History Of: Lever Action Rifles

Video when was the lever action rifle invented

It is the gun of the Wild West – especially in Hollywood – in the hands of John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, Chuck Connors; in movies such as SILVERADO, TRUE GRIT and of course, WINCHESTER 73. The Lever Action Rifles ability to spit lead spawned the imaginations of countless childhoods like Ralphie in A CHRISTMAS STORY.

Yet it never really achieved full acceptance as a military arm. The lever action was a firearms evolutionary diversion: a 19th century equivalent of an assault rifle created in an age when armies still “assaulted” in ranks of men armed with single shots and bayonets because anything more, to the minds of the established brass, wasted ammunition. Yes, individual soldiers did grab the lever action of their day for use in personal defense and in attack; and true, there was the odd model adopted at times. By and large, however, the lever action remained the firearm of the common man, a civilian weapon that, for a little while anyway, could outshoot anything in a government’s official arsenal. No wonder it still holds a warm spot in many hearts.

Lever Action Rifles
Antique 1876 lever action cowboy rifle in black and white.

Lever actions were born of 1800’s experimentation. Multi barreled guns and other guns with awkward mechanisms, their design was limited only by the imagination. The earliest production model of what can be called a lever gun was Colt’s ring lever carbine, but it was overly complicated and revolver carbines, for their short life, could just as easily be cocked like revolvers without an extra mechanism.

Perhaps the most obvious progenitor was by Volcanic Arms, founded in 1855 with combined input of Benjamin Henry, Horace Smith, Daniel Wesson and of course Oliver Winchester. It combined a tube magazine with what became the familiar lever to be operated by the shooter’s whole hand. Volcanic also was the birth of the rimfire cartridge. This provided the stepping stone to the next development which was encouraged by, and proven in, the political climate of the time.

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NRA Museum – Smith & Wesson Volcanic Lever Action Pistol

This US Civil War provided R&D for a great many new weapon designs, most of which mercifully expired in their childhood before being inflicted upon the soldiers of either side. Yet, two lever actions that proved promising were the 1860 Henry Rifle and the 1860 Spencer Carbine. The latter was officially issued to Federal cavalry units: it fired a .56-56 caliber contained cartridge from a seven round tube magazine in the stock. Though it still had to be cocked for each round, it dramatically increased the firepower of the US cavalry man. It was portable, reloaded quickly off preloaded sleeves and fired a large caliber bullet. Reliability of the ammunition was sometimes questionable, however, and it had a reduced effective range. Yet there are few reports of any soldiers who, after having been issued one, wanting to go back to a single shot, muzzle loading carbine.

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NRA Museum – U.S. Spencer Lever Action Repeating Carbine

The Henry is a bit more famous as it is the granddaddy of what most think of when they consider a lever action firearm. It was the 1860 Henry, however, that established the reputation of “loading up on Sunday and shooting all week.” Developed by Benjamin Henry, the 1860 had the inline hammer and lever that when operated ejected the old case, cocked the hammer and then loaded the new round in the chamber. Chambered in .44 rimfire, it could not compete with the range or accuracy of the muzzle loading rifles of the day, but for spitting lead at close range, soldiers loved it…. Well Confederates did not love it: they called it that damnable Yankee rifle you could load on Sunday and shoot all week. Yet they were expensive, the ammunition was not yet common and the rifles not as sturdy as the battle rifles of the day.

The term lever action can also apply to falling block actions like the Martini Henry and the Sharps. In the decade after the Civil War, several nations did adopt lever actions such as the Martini (Great Britain) and Winchester did win a government contract or two, such as from Turkey for their 1866 “Yellowboy.” The 1866 was named for its brass alloy frame, it had a simplified and stronger version of the 1860 with the addition of a side loading gate facilitating simpler loading on the run. Still chambered in .44 rimfire, the 1860 and 1866 both established the standard lever action as a popular choice for sportsmen and cowboys alike. Many of these firearms also found their way into the hands of Plains Indians.

