both options have their pros and cons, and the decision ultimately depends on your personal preference.

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Wood chips are small, thin pieces of wood that are ideal for use in a charcoal grill or electric smoker. They are usually made from hardwoods, such as hickory, oak, or mesquite, and can be soaked in water before use to prevent them from burning too quickly. Wood chips provide a robust and smoky flavor that is ideal for smoking salmon.

On the other hand, wood pellets are made from sawdust that has been compressed into small pellets. They are designed to be used in a pellet grill, which is a type of smoker that uses an electric auger to feed the pellets into a firebox. Wood pellets come in a variety of flavors, such as apple, cherry, and mesquite, and they provide a consistent and controllable smoke that is ideal for smoking salmon.

Factors to consider when deciding between wood chips and wood pellets include the type of smoker you’re using, the desired level of smoke flavor, and the convenience of use.

Wood chips are typically less expensive than wood pellets and can be used in a variety of smokers, including charcoal grills and traditional smokers. Wood pellets, on the other hand, provide a more consistent and controllable smoke, which is ideal for those who want to have more control over the smoking process.

How to Smoke a Salmon – Quick Guide

How to Smoke a Salmon - Quick Guide

Smoking salmon is a delicious way to cook the fish while infusing it with a smoky flavor. There are two methods of smoking salmon – hot smoking and cold smoking. Let’s take a look at both methods:

Hot Smoking

Hot smoking is a method of smoking salmon where the fish is exposed to smoke and heat simultaneously. The temperature used for hot smoking salmon is typically at 120 °F or higher. This method results in a flaky and moist texture and a smoky flavor that’s more pronounced than in cold smoked salmon.

To hot smoke your salmon, you first need to brine the salmon in a saltwater mixture for several hours. This process helps to draw out the excess moisture from the salmon, giving it a firmer texture and enhancing the smoky flavor. Once the salmon has been brined, rinse it with cold water and let the salmon sit for a few hours before placing it on the pellet grill.

When smoking the salmon, set the temperature to around 220 °F and smoke for about 1-2 hours, or until the internal temperature reaches 145 °F. Once done, let the salmon sit for a few minutes before slicing it and serving.

Cold Smoke Method

Cold smoking is a method of smoking salmon that exposes the fish to smoke but doesn’t cook it. The temperature used for cold smoking salmon is typically at 90 °F or below. This method results in a silkier texture and a subtle smoky flavor that’s less pronounced than in hot smoked salmon.

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To cold smoke your salmon, you first need to brine salmon in a saltwater mixture, just like in hot smoking. However, once the salmon has been brined, rinse it with cold water and let it air dry for several hours before placing it in the smoker.

When smoking the salmon, set the temperature to around 90-100 °F and smoke for 12-24 hours, or until the salmon has taken on a rich, smoky flavor. Once done, let the salmon sit for a few minutes before slicing it and serving.

Types of Salmon for Smoking

Types of Salmon for Smoking

Of course, smoking salmon is not complete without choosing the best type of salmon for your recipe. There are many varieties of salmon to choose from, but when it comes to smoking salmon on a pellet grill, it’s important to select the best salmon that can hold up well to the smoking process and deliver a delicious flavor. Here are some popular types of salmon that are ideal for smoking:

  1. Atlantic salmon: This variety of salmon is widely available and is farmed. It’s a great choice for those on a budget, as it’s more affordable than other types of salmon. It has a brighter orange coloring and a high-fat content, which gives your smoked salmon a stronger flavor.

  2. King salmon: Also known as Chinook salmon, this variety is one of the most popular types to smoke. It has a high-fat content, a deep red coloring, and an extra flaky texture. This type of salmon is perfect for hot smoking and can be easily smoked on a pellet grill.

  3. Sockeye salmon: This is another popular variety of salmon to smoke, second only to King salmon. It has a nice balance of leanness and firmness, which makes it a good candidate for hot smoking because it won’t fall apart. It has a deep red flesh and a rich flavor that can take on the smoky flavor perfectly,


Salmon is one of the most popular types of fish to smoke, and for good reason. Smoking the fish infuses it with a delicious smoky flavor that’s hard to resist. Whether you’re using a wood pellet grill or another type of smoker, choosing the right type of smoking wood and pellets is crucial for achieving the best smoked salmon possible.

When it comes to selecting the best smoking wood, fruitwoods like apple, cherry, and maple are popular choices because they add a sweet and subtle smoky flavor to the fish. It’s also important to choose the right type of salmon and follow the proper steps to brine and cook the salmon to perfection.

By following the right steps and using the best smoking wood and pellets, you can create the perfect smoked salmon recipe that’s sure to impress. With a wood pellet grill, you can easily control the temperature and create a consistent heat throughout the cooking process, resulting in the best smoked salmon possible.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>