How to Make Waterproof Matches

Video how to make matches waterproof
How to Make Waterproof Matches

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Are matches your primary way of making a fire? If so, then I highly recommend you learn how to make waterproof matches. While it’s possible to buy waterproof matches, you can save a few bucks by making them yourself. Regular matches become useless when wet. But the waterproof ones will keep working, which can be a lifesaver. In this article, we’re going to show you the top three ways for waterproofing matches (followed by a handy video tutorial).

Method #1: Candle Wax

A great way to turn regular matches into waterproof ones is to use regular ole’ candlewax. Start by melting some candle wax in a pot. Then dip each match head into the liquid wax. Allow the wax to harden before storing the matches. When you’re finally ready to use the match, simply pick off the wax and light it like you normally would. This is by far one of the easiest methods for waterproofing matches. Now let’s look at method number two.

Method #2: Fingernail Polish

Another great way to ensure that your matches withstand water is to coat them with nail polish. Simply paint each match head with nail polish and allow it to dry. What do I like this method? Because there’s no prep work to light them. When you’re ready to use a match, simply strike it without removing the nail polish. This is more convenient than method number one, which forces you to remove the candle wax before using the match.

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Method #3: Turpentine

What the heck is turpentine? It’s a fluid extracted from pine trees that is used in organic synthesis. But that’s not really important. What’s important is that it can be used for waterproofing matches. Start by pouring 2-3 tablespoons of turpentine into a glass jar. Let the match heads sit in the jar for 5-10 minutes. Once you remove the matches, allow them to dry for about 20 minutes. When learning how to waterproof matches, most people aren’t going to have turpentine sitting around their home. For this reason, methods number one and number two might be best.

Strike Anywhere – The Best Matches For Survival

Looking for the best survival matches on the market? Then check out the UCO Strike Anywhere Matches. A single box contains a whopping 250 matches and costs about $6. These matches can be struck on any rough surface, making them much more versatile than regular matches. Personally, I’ve managed to strike them on interior walls and wooden furniture without a problem. This is super-handy to have when in the wild.

Always Have Multiple Ways to Start a Fire

While on the topic of starting fires, always make sure you have multiple ways to start one. For example, if matches are your primary way for starting a fire, then have a lighter and magnesium sticks as your backup. Why is this important? Well, if you lose your lighter or matches, you can use your backup fire-starting method and be just fine.

How to Make Waterproof Matches – Bottom Line

The beauty of learning how to make waterproof matches is that it takes very little time to do. In less than 20 minutes, you can have dozens of waterproof matches stored away. Another good tip is to place all of your fire-starting tools in a Ziploc baggie. That way if it rains, they’ll be protected from the water. These simple tips can go a long way towards saving your life. Be sure to check out our article, Starting a Fire Without Matches – 6 Unique Ways. Thanks for reading!

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>