The most famous Winchester, however, was the 1873. This was first chambered in the popular .44-40 caliber, a popular caliber in Colt revolvers of the same model year and close competitor of the .45 Long Colt. Providing a rifle or carbine that fed off of the same caliber as one’s side arm simplified matter immensely for those who made a living, or protected their living, with firearms. The Models 1873 and 1876, which was offered in larger sporting calibers of the day, still were unable to handle the higher pressure loads of most militaries – the US Army particularly. Nevertheless, the 1873 and 1866 rifles did see action in the Indian Wars of the late 19th century. Unfortunately for the likes of General Armstrong Custer, they were in the hands of the Sioux.

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NRA Museum – Winchester Model 1873 Lever Action Rifle

The higher pressure issue was solved by none other than John M. Browning in 1883 with a new locking mechanism that was introduced on Winchester’s Model 1886. It not only could fire the .45/70 cartridge of the US Army but even larger rounds used by buffalo hunters. However, economics (lever guns were more expensive than the trapdoors in service) and military doctrine (against any notion other than aimed or volley fire for which single shots were perfectly capable) prevented the lever action from entering widespread use.

For sportsmen, however, they were a favorite. Winchester introduced the .30-30 cartridge in 1895 specifically for its Model 1894 that was capable of firing the small bore, smokeless powder round. The Winchester 1895 introduced the lever action to the box magazine, allowing the new pointed, spitzer, style bullets to be fired without fear of setting off primers of the next round, a concern with tube magazines where bullet tips rested against primers.

The 1895 saw military use, both informally in the hands of officers like Theodore Roosevelt in Cuba during the Spanish American War chambered in the .30 Army (.30-40 Krag) and in a contract to Tsarist Russia during World War I in a strange hybrid of that rifle and the Mosin Nagant, M1895. Theodore’s favorite Winchester, however, appears the 1895 chambered in the .405 Winchester round that he took on safari.

Other makers certainly jumped onto the lever action band wagon. The most obvious being Marlin in 1889 in .22 followed quickly by its own 1894 carbine and Model 336 in several popular deer calibers. Also in the 1880’s was the Whitney-Kennedy lever rifle (Eli Whitney Jr., son of the cotton gin inventor), which was capable of firing the same calibers as Winchester’s 1876, but never reached the same popularity. Some that did include the Savage Model 95 and 99, it used a rotary magazine for safe use of pointed ammunition and a hammerless design which reduced hang time. It was very popular, available in numerous calibers and remained in production to 1998.

See also  7mm-08 Remington for Black Bear Hunting? Best Ammo (Round, Load, Cartridge) for a Successful Black Bear Hunt Hunting Calibers 04 Apr, 2020 Posted By: Foundry Outdoors Is the 7mm-08 Remington a viable caliber/load/round/cartridge for black bear hunting? The accurate answer is “it depends”. However, the goal of this article is simply to address the question of whether the 7mm-08 Remington is within the ideal range of suitable calibers to harvest black bear. As with anything, the devil is in the details. To answer the question completely, we would need to evaluate the downrange distance to the black bear, the bullet type, the grain weight of the bullet, the physical condition of the firearm, the size of the black bear in question, the shot placement, the local wind conditions, the expected accuracy of the shooter, the ethics of the ideal maximum number of shots – the list goes on. [Click Here to Shop 7mm-08 Remington Ammo]What we can do is provide a framework to understand what average conditions might look like, and whether those are reasonably viable for a shot from the average shooter to harvest a black bear in the fewest number of shots possible, i.e., ethically. Let’s dive right in. In the question of “Is the 7mm-08 Remington within the ideal range of suitable calibers for black bear hunting?” our answer is: Yes, the 7mm-08 Remington is A GOOD CHOICE for black bear hunting, under average conditions, from a mid-range distance, with a medium grain expanding bullet, and with correct shot placement.Let’s look at those assumptions a bit closer in the following table. Assumption Value Caliber 7mm-08 Remington Animal Species Black Bear Muzzle Energy 2450 foot-pounds Animal Weight 340 lbs Shot Distance 150 yardsWhat is the average muzzle energy for a 7mm-08 Remington? In this case, we have assumed the average muzzle energy for a 7mm-08 Remington round is approximately 2450 foot-pounds. What is the average weight of an adult male black bear? Here we have leaned conservative by taking the average weight of a male individual of the species, since females generally weigh less and require less stopping power. In this case, the average weight of an adult male black bear is approximately 340 lbs. [Click Here to Shop 7mm-08 Remington Ammo]What is the distance this species is typically hunted from? Distance, of course, plays an important role in the viability of a given caliber in black bear hunting. The kinetic energy of the projectile drops dramatically the further downrange it travels primarily due to energy lost in the form of heat generated by friction against the air itself. This phenonemon is known as drag or air resistance. Thus, a caliber that is effective from 50 yards may not have enough stopping power from 200 yards. With that said, we have assumed the average hunting distance for black bear to be approximately 150 yards. What about the other assumptions? We have three other primary assumptions being made here. First, the average bullet weight is encapsulated in the average muzzle energy for the 7mm-08 Remington. The second important assumption is ‘slightly-suboptimal’ to ‘optimal’ shot placement. That is to say, we assume the black bear being harvested is shot directly or nearly directly in the vitals (heart and/or lungs). The third assumption is that a projectile with appropriate terminal ballistics is being used, which for hunting usually means an expanding bullet.Various calibersA common thread you may encounter in online forums is anecdote after anecdote of large animals being brought down by small caliber bullets, or small animals surviving large caliber bullets. Of course those stories exist, and they are not disputed here. A 22LR cartridge can fell a bull elephant under the right conditions, and a newborn squirrel can survive a 50 BMG round under other specific conditions. Again, the goal of this article is simply to address the question of whether 7mm-08 Remington is within the ideal range of suitable calibers to harvest black bear - and to this question, the response again is yes, the 7mm-08 Remington is A GOOD CHOICE for black bear hunting. [Click Here to Shop 7mm-08 Remington Ammo]This article does not serve as the final say, but simply as a starting point for beginner hunters, as well as a venue for further discussion. Please feel free to agree, disagree, and share stories from your own experience in the comments section below. Disclaimer: the information above is purely for illustrative purposes and should not be taken as permission to use a particular caliber, a statement of the legality or safety of using certain calibers, or legal advice in any way. You must read and understand your own local laws before hunting black bear to know whether your caliber of choice is a legal option.Foundry Outdoors is your trusted home for buying archery, camping, fishing, hunting, shooting sports, and outdoor gear online.We offer cheap ammo and bulk ammo deals on the most popular ammo calibers. We have a variety of deals on Rifle Ammo, Handgun Ammo, Shotgun Ammo & Rimfire Ammo, as well as ammo for target practice, plinking, hunting, or shooting competitions. Our website lists special deals on 9mm Ammo, 10mm Ammo, 45-70 Ammo, 6.5 Creedmoor ammo, 300 Blackout Ammo, 10mm Ammo, 5.56 Ammo, Underwood Ammo, Buffalo Bore Ammo and more special deals on bulk ammo.We offer a 100% Authenticity Guarantee on all products sold on our website. Please email us if you have questions about any of our product listings. Leave a commentComments have to be approved before showing up Your Name * Your Email * Your Comment * Post Comment
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NRA Museum – Savage Model 99 Lever Action Rifle

Browning’s Lever Action Rifle (BLR) feeds off of a detachable box magazine to allow the use of pointed modern ammunition while the BLR had a geared action making it safe to use with magnum pressures. That rifle is still in limited production. So too are Henry Arms that are well made and liked and included new production 1860 namesake model and for a time the “mare’s leg” pistol.

For the classics: Marlin still produces the M1894 and 336 rifles, albeit in limited runs. Winchester (through Browning) offers limited runs of the 1895 as well as the 1894, and these are usually offered at premium prices. Used Model 94 rifles, however, are so plentiful in some places of the US (either by Winchester or made under license by J.C. Higgins and/or Sears) to the point of being referred to in the Northeast as the “Pennsyltucky AK.” Though a premium is often demanded for models made before 1964 when Winchester stopped milling many of its own components.

As to wild west examples: so many were made that there are still a few poking around today, and those of course command a high price. For new productions there are the Rossi from Brazil or the Italian gun makers like Pietta and Uberti. These latter modern, firing replicas have a beauty of their own, and can fetch hefty price tags, but they are not the originals. They also won’t devalue with use of modern ammo and therefor offer many of us our only chance to re-enact the Duke in RIO BRAVO and EL DORADO. Because of this, while modern weapons may have more power and capacity, the classics tenaciously refuse to go out of style.

History Of: Lever Action Rifles

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